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About this mod

Enhance your gaming experience with Clear Glasses. This versatile mod offers both performance boosts and visual upgrades. Enjoy faster loading times making it an essential addition for heavily modded gameplay. Optional visual enhancements using smooth pixel scaling algorithms and filters will elevate your game’s appearance.

Permissions and credits
Tired of low dimension pixel graphics? This mod scales up the sprites while loading to deliver you a performant and HD experience. This mod builds upon the open source SpriteMaster project, but more! In addition to supporting Stardew 1.6, the mod comes with colour filters. This means you can efficiently change the look of your game beyond just the lines - but also colour!

In addition to the visual aspect of the mod, there are also quite a bit of optimizations leading to faster game loading times.

Translations are included in the mod natively. Feel free to contribute better translations as they are currently auto-generated.

Video overview

You can easily change your settings when Generic Mod Config Menu is also installed. Otherwise, you can access the advanced settings in the config.toml file that is generated after the game is run once with the mod installed.

Five scalers are supported
  • xBRZ (default)
  • EPX w/ ScaleX
  • EPX (Legacy)
  • xBREPX
  • None (Vanilla textures with filters)

  • Saturation
  • Brightness
  • Temperature (blue or red)
Only saturation is enabled by default with a value of -20.

Under MPL-2.0 of which this mod is released under. You are allowed to use this source code and distribute it however you want. Source