About this mod
Eat food automatically upon running out of stamina or health.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
This is just a mod I made for myself for quality of life, but I thought I would share it with anyone who may be interested.
What it does:Voila, you are not overexerted! Unless you didn't have any food, in which case, you are.
- Waits for you to completely run out of Stamina
- Checks your inventory for anything that gives Energy
- Picks the one that would give the least profit, were you to sell it
- Makes your character automatically consume it
- add GMCM support, configurable threshold
- add auto eat for health
- keep character facing direction after eat, worked well with AutoFish mod.
- add dynamic stamina threshold option
> Use dynamic stamina threshold depending on current tool. Pickaxe, Axe, WateringCan or Hoe is 2, Fishing Pole is 8, others are 0;
- add prefer higher inventory option
> Among equally cheap (salePrice / Energy) foods, prefer foods with higher inventory.
- add default config
- add auto drink coffee option
> Drink coffee or Triple Shot Espresso when the buff is gone.
- Auto eat custom foods when the buff is gone, food names are separated by commas, such as "Spicy Eel,Joja Cola".
> food name ref wiki and item ids
- add translation
Source (GitHub)