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Version 1.0.0
Increase most food price. Make cooking profitable.
This mod increase the food price so cooking is profitable. All recipe will not deficit even with iridium quality material. Most food price are iridium quality material x 120%. not include skill bouns. Tip: Food that existed before adding MOD still use old price, newly cooked food will use new price. "The Stardrop Saloon" sell food with double price. Like "Salad" now need 720g What happened:
Now use iridium quality material price as cost. Cheese and Mayonnaise using gold quality.
example: "Cheese Cauli." ( "Cauliflower"(350g) + "Cheese"(345g) ) x 120% = 834, rounding to 830.
These things use vanilla price: "wheat flour"(50g), "suger"(50g), "oil"(100g), "vinegar"(100g), "Rice"(100g)
example: "Maki Rool": ( Any Fish(200g) + "Seaweed"(20g) + "Rice"(100g) ) x 120% = 384, rounding to 985.
If recipe has food inside, it will not count again
example: "Complete Breakfast": "Milk"(380g) x 120% + "Fried Egg" + "Hashbrowns" + "Pancakes" = 1284, rounding to 1280.
"Algae Soup" and "Pale Broth" are not change, because is more expensive with vanilla price
"Triple Shot Espresso" is not change.
I didn't include the skill bonus. If you chose Rancher then use Crops to cook will earn more. Choose tiller will let Animal products earn more. If you choose Angler, smoke fish will be better. So there is a funy balance inside.
Suggest to play with: Market Town Create your own Floral Shop, Restaurant, Fish Market, and more. Actually I make this mod because I want to set up a restaurant and make a fortune.