Enhance your gaming experience with Clear Glasses. This versatile mod offers both performance boosts and visual upgrades. Enjoy faster loading times making it an essential addition for heavily modded gameplay. Optional visual enhancements using smooth pixel scaling algorithms and filters will elevate your game’s appearance.
ameisen for creating the foundation of SpriteMaster of which this mod is based on. w3c for fast implementation of saturation filter https://www.w3.org/TR/filter-effects-1 zenju for original zBRZ algorithm https://sourceforge.net/projects/xbrz
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Version 0.4.2
Hotfix for MacOS and Linux
Version 0.4.1
Hotfix for mod compatibility issues
Version 0.4.0
Fix for SV 1.6.9/1.6.10 - requires SMAPI 4.1.0 or higher
Fixes mod conflicts involving differing dependency versions
Disables throttled synchronous loads by default for improved performance
Version 0.3.1
Fixed corrupted textures visible when mod is disabled by turning off some OpenGL optimizations (updates config)
Fixed some tilesheets not getting resampled. Such as Lumisteria's tilesheets (updates config)
Version 0.3.0
Added a new scaler option that only applies colour filters - no resampling
Sprite smoothing (linear filtering) has been renamed and moved to the main menu
Smoothing is now disabled by default as it adds a blur effect
Version 0.2.5
Fixed cache performance issue with 0.2.4. It should be close in performance to 0.2.3, but it has more errors/messed up textures than 0.2.5
Fixed config menu file size display unit being one lower than it should be (MiB where it should be GiB)
Turned mod texture precaching on by default for new installations
Version 0.2.4
Fix RawCachedData error. This fix addresses the issue closer to the root. It may cause some stuttering when this issue used to occur.
Version 0.2.3
Fix for SMAPI 4.0.8
Version 0.2.2
Fixed performance issue found in version 0.2.1
Version 0.2.1
Filters now apply to almost all textures
Improved colour temperature adjustment which reduces excess blue seen in dark spots
Changing filters in the config menu now reflects in the preview
Added a setting to disable filters entirely
Removed debug warning when saving config
Added a warning for detected texture size mismatch
Version 0.2.0
Added translations to config menu
Made the advanced settings easier to notice
Removed some unused configs
Renamed some config items for easier understandability
Version 0.1.6
Fixed rain (thanks botucip)
Version 0.1.5
Fixed the texture mismatch issue encountered with Cornucopia and some other CPs. This may result in lower performance.
Fixed the "Default" config button in GMCM
Old config files are incompatible and will be reset
Version 0.1.4
Mitigates the CachedRawData error by allowing operation to continue. This may not fix the underlying issue and textures may still get mismatched. The error level has been lowered so they will no longer appear in the console.
Version 0.1.3
Added brightness and colour temperature adjustment settings
Version 0.1.2
Downgraded dependency of FastExpressionCompiler.LightExpression to increase mod compatibility
Added more logging for CheckIsDataChanged error
Version 0.1.1
Fixed config file not loading
Version 0.1.0
Initial release
Tired of low dimension pixel graphics? This mod scales up the sprites while loading to deliver you a performant and HD experience. This mod builds upon the open source SpriteMaster project, but more! In addition to supporting Stardew 1.6, the mod comes with colour filters. This means you can efficiently change the look of your game beyond just the lines - but also colour!
In addition to the visual aspect of the mod, there are also quite a bit of optimizations leading to faster game loading times.
Translations are included in the mod natively. Feel free to contribute better translations as they are currently auto-generated.
You can easily change your settings when Generic Mod Config Menu is also installed. Otherwise, you can access the advanced settings in the config.toml file that is generated after the game is run once with the mod installed.
Five scalers are supported
xBRZ (default)
EPX w/ ScaleX
EPX (Legacy)
None (Vanilla textures with filters)
Temperature (blue or red)
Only saturation is enabled by default with a value of -20.
License Under MPL-2.0 of which this mod is released under. You are allowed to use this source code and distribute it however you want. Source