Stardew Valley
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  1. BruceyV1
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    LOOOOOOOOL 'Why you keep on lying? Why you always lying?' One of my favourite memes and so apt. This mod is genius and necessary. Been looking for some small tweaks to avoid hating this guy in my LPs, so thank you! You rock!

    Suggestions: Would love more tweaks to change his general comments that relate most things back to sales. Like 'Oh the weather is crap... Bad for sales.' 'Oh the weather's good, everyone will go to the beach... bad for sales.' Even some slight changes that make him seem worried about sales because of how his poor performance will affect Abby and Caroline. Like saving for Abby's future and how he wants her to have every opportunity he didn't have. Maybe daydream about his abandoned singing career (Caroline talks about it) instead, reflecting on how it's exciting to see Abby in a band with Sam and Seb. Just human stuff. And, of course, it would be nice to hear him appreciate how our farm and produce has improved his profits and how he might just be able to hold his own against Joja, how he's relieved he doesn't have be solely responsible for stocking his own shelves etc. Obviously the Grange Display comments at the Fair are a good target - like how these are all his own produce etc. Maybe late-game comments about getting to spend more time with Caroline and Abby, feeling young again.

    ANYTHING to redeem his awful back story and character arc. Clearly none of us like resenting the NPC we see almost every day. So thank you, again, and well done.
    1. ShotFromGuns
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      Thanks for the compliment! This is as far as I'm interested in taking the scope of this mod, but you're welcome to make your own so you can have whatever changes you want.

      Here's the Content Patcher modding guide:
      Here's a guide to modding dialogue specifically:
      Here's the tool I use to unpack XNB files (the produce comments are in Stardew Valley\Content\Data\ExtraDialogue):

      Modding using Content Patcher is actually extremely easy. The only "hard" part is how time-consuming it can be to comb through all the dialogue for relevant lines.
  2. technopoptart98
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    so now when you sell garbage produce the villagers know it is your fault their dinners were ruined?
    1. ShotFromGuns
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      The handful of villager comments that mention Pierre taking credit for your work are all positive ones, so it only reflects well on you!

      (I actually split this off from a larger pack of personal fixes that included edits to all the complaints about "bad" stuff to be more neutral, because I was sick of people being shitty about stuff that was perfectly good, just not silver/gold starred.)
    2. technopoptart98
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      that's not true at all. if you sell a basic item a villager might buy it and express that they do not know where pierre got such a disgusting thing or will mention that they bought it from him and it made their house smell bad. he takes credit for both your good produce and your bad produce

      it seems like a shifty thing to do if you are only taking credit for your good stuff while letting him take credit for the bad. maybe consider adding those neutral comments back in? right now it just seems like the player is taking advantage of pierre which isn't any better
    3. ShotFromGuns
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      Exactly: They *wonder* where Pierre got it, meaning that he *didn't* specify a source.

      There are other positive, neutral, *and* negative comments (including negative ones that *do* specify you as the source) that aren't affected by this mod, because this mod is *just* to get rid of Pierre's *lies*. Feel free to make your own version that includes all the comments you want to change, though!

      Here's the Content Patcher modding guide:
      Here's a guide to modding dialogue specifically:
      Here's the tool I use to unpack XNB files (the produce comments are in Stardew Valley\Content\Data\ExtraDialogue):

      Per my permissions, please make sure to credit me in any mod that reuses my dialogue changes and check with me before opting in to donation points or other compensation.
    4. Mariefi
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Would you consider releasing the fixes you mentioned? My produce is fine, just because it's not gold star doesn't mean it's disgusting and inedible :( The villager comments and Pierre lying are why I sell only through the shipping bin. I already meet enough jerks in real life, let me at least escape the karens in my peaceful farming game.
    5. ShotFromGuns
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      That's a different purview from this mod, so it's not on my agenda at this point. Maybe I'll do it someday if I pick the game up again, but for now, I'm not planning on it. You could take a stab at modding it yourself, based on the guides I linked above—Content Patcher really massively simplifies the process. (You can look at the files for this mod to see just how simple it is, in terms of what you actually have to write. Most of the work is just digging through the game files to find the relevant lines of dialogue.)
  3. ShadeTheSilent
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Quite an interesting addition. I've always wondered why Pierre was such a lying prick when it was about taking credit from others when he seemed so nice in nearly every single other occasion. Always seemed like it didn't fit the character to me, especially when we're 'supposed' to be rooting for him over the 'evil' JoJa.

    Thanks for your creation.
  4. Lephantom
    • supporter
    • 18 kudos
    Finally! I have been looking for this, but it looks like I'm kinda blind!
    There aren't many Pierre related mods, which I find sad, he is an important part of the story, with the context of it I don't like how he is portrayed, I think ConcernedApe genuinely didn't notice how he was writing Pierre (again, giving by the context) it would be lovely to have more interactions with him, since he is the one that buys our products!
    1. ShotFromGuns
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      I'm glad this will make the game more fun for you!
  5. Chiarel
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I tried getting this to download, but I got this: Error 1016 Ray ID: 6231572b21c82abc • 2021-02-17 17:48:39 UTCOrigin DNS error
    1. ShotFromGuns
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      That's a problem with your internet connection to Nexus Mods; it's not related to this mod specifically.
  6. revalleria
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    It took me almost a year to find this mod..

    Thanks man, i almost buy joja membership to ruin his business XD
    1. ShotFromGuns
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      You'd think the guy would be a little more grateful when you're literally the only reason he's still in business!
  7. trancestimuli
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The pics for this made me laugh so hard I went into a coughing fit :'D Thank you for this!
    1. ShotFromGuns
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      I spent an embarrassing amount of time trying to get the perfect screen cap from the video, so I'm glad you appreciated it!
  8. msdigestive
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    sahkasdksdajhsdajhdas thank u
    1. ShotFromGuns
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
  9. MidnightVoyager
    • premium
    • 194 kudos
    Thank god. I always hated that I couldn't correct them or tell him off. Having him just not lie to begin with works for me!
    1. ShotFromGuns
      • supporter
      • 7 kudos
      Glad you're finding it useful!