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Added full French translation - Thank you Schneitizel!
Added German translation - Thank you Najana!
Added config options to the i18n file. These won't show up in the config menu, but are available for translation so that people can manually check their language file to better understand the config options.
Version 1.2.0
Added options for bi-weekly and monthly deliveries.
Added a few missing books to the All options. (All really means all now!)
Added a partial French translation (all weekly options) - Thank you Schneitizel!
Version 1.1.0
Fixed potential compatibility issues
Added in the default requirement to donate 15 items to the museum before the book subscription starts. (This can be turned off in the configuration.)
Added Russian translation by AirwavesSX (Thank you!)
Book Subscription You've been subscribed to Zuzu City Press's book delivery. Check your mail for new books! How often do books arrive? The default option is weekly deliveries, with books arriving on Fridays. You can also choose bi-weekly deliveries (coming on the 2nd and 4th Fridays of the month) or monthly deliveries (coming on the last day of the month).
When do you start getting books? Gunther appreciates your work in helping the museum and library, so he gifts you a subscription after you donate 15 items to the museum. However, you can choose to start getting books immediately on the first week if you'd prefer.
Which books will you receive? By default, you will receive a random book that gives XP (including the Book of Stars). However, you can choose to get all types of books, including the books that give you special skills.
Compatibility This should be compatible with any other mods. (If someone makes a mod with custom books, they will not be included in the deliveries by default.)
Languages English Russian - Thank you, AirwavesSX! French - Thank you, Schneitizel and Caranud! German - Thank you, Najana! Spanish - Thank you, iamsaulc! Portuguese (Brazilian) - Thank you, NARCOAZAZAL! Korean - Thank you, MintTeax21! Chinese - Thank you, lcy1998666! You can find additional languages in the Translations section above. I am using i18n files, so if you'd like me to add another language to the mod, please feel free to send me the i18n file and I'll be happy to add it and credit you.
Generic Mod Config Menu is recommended in order to change the book frequency, start date, or type. To change these settings, you can use the cog button in the lower left corner of the title screen, or at the bottom of the in-game options menu.