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Kevin Connors

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  1. DarkxArtemis
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Is there an unofficial update somewhere online for this mod? I'd love to have this implemented into my list, but it's no longer compatible.  
    1. I don't plan to update it, sorry.  But I updated the permissions to allow anyone to copy the code, linked the open source repo, and I encourage anyone who wishes to to release an update compatible with the newest Stardew version.
  2. TrentXV
    • premium
    • 221 kudos
    Why it says realistic fish and limits the amount of fish you can catch? Have you ever gone fishing? Once I went and in 4 hours 7 fish, if I stayed longer probably would catch more. So, really, limiting is not realistic at all.
    1. OolongBoolong
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      The limit is realistic as, yes, technically you can fish more but this mod keeps in mind sustainability when fishing. Even though you could, in reality, fish all the fish in the world but that won't work out in the long run. This mod helps teach sustainability so kudos to the creators, especially as I am one of the people fighting for my future in this world I do think that this is a good idea for a mod. While I get that it probs doesn't work well with Stardew valley and it's style of gameplay it's still realistic if you think about it. More people need to learn about sustainability and climate change, this mod helps with that :)
    2. TrentXV
      • premium
      • 221 kudos
      This is a game not a environmental documentary...the mod could reduce fish population by the amount you catch, like Doraemon Story of Seasons, but limiting the amount of fish you can actually catch is not realistc...also remember we're fishing with a rod, not with a net - or have your ever been able to catch hundreds of fish using a rod?
    3. devoncode
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      You can consider the limit as what the fishing license limits you to catch legally
  3. KnirpsLyn
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    This mod makes me sad...realistic as in a horrible example of the fish catch shares fishermen have to deal with irl...
    1. Catch shares are there for a reason! This mod teaches about the consequences of fishing too many large fish - it can lead to a fishery collapse.

      Anyways, glad you got something out of the mod - we need to fix our oceans.
    2. OolongBoolong
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      This mod is realistic, yes you could fish more than 10 fish in reality, but it teaches you not to fish too much and about sustainable fishing
  4. nhatanh0475
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    This mod is for who want to join joja mart.
  5. Robin261293
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Do you have any plant to update this mod? Love the idea of fish population and throwing back fish. I really like to see you add the crab pot fish to the mod as well and the population of fish should depends on their rarity. The catch limit is nice but i think you should let the player have the freedom to chose to do it or not.
    English is not my mother tongue, sorry if it sound weird.
  6. tak388
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Yeah, I really like the idea of throwing fish back, but the catch limit is a deal breaker for me. Plus PyTK is a bug-ridden abomination of a mod.
    1. I don't know much about PyTK being bug-ridden - I am only using two of its classes, for a very specific purpose and haven't noticed any issues.

      Would you use the mod if I added some configurable settings, such as being able to change the catch limit from 10 to any number?
    2. tak388
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Making the configurables toggleable is a good idea, because this mod implements an array of modifications, some that may be appealing, some that may not.

      As for PyTK, well, I can only speak from experience, and in my experience PyTK does not work well with other mods. I use quite a lot of mods when I'm playing SV, and PyTK either crashes the game or causes otherwise gamebreaking glitches when used in conjunction with most of them. And, not to offend, but I'm not about to get rid of Night Owl, Kisekae, UI Info Suite, Seasonal Outfits, and a litany of other great mods just so I can slightly expand the fishing system. Not that it's your fault--you didn't make PyTK--but whoever did make it has some explaining to do.
    3. When I decided to use a dependency, this was one of the things that I was concerned about. However, multiplayer custom item synchronization proved to be a too complex for me to implement quickly, and I used PyTK for that purpose.

      On another note, I have talked to the person who made PyTK and they might be interested in fixing some of those problems. Are those specific mods you mentioned (Night Owl, Kisekae, etc.) definitely breaking while PyTK is handling some other business? I know as a developer, it's easiest to fix a problem when you know it exists and how to replicate it :)

    4. RedClairefield
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      I'm using PyTK with Kisekae and UI Info Suite without any issues whatsoever, are you sure you're doing it right?
  7. htp11235
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    update,please .This mod is great, don't give it up,
    1. Thanks, what would you like to see in updates? I have been thinking about balance changes, but I haven't been able to decide on anything yet.
  8. technopoptart98
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    looking forward to the multiplayer patch ^^
    1. It's up if you didn't see!
  9. ADDbooknerd
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is this mod comparable with teh’s fishing overhaul? Also when you say no multiplayer support, does that mean that it doen’t work at all if you’re running 1.3 or it just can’t be used by farmhands?
    1. It now works on multiplayer. This mod is not similar to Teh's fishing overhaul, which aims to change the fishing *minigame*, while this mod adds content that has to do with fish, and also adds a custom fish item that has a length property. You might be able to use both mods together.
  10. User_54207112
    • account closed
    • 3 kudos
    Can this mod's components be made toggeable? (unless they are already?) I'd love to be able to throw fish back into the water like you can in Animal Crossing more than anything else. Good stuff :)
    1. Hey, just seeing this now. Could you clarify? What do you mean by toggleable?