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About this mod

Enhances the Pet experience, making pets able to learn tricks as well as improving their AI(Cats and Dogs only).

New additions:
- Pets can enter Pet Houses now!
- New Mechanics for pets.
- Makes simple the process of putting and taking off hats on pets.
- You can gift treats to pets.

Permissions and credits
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What's new?
- Three new Items sold at Marnie's Shop:
A Pet Manual(Non-consumable)      [ Price: 12000g ]
- Dog Treats(Consumable)                  [ Price: 35g ]
- Cat Treats(Consumable)                   [ Price: 35g ]

Pet Flute added!
Once you reach 5 hearts with a pet, Marnie will send you an item through the mail.
This item is called a Pet Flute, this tool allows you to call your pet from anywhere, as long as you have at least one fully trained pet.

- New Trick Learning Mechanic for Pets(Cats and Dogs):
Click on your pet with a "Pet Manual" in your hand to unlock your pet's hidden potential.
Use your "Pet Manual" again on your pet to teach it new tricks.
An UI will appear in front of you. Choose one of the multiple options available (each of them will cost a certain amount of "Treats").
After choosing one of the options, your pet will make a certain amount of progress at the lesson chosen.
Once a lesson has reached 100%, your pet will be able to perform the trick you've taught it.

- Mechanic: Follow
Your pet will follow you anywhere (except at events, cuz they're player-exclusive).
(You can have up to 3 pets following you at the same time)

- Mechanic: Hunt
Your pet will follow you and attack any monster they deem "Huntable".
Pet damage scales along with the player Combat skill and is affected by profession benefits.
Cat Perks:
- Damage [ 4 - 14 ]
- Knockback Modifier [ 1.2x ]
- Crit Chance [ 25% ]
- Can break Rock Crabs armor at five hits.
- Can interrupt Grubs Metamorphosis with attack.
- 1.8x Damage against:  Grub, Fly and Bat.
- 2x Damage against: Serpent.
Dog Perks:
- Damage [ 4 - 10]
- Knockback Modifier [ 2x]
- Crit Chance [ 10% ]
- 1.8x Damage against: Shadow Guy, Dino Monster and Shadow Shaman.
- 2x Damage against: Skeleton.

- (Dog Only)Mechanic: Search
Your pet will follow you and search in any nearby bushes for forage.
Loot Table:
- Fiddlehead Fern [ 10% ]
- Daffodil  [ 15% ]
- Dandelion [ 15% ]
- Salmonberry [ 15% ]
- Tea leaves [ 5% ]
- Kale [ 5% ]
- Green Bean [ 5% ]
- Fiber [ 25% ]
- Mystery Box [ 2% ]
- Duck Feather [ 3% ]
- Rhubarb Pie [ 1% ]

- Fiddlehead Fern [ 10% ]
- Grape [ 15% ]
- Spice Berry [ 15% ]
- Sweet Pea [ 15% ]
- Tea leaves [ 5% ]
- Hops [ 5% ]
- Hot Pepper [ 5% ]
- Fiber [ 25% ]
- Mystery Box [ 2% ]
- Duck Egg [ 3% ]
- Fiddlehead Fern [ 10% ]
- Blackberry [ 15% ]
- Wild Plum [ 15% ]
- Common Mushroom [ 15% ]
- Tea leaves [ 5% ]
- Artichoke [ 5% ]
- Amaranth [ 5% ]
- Fiber [ 25% ]
- Mystery Box [ 2% ]
- Duck Feather [ 3% ]
- Snow Yam [ 10% ]
- Cranberry [ 15% ]
- Crystal Fruit [ 15% ]
- Winter Root [ 15% ]
- Pine Cone [ 10% ]
- Fiber [ 25% ]
- Mystery Box [ 5% ]

- Mechanic: Wait
Your pet will sit down and wait for you on the spot until you tell it to stop.

- Now you can gift "treats" to your pets to increase their friendship more quickly.
  Possible treats:


- Cat Treats [ 20p ]
- Salmon [ 20p ]
- Shrimp [ 12p ]
- Green Bean [ 12p ]
- Tuna [ 20p ]
- Sardine [ 12p ]
- Anchovy [ 6p ]
- Tilapia [ 12p ]
- Goby [ 12p ]
- Halibut [ 12p ]
- Dorado [ 12p ]
- Bullhead [ 12p ]
- Tiger Trout [ 12p ]
- Herring [ 12p ]
- Rainbow Trout [ 12p ]
- Bream [ 12p ]
- Smallmouth Bass [ 12p ]
- Perch [ 12p ]
- Red Mullet [ 12p ]
- Red Snapper [ 20p ]
- Sunfish [ 12p ]
- Walleye [ 20p ]
- Sturgeon [ 20p ]
- Woodskip [ 20p ]
- Ice Pip [ 20p ]
- Flounder [ 12p ]
- Pike [ 12p ]
- Dog Treats [ 20p ]
- Apple [ 12p ]
- Carrot [ 20p ]
- Green Bean [ 12p ]
- Blueberry [ 20p ]
- Prehistoric Tibia [ 30p ]
- Salmon [ 20p ]

- Pets can now enter inside Pet Houses.

Pets have a 5% chance to enter Pet Houses (10% in winter or when raining) if the Pet House is near its pet bowl and its entrance it's not obstructed.

Once a pet enters a Pet House (Cat Tree for cats, Doghouse for dogs) you can no longer move that furniture, unless you make the pet leave by right clicking the furniture.

If the furniture is blocked while a pet remains inside, the pet won't be able to leave until you clear the entrance or until next morning.

Once a pet is inside its Pet House, some animations will be displayed to show that a pet is inside the furniture.

Pets have a higher chance to stay inside their Pet House if it is raining or it's winter. Pets will sleep inside the Pet House if it gets late while they're
still inside.


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*If you like this mod please remember to endorse it! It means more people will see it, which makes us authors happy!  ⸂⸂⸜(രᴗര๑)⸝⸃⸃


Installation Instructions
- Install SMAPI 4.0.7(or higher).
- Install the latest version of Content Patcher along with its requisites.
- Extract this mod into your mod folder. Usually at ..\Steam\steamapps\common\Stardew Valley\Mods.

Remember that this mod is a WIP (work in progress) and any kind of help to improve this mod is kindly welcomed!

Be aware that this mod (in its current state) is not compatible with the following:
- Multiplayer or Local Split-Screen Multiplayer (is messy and confusing).
- Android (hasn't been tested).
*Note that only vanilla Pets can benefit from this mod mechanics, any other modded variant will require a manual implementation through content packs.
See the Pet's Enhanced Content Pack Guide for more info .

If you encounter any bug that you could categorize as "Important," exit to the Title Screen and load again your save, it should fix it. Otherwise:
Check your list of mods for any mod that could cause conflict with this one.
- Check your mods for any update available(Including this one).
- Load your Backup Save File.
(Last Resort)Disable this mod, save your game, and Enable it again.
Try not to report compatibility-related bugs when installing other mods that modify directly pet behavior or AI.

・English - SunkenLace
・Spanish - SunkenLace
Chinese - JunXiaoLei
French ElfeDeLune

See also
Stardew Valley Discord
My other Mods 
Pets Enhanced Mod Content Pack Guide