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Version 1.0.5
Removed a stray piece of floor from the void
Version 1.0.4
Fixed broken kitchen tilesheets and a hole in the first house upgrade
Version 1.0.3
Changed the tilesheet I was using for the single bed in the starter house so that it is compatible with recolours
Version 1.0.2
Added a door to the cellar to circumvent FHR's broken cellar warp
Version 1.0.1
I realized I had zipped just the mod files rather than the folder containing them, so unzipping the contents into your folder would dump them right there. I apologize for the inconvenience. Also noticed I accidentally took out some wall information for the final upgrade in my released version. I have added those back in
Version 1.0.0
Initial release
Note: This mod has always been plagued by bugs, and all of it from Farmhouse Redone so I can't do anything about it. Because of the instability of the framework, and my own lack of time, I will no longer be actively supporting this mod. As it's just a content pack, it should work as long as FHR works
I made this mostly for personal use. I wanted a larger farmhouse but not too big, with the rooms placed in a way that works with how I like to keep my storage and decoration areas.
A working kitchen from the beginning of the game
A working bathtub with stamina regen after your 2nd house upgrade
No spouse rooms after getting married. Have full control over your aesthetics
Note: I'm not married and don't plan to ever get married in my save files, so I've only done minimal testing with spouses and I have no idea how children work. Shouldn't break anything functionally, but there will likely be odd visual glitches
Download and unzip the contents of this mod into your mods folder
1.0.3 Changed the tilesheet I was using for the single bed in the starter house so that it is compatible with recolours
1.0.2 Added a door to the cellar to circumvent FHR's broken cellar warp
1.0.1: I realized I had zipped just the mod files rather than the folder containing them, so unzipping the contents into your folder would dump them right there. I apologize for the inconvenience. Also noticed I accidentally took out some wall information for the final upgrade in my released version. I have added those back in
1.0.0: initial release
Known issues:
Farmhouse Redone is incompatible with the mods "More than Necessary" on MTN maps, and "Custom Walls and Floors." There's nothing I can do about this
There's some walls that won't accept wall decoration but can be decorated with wallpaper. I'm afraid I can't figure out why
The tilesheet for the bathroom was made by Prismuth! Shoutout to everyone on the Stardew Valley Discord Modding channel for being super helpful