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Expanded and more affectionate marriage dialogue for Penny.

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  • Spanish
  • Portuguese
This mod expands Pennys marriage dialogue and makes her behave more affectionate towards you. I also added subtle things like Penny brewing coffee on rainy days, giving you snacks to keep you energized, commenting on festivals and certain days of the year, etc.

The mod is meant for happy marriages. I didn't touch any of the "bad" dialogue and there might be inconsistencies when your relationship with Penny isn't very good (e.g. super affectionate in one moment, then suddenly mad at you). However, that probably was the case in vanilla too.

Her expressions of love may be too over the top for some people, and that's understandable. To each his own.
I copied the .yaml file into the spoiler below, so you can get a general idea of the mod and decide if it's for you or not. Ignore the funny looking stuff.

    Rainy_Day_0: "On rainy days my thoughts always drift toward cinnamon and cookies.#$e#Why don't we bake some cookies together?$h" #!String
    Rainy_Day_1: "Good morning, honey. I got up early and brewed us some coffee. [395] #$e#It's nice to drink something warm on days like this.$h" #!String
    Rainy_Day_2: "It's raining outside. Make sure you don't catch a cold, honey.$3#$e#Stay indoors as much as possible. I really worry about you!$3" #!String
    Rainy_Day_3: "Good morning! I woke up early from the sound of the rain and made you some breakfast. [194 195 210 211 216]  #$e#Stay warm and don't work too hard. I want you to stay healthy.$h" #!String
    Rainy_Day_4: "On days like this, I love to curl up with a good book.#$e#If you'd like to, we could also snuggle up in a blanket together.$l" #!String
    patio_Penny: "#$c .5#Ah! I was so engrossed in my book that I didn't even hear you coming.$h#$e#This place is always so peaceful. I'm very happy here.#$e#Thank you for everything, @. I love you.$l" #!String
    Rainy_Night_0: "How was your day, honey? I spent my afternoon reading a novel.#$e#Let's head to bed early tonight, okay?#$b#You look cold, so I'll help warm you up.$l" #!String
    Rainy_Night_1: "I'm sure Mom's at the saloon about now... But I don't feel so bad about it anymore. It's out of my hands.#$e#Here and now, you're my top priority. Let's go to bed soon, honey.$l" #!String
    Rainy_Night_2: "I made soup for dinner tonight. Here, have some. [199 218 219 727 730] $h#$e#You need something hot on a day like this.#$b#... Even though you are plenty hot already.$l#$e#I don't know why I just said that. I'm so embarrassed right now!$h" #!String
    Rainy_Night_3: "The sound of rain used to bother me, when I lived in that old metal trailer. But it's quite soothing here.#$e#So many things have changed because of you. I just feel so happy.$h" #!String
    Rainy_Night_4: "Good evening, honey. I felt like making a nice dinner. I hope you like it. [212 214 225 209 200] $h" #!String
    Indoor_Day_0: "It's so peaceful here. I used to have the most horrific nightmares, but now I sleep like a baby.#$e#It's all thanks to you being by my side. I love you, @.$l" #!String
    Indoor_Day_1: "Good morning, @! I made you a hot breakfast. [195 210 211] #$e#It's important to me that you leave here with a full belly.$h" #!String
    Indoor_Day_2: "Sometimes I wish we both had more days off and could just stay in together all day.#$e#What would we do? I can think of a few things.$l" #!String
    Indoor_Day_3: "Good morning, honey. You look as beautiful as always today.$h#$e#Just so you know, I'm never going to let go of you.$l" #!String
    Indoor_Day_4: "Ah... You're so pretty I forgot what I was going to say...$l#$e#Sometimes I feel like my heart will burst with all the longing and excitement I feel when I think of you.$l" #!String
    Indoor_Night_0: "Good evening, honey. Did you accomplish everything you wanted to today?#$e#If not, that's okay. We've got all the time in the world!$h" #!String
    Indoor_Night_1: "Hmm... skirt or pants tomorrow? Oh, who am I kidding... I always go with the skirt.#$e#Anyway, it's bedtime, honey. I can't wait to snuggle up under the covers.$h" #!String
    Indoor_Night_2: "Oh, you're home! How was your day, honey?$h#$e#Mine was good, but a little lonely. I'm glad you're back.#$e#I think it's official. I can't live my life without you anymore!$h" #!String
    Indoor_Night_3: "Mom's probably pretty lonely now that I'm gone. I just hope she doesn't visit the saloon more to make up for it.#$e#You shouldn't feel bad! Mom has to solve her own problems." #!String
    Indoor_Night_4: "Ready to tuck in? I made the bed and everything...#$e#Also, um... how about letting me massage your back today? I bought some oils...$l" #!String
    Outdoor_0: "I only ever dreamed of living in such a beautiful place, and now it's come true.#$e#I can't express into words how much you mean to me.$l" #!String
    Outdoor_1: "Isn't this a perfect place to raise children?#$e#I would've been so happy growing up on a farm." #!String
    Outdoor_2: "Hi, honey! How about a healthy snack to stay energized? [613 398 634] $h#$e#If I knew more about farm work I'd help you out more. Sorry!" #!String
    Outdoor_3: "I just saw a songbird flying due west. In Stardew Valley that's a very good omen.$h" #!String
    Outdoor_4: "Ahh... It feels great to be outside. I could spend all day right here, observing every little thing.#$e#Just look at %pet strolling around the farm. Isn't this pure bliss?$h" #!String
    OneKid_0: "Have you had any time to play with %kid1 today? Maybe a second child will make things better." #!String
    OneKid_1: "Little %kid1 is going to have such a great childhood here." #!String
    OneKid_3: "I feel a lot older now that we have a child. Maybe it's just this new responsibility weighing on me.#$e#It's not bad! I've wanted this for a long time." #!String
    OneKid_4: "I wanted a child for a very long time. %kid1 is like a blessing to me.#$e#You are too, honey.$h" #!String
    TwoKids_0: "I already gave %kid1 and %kid2 their food. They're such hungry children!" #!String
    TwoKids_1: "We have to make sure and give %kid1 a lot of attention now that we have %kid2. We don't want any jealousy between them." #!String
    TwoKids_2: "I've had this dream that %kid2 grew wings and flew into the night sky. What does it mean?" #!String
    TwoKids_3: "A nice house, two wonderful kids, and a beautiful plot of land. We're so very fortunate." #!String
    Good_0: "I love you so much, @.$l#$b#Thank you for being with me.$h" #!String
    Good_1: "I had dreams of marrying you for such a long time.$l#$b#I still can't believe they all came true.$h" #!String
    Good_2: "I knew you were the one from the moment you moved here...$l" #!String
    Good_3: "Wow, you look incredibly beautiful today!$l#$e#I am so blessed to have you, @.$l" #!String
    Good_4: "I just wanted to say thank you for being you.#$e#You bring a smile to my face every day.$h" #!String
    Good_5: "Wow, you smell so good today, honey.$l#$e#So natural and captivating...$l" #!String
    Good_6: "You are the best thing that ever happened to me, @.#$e#I promise I'll love you till the end of time.$l" #!String
    Good_7: "I was just admiring the mermaid's pendant you gave me... I'll proudly wear this to my grave." #!String
    Good_8: "I love being around you, @. You bring out the best in me.$h#$e#I'm never going to leave your side.$l" #!String
    Good_9: "@, you mean so much to me. I love you from the bottom of my heart.$l#$e#You're my everything, and I'm yours forever.$l" #!String
    funLeave_Penny: "#$c .5#Rise and shine! You look lovely today.$h#$e#I'm going to head into town today, just for fun. I'll be back in a while!#$e#See you later, honey. I love you.$l" #!String
    funReturn_Penny: "I had a nice time... It's good to stay in contact with everyone. Tell me about your day." #!String
    jobLeave_Penny: "#$c .5#Good morning! Did you sleep well?$h#$b#I have to go into town today. Don't work too hard, and eat something good for lunch!#$e#See you tonight, honey. I'll be thinking of you.$l" #!String
    jobReturn_Penny: "#$c .5#Good evening, honey. How was your day?.#$e#Jas and Vincent weren't behaving very well today. I'm still all wound up...$3#$e#Well, it's time to unwind and relax now.$h#$b#I'm just looking forward to bedtime with you.$l" #!String
    spring_1: "We've got a long, warm year to look forward to. Let's make it a productive one." #!String
    spring_8: "Spring is probably my favorite season. There's a certain freshness in the air that fills me with hope." #!String
    spring_12: "Oh, it's a festival tomorrow, isn't it? Large crowds, activities... *gulp*$s#$e#I'm so glad I'm going to have you by my side, honey.$h" #!String
    spring_15: "Ah, the 'spring cleaning'... I'm actually going to enjoy this." #!String
    spring_23: "W...Will you dance with me at the festival tomorrow, honey?$3#$e#It's always a little embarrassing, so I'm really glad you are with me.$h" #!String
    summer_1: "Summer may be searing hot, but the humidity feels great on the skin." #!String
    summer_2: "In summer, the ants become very active. I could watch them for hours... they have a pretty complex civilization from the looks of it!" #!String
    summer_5: "Make sure you don't get a heat stroke, honey.$3#$e#Drink plenty of water and don't overwork yourself." #!String
    summer_8: "Sorry if I smell... I was sweating all night in the heat.$3#$e#On the contrary, you smell as alluring as ever.$l" #!String
    summer_10: "Have you thought about what you're going to put in the luau soup?#$e#I'm fully confident that you'll choose something great.$h" #!String
    summer_15: "It's midsummer... the mosquitoes are getting worse lately.#$e#Don't worry, I'll take care of them." #!String
    summer_17: "*phew*... I need to eat more melon to combat this heat!#$e#Or perhaps you'd like to rub my body with some ice cubes to cool it down?$l#$e#Why did I say this? Now I feel even hotter than before!$h" #!String
    fall_1: "Fall... It makes me think of colored paper and glue. Maybe I'm spending too much time with the children.$h" #!String
    fall_2: "It's my birthday today, but we don't have to do anything special.#$b#Every day I spend with you is already like a gift to me.$h" #!String
    fall_5: "The smell of fall reminds me of the smell of books... weird, isn't it?" #!String
    fall_8: "Winter's just around the corner. We need to double check the heating system, turn off the valves, and check all the insulation in the house.#$e#Don't worry about a thing, I'll take care of it all!$h" #!String
    fall_15: "Have you figured out what you're going to use for our grange display tomorrow?#$e#I know you'll make the right choice, because you always do.$h#$b#I love you, @.$l" #!String
    fall_26: "I'm not sure if I'm brave enough to enter the maze at the Spirit's Eve festival tomorrow night...$3#$e#Maybe if you hold my hand, @. I always feel more courageous when I'm with you.$h" #!String
    winter_1: "Winter's a good time to unwind a bit. You deserve it after the long year!" #!String
    winter_3: "How will we stay afloat this winter?$3#$b#Oh, you don't have to tell me. I trust you to make the right decisions.$h#$e#Maybe I'll just be happy to get more of you to myself for a while.$l" #!String
    winter_5: "The falling snow reminds me of grandma, rocking by the fire.#$b#I mostly remember her shadow flickering against the orange wood. That was long ago." #!String
    winter_7: "The Festival of Ice is tomorrow. I'll cheer for you as loud as I can at the fishing contest!$h" #!String
    winter_12: "Winter has a quiet and romantic feel to it, doesn't it? The snow is beautiful...#$b#Although not as beautiful as you are, honey.$l" #!String
    winter_24: "Are you excited about the gift exchange tomorrow?#$e#I'll be crossing my fingers you'll get something nice.$h" #!String
    winter_28: "The year is almost over...$3#$e#Time really flies when you spend it with the one you love.$h" #!String

Here's the vanilla one if you want to compare it.
    Rainy_Day_0: "On rainy days my thoughts always drift toward cinnamon and cookies." #!String
    Rainy_Day_1: "I wonder if Maru and Dr. Harvey will ever get together? I'm sure Harvey likes her...#$e3#I think Maru will have to make the first move, though.$h" #!String
    Rainy_Day_2: "Hi, honey! I did some shopping this morning and got this for you.[186 180 770 535]#$e#I thought you could really use one of the those." #!String
    Rainy_Day_3: "Hmm... maybe I should experiment with a new recipe. You liked the last recipe I made, didn't you, honey?#$e#What was it called... 'Chili de @'?" #!String
    Rainy_Day_4: "On days like this, I love to curl up with a good book." #!String
    Rainy_Night_0: "How was your day, honey? I spent my afternoon reading a novel." #!String
    patio_Penny: "This is a lot more peaceful than my old spot in town. I'm very happy here." #!String
    Rainy_Night_1: "I'm sure Mom's at the saloon right now... But I don't feel so bad about it anymore. It's out of my hands." #!String
    Rainy_Night_2: "I was just thinking about that night we met in the bathhouse.$l#$e#I'll never forget that night...$l" #!String
    Rainy_Night_3: "The sound of rain used to bother me, when I lived in that old metal trailer. But it's quite soothing here." #!String
    Rainy_Night_4: "I felt like making a nice dinner. I hope you like it. [212 214 225 209 200]$h" #!String
    Indoor_Day_0: "It's so peaceful here. I used to have the most horrific nightmares, but now I sleep like a baby." #!String
    Indoor_Day_1: "Good morning, @! I made you a hot breakfast.[195 210 211]#$e#It's important to me that you leave here with a full belly.$h" #!String
    Indoor_Day_2: "You know, I think I'll read a book today. I picked up something new from the library last time I was there.#$e#Gunther asked me to say hi." #!String
    Indoor_Day_3: "I love to hear about all the artifacts you've found. Archaeology is fascinating!#$e#To think... there may have been farmers at this very spot 10,000 years ago." #!String
    Indoor_Day_4: "Was I shy when we first met? It's funny to think about, now that we've come so far.$h" #!String
    Indoor_Night_0: "Good evening, honey. Did you accomplish everything you wanted to today?#$e#If not, that's okay. We've got all the time in the world!" #!String
    Indoor_Night_1: "Hmm... skirt or pants tomorrow? Oh, who am I kidding... I always go with the skirt." #!String
    Indoor_Night_2: "We have it good here. We should always try and remember those less fortunate than us.#$e#I'm just very grateful for what we have." #!String
    Indoor_Night_3: "Mom's probably pretty lonely now that I'm gone. I just hope she doesn't visit the saloon more to make up for it.#$e#You shouldn't feel bad! Mom has to solve her own problems. " #!String
    Indoor_Night_4: "Ready to tuck in? I made the bed and everything..." #!String
    Outdoor_0: "I only ever dreamed of living in such a beautiful place, and now it's come true.#$e#I was so miserable back home.$s" #!String
    Outdoor_1: "Isn't this a perfect place to raise children?#$e#I would've been so happy growing up on a farm." #!String
    Outdoor_2: "Hi, honey! If I knew more about farm work I'd help you out more. Sorry!#$e#I'll be thinking of you.$h" #!String
    Outdoor_3: "I just saw a songbird flying due west. In Stardew Valley that's a very good omen.$h" #!String
    Outdoor_4: "Ahh... It feels great to be outside. I could spend all day right here, observing every little thing." #!String
    OneKid_0: "Have you had any time to play with %kid1 today? Maybe a second child will make things better." #!String
    OneKid_1: "Little %kid1 is going to have such a great childhood here." #!String
    OneKid_3: "I feel a lot older now that we have a child. Maybe it's just this new responsibility weighing on me.#$e#It's not bad! I've wanted this for a long time." #!String
    TwoKids_0: "I already gave %kid1 and %kid2 their food. They're such hungry children!" #!String
    TwoKids_1: "We have to make sure and give %kid1 a lot of attention now that we have %kid2. We don't want any jealousy between them." #!String
    TwoKids_2: "I've had this dream that %kid2 grew wings and flew into the night sky. What does it mean?" #!String
    TwoKids_3: "A nice house, two wonderful kids, and a beautiful plot of land. We're so very fortunate." #!String
    Good_0: "@...I still can't believe we're married...$l" #!String
    Good_1: "I had dreams of marrying you for such a long time.$l" #!String
    Good_2: "I knew you were the one from the moment you moved here...$l" #!String
    Good_3: "Wow, you look really handsome today! Did you shave?$l^Wow, you look beautiful today. Did you do something different with your hair?$l" #!String
    Good_4: "This place is really starting to feel like home.$l" #!String
    Good_6: "Be careful out there! Sometimes I worry that you aren't eating enough wholesome food." #!String
    funLeave_Penny: "I'm going to head into town today, just for fun. I'll be back in a while!" #!String
    funReturn_Penny: "I had a nice time... It's good to stay in contact with everyone. Tell me about your day." #!String
    spring_8: "Spring is probably my favorite season. There's a certain freshness in the air that fills me with hope." #!String
    spring_1: "We've got a long, warm year to look forward to. Let's make it a productive one." #!String
    spring_15: "Ah, the 'spring cleaning'... I'm actually going to enjoy this." #!String
    summer_16: "*phew*... I need to eat more melon to combat this heat!" #!String
    summer_1: "Summer may be searing hot, but the humidity feels great on the skin." #!String
    summer_2: "In summer, the ants become very active. I could watch them for hours... they have a pretty complex civilization from the looks of it!" #!String
    fall_5: "The smell of fall reminds me of the smell of books... weird, isn't it?" #!String
    fall_1: "Fall... It makes me think of colored paper and glue. Maybe I'm spending too much time with the children.$h" #!String
    fall_2: "Will you grow any giant pumpkins this year?" #!String
    winter_1: "Winter's a good time to unwind a bit. You deserve it after the long year!" #!String
    winter_6: "The falling snow reminds me of grandma, rocking by the fire. I mostly remember her shadow flickering against the orange wood. That was long ago." #!String
    winter_3: "How will we stay afloat this winter? Oh, you don't have to tell me... I trust you to make the right decisions." #!String

  • Unzip the MarriageDialoguePenny.xnb file after downloading.
  • Place the file into the Stardew Valley folder under Content\Characters\Dialogue and overwrite the original.

If you find errors and/or have ideas for improvements, please take them to me. Enjoy.