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File credits
FlashShifter - For the SVE mist patch file SVE link here -> https://www.nexusmods.com/stardewvalley/mods/3753
FellowClown - For the HouseBoat Tilesheet Link for FellowClown's mod page here -> https://next.nexusmods.com/profile/fellowclown/mods?gameId=1303
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tried to fix bug where with SVE, Adventurer's Guild Expanded, and Adventurer Abigail mods installed, entrance to the forest shop would not work properly.
Version 1.1.6
Updated the format.
Version 1.1.5
changed map layout, added new tilesheet, (thanks Fellowclown!) removed config, (no longer needed) removed GMCM dependency, changed dweller disposition, and tweaked the i18n a little bit.
Version 1.1.4
Made the shop vendor's location changeable with a config option. GMCM is now required.
Version 1.1.3
Fixed the Mt Vapis compatible version, added Silver wolfskin boots, and changed file format to a .zip instead of a .rar
Version 1.1.2
Moved the shop location to inside the boat(in the graveyard) when Passerby Cemetery is installed, Because Fellowclown thought it would be cool :)
Version 1.1.0
Added "Unicorn's dream"(a new sword), Added a "skin" for the Obsidian Edge, as requested, (it functions as its' own sword, but you can only buy it after obtaining the og Obsidian Edge.) Moved dependency from Clowncore to Passerby Cemetary, and added compatibility for that. also changed from "Custom Locations" to "Location Data".
Version 1.0.8
Added a sign to the clowncore compatible area, to make it easier to locate the path. also made it so you can sell the following categories: forage, fruit, rings, and weapons.
Version 1.0.7
Added compatiblity for ClownCore by fellowclown!
Version 1.0.6
Fixes a bug where the portraits of the shop vendor and the vendor's dialogue could not be seen.
Version 1.0.3
added new item 'punk boots'
Version 1.0.2
Added compatibilty for SVE, and bugfixes. (xNytax did this.)
Version 1.0.1
Add nexus keys + changed manifest version.
Version 1.0.0
The first version.
Just a custom location + shop tile framework mod. Also uses content patcher json assets to add in more items. I might make more in the future. Adds a shop behind the Adventurer's guild.
Requirements: Json assets, Shop tile framework, Content Patcher, And SMAPI.
This mod is only on nexus, by user RitzyGen. Please do not upload to any other sites. Big thanks to xNytax for helping me with this mod!
Also thanks to boyfoy for making a recolor for this mod! And thanks to KiingEggy, for also making a recolor for this mod! when downloading the mod, please download EITHER the main file, or a recolor file. the recolor files work on their own, and downloading multiple at once may break the mod.
Install instructions: move the downloaded .zip into your Stardew Valley/mods folder, and unzip the file.
If this mod is added to an in-progress SVE playthrough, the player will need the Destroyable Bushes mod to clear the path to it, since SVE plops a bush right in front of it. Here is the link for Destroyable Bushes -> Link
Current languages: english I am open to suggestions, and ideas for new items if you have any :) compatible with SVE. May not work on mobile :( Compatible with Passerby Cemetary by Fellowclown
(I have plans to maybe add a minecart to the insideforest area, to make it more accessible; if anyone wants that.)