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About this mod

This mod adds a new NPC into the game: Chase. This bachelor currently has 6 heart events to explore, a full schedule and a massive amount of dialogue, which will still be expanded upon!

Permissions and credits
Patch 1.2.0

-         Patched his festival locations so he can enjoy events together with his brother - if you want his brother there, you need to download his mod. Coming online within a few hours!
-         His haircolor in his sprite better matches his portrait + brothers hair
-         Daniel now shows up in some of his events - you will need to download his mod! 
-         Ramp in the town looks better 
-         Fixed some mistakes in his marriage dialogue marriage dialogue 

  So what about the future? 

Things I still want to fix: 
- 12 heart event
- 14 heart event
- He doesn't appear inn the flower dance
- Spouseroom isn't currently working 

Patched in 1.1.0 

*  RSV will now be compatible (festival information has been crosschecked to make sure NPC dont interfere with each other)
*  SVE will no longer be necessary 
*  Clipping inside the house will be fixed
*  Small fixes in dialogue 
*  Small fixes in schedule
* Compatability for Marry Morris
* Compatability for The Boarding 
* The town now features a ramp to make the community center accessible 
* A small sneak peak at the upcoming mod that add Chase's brother Daniel 

Hi there! Thank you so much for checking out this mod. 
This Mod adds a whole new NPC to your game named Chase. He lives near the Busstop and his house is a whole new map. His brother can be downloaded in the other mod on my profile. 

Chase is a bachelor ready for marriage with a full schedule, fully written dialogue and not 5, but 6 full heart events before marriage! (2,4,6,8,9,10 - see details in the spoiler tab). Although his Spouse Room needs a little more work, you are able to marry him and he does have a full marriage schedule and marriage dialogue. The rest will be added very soon!
Is fully compatible with SVE, RSV, MM and boarding house 

If you run up against any bugs or problems, please let me know. It is my first mod and although I have playtested extensively, there could be bugs and problems! 
Feel free to message me here, on discord Bridunow#4124 or on twitter @Bridunow

Heart event details 

2 Heart - Saloon after 1200, any weather, any season
4 Heart - Mines, anytime, any weather, any season
6 Heart - Museum after 800, any weather, any season
8 Heart - Saloon after 1200, any weather, any season
9 Heart - Bus Stop, anytime, any weather, any season
10 Heart - Beach after 2000, any weather, any season


* 12 & 14 Heart Events
* Spouse Room - room is almost done! 
* Hopefully Chase can be added to the Flower Dance - I am working on it 
* A whole seperate mod to add Chase's brother and his business 

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