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Created by

Kevin Connors

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About this mod

Overhauls fishing with 4 major changes:
1. Allows throwing back fish into the water
2. 10 fish per day catch limit
3. Fish are now custom items with a length property (this affects how much they sell for)
4. Persistent fish population - what you catch affects the population!

Permissions and credits
Warning: this mod replaces fish items with custom fish items.  All of your base fish items will be destroyed if you move them around in the inventory while this mod is installed, so get rid of your fish before installing!

Overhauls fishing with 4 major changes:

Allows throwing back fish into the water

10 fish per day catch limit

Fish are now custom items with a length property (this affects how much they sell for).  They can still be used in crafting, and can even be stacked with different lengths.

Adds Iridium quality fish

Persistent fish population - what you catch affects the population!
  • Fish breed every day
  • Catch small fish and release big fish to grow your population over time
  • Catch big fish and release small fish to maximize profits

Multiplayer support has just been added.  Check version 1.1.0.
Multiplayer only works if all players have the mod installed.  Currently, each player has a separate and distinct fish population, though this may be changed in the future.