Honestly not sure if this mod is abandoned but I'd love to make the big shed and greenhouse work for 1.5, if anyone has any tips. Poked around myself, I'm thinking I have to edit the tilesheets myself to make this work.
@author Hey there, I've made the content patcher version of your mod : https://community.playstarbound.com/threads/migrating-xnb-mods-to-content-patcher-packs.141577/page-84#post-3322076 You are free to append it to your mod page or have my post to be taken down :)
Would it be possible to maybe in the future get a retextured version of these buildings that looks more closely like the vanilla style? I'm in LOVE with these designs, but the rest of my game is fairly unmodded so they would look a bit out of place.
Hey there, I've made the content patcher version of your mod :
You are free to append it to your mod page or have my post to be taken down :)
EDIT! OMGOSH! Usagi!! Adorablleee!!!