Coming soon - Roommate Juna

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Have you ever wanted to experience the thrill of not knowing whether your new roommate is 85 or 35? Do you enjoy coming home after a long day of slaying meeping balls of dust in the local mine, only to find a fully grown woman sitting on top of your bookcase eating cherries and arguing with the fortune teller on TV?
Well, then you’re in luck(-ish)!
Juna's upcoming roommate release includes three new events, a no good horrible very bad incident involving Joja cola and Juna's strange experiments, a special couchsurfing schedule, and a treasure hunt - all before you even get the chance to ask Juna to move in with you
(which means everyone gets to enjoy this weirdness, regardless of whether you want to live with Juna or not).
I've always had an issue with how easy it is to woo/befriend NPCs in SDV, so I decided to try to work around it. Specifically, I wanted to give Juna a chance to get to know the player a bit better, rather than focusing all attention on the player getting to know Juna. Plus, you know, the whole thing with NPCs basically losing their entire personality after moving into the farmhouse. Yeah, I definitely wanted to try to work around that.

Do note that this is a roommate release, not a marriage release - Juna is not and will never be interested in romance. (There will be a config option available to those that would like a not entirely platonic relationship with Juna, but it is in no way a big part of the mod.) 
Pelican townies weigh in on what it's like to live with Juna
"She comes and goes as she pleases, eats things that are bad for her when she's out of the house and likes to make nests in my tailoring nook - just like a cat!" - E., Town
"Did you know Juna has been staying with us? Because I didn't. Not until she popped up behind me one evening and said something insulting and perplexing about mushrooms. Made me drop my favourite beaker ..." - D., Mountains
"I don't mind having Juna around the house for a bit. She only really talks to me when she wants my help with her 'online cult'. Her words, not mine." - S., Basement
Expected release date: End of February. Hopefully/maybe/unless life and/or Juna gets in the way.
Credits: Hime Tarts for the lovely art - you are, as ever, a marvel. SDV logo and letter background from Vintage Interface v2 by ManaKirel.


  1. LavenderSkelly
    • member
    • 14 kudos
    I'm so glad custom roommates are a thing now :3
    1. elhrvy
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      Yeah, sometimes procrastination actually pays off (*me getting to the roommate storyline approx. 8 months after her initial release*)!
  2. lemurkat
    • premium
    • 459 kudos
    Haha, looks like Emily might be moving out.
    How does Juna feel about children? (not hers, obviously)
    1. elhrvy
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      I'd say she's fine with them - at least once they get beyond the baby stage and she can play with them!
    2. AirynS
      • premium
      • 271 kudos
      You mean be a bad influence on them? :P
    3. elhrvy
      • member
      • 14 kudos
      Ah, but what is bad influence really? No one can say. ¯\_(?)_/¯