Skyrim Special Edition
  • Skyrim Legendary Edition

    Most of you may have seen that hideous Legendary Edition cover that has been floating around the net lately. Well, now the real thing is on its way. Bethesda announced it about an hour ago, and it is set to be released June 4th in the US and June 7th in Europe. The price will be set to:
    Consoles: $59.99 US / £39.99 / €49.99 / $69.99 AUD
    PC: $59.99 US / £29.99 / €39.99 / $49.99 AUD

    The Legendary edition will include all DLCs (Hearthfire, Dawnguar...

  • Skyrim: Legendary Edition

    UPDATE 5:05 PM GMT:
    In a tweet, Pete Hines had this to say about the cover of the "Legendary Edition":
    that is hideous

    Take from that what you will, but that cover is most definitely not legit.


    Eurogamer is reporting that a Polish retailer, Ultima, has listed Skyrim: Legendary Edition, which will contain the core game as well as all three game add-on packs, for sale with a release date of 7 June. It is currently unconfirmed by Bethesd...

  • Bethesda Game Studios moving on to their next adventure

    It has been one and a half year since the release of Skyrim, and though there will still be minor updates coming down the road, Bethesda Game Studios have decided that it is time to move on with the main bulk of the team. And for those wondering, in a tweet, Pete Hines confirmed that there will not be any more DLCs for Skyrim at all. We can practically say that Fallout 4 was announced today, unless they have changed their release strategy, and TES VI is in the making (doubtful).


  • BLOG PIECE: supporting modding in totality

    It’s been a couple of months since my last blog piece where I updated you all on what we had planned for this year, focusing a lot on stability and a new server clustering setup. We’re now quite close to rolling this out so I’ll talk a little bit more about that and then talk about what we’re working towards.

    The past couple of weekends have been a bit tough on the servers partly because we’re continuing to tack on new functionality and partly because traffic is still at a...

  • That Ogrim!

    If you are one of those who are thinking "Bah! The design in ESO is nothing like an Elder Scrolls game should have!", then you might want to reconsider... Just look at that Ogrim!


    And in other (belated) news... have you checked your e-mail lately? The second batch of beta invitations for ESO was sent out yesterday and today (unless today is not yet today, and they still haven't sent them out..! please please please!)

  • OpenMW v0.22.0 released!

    The OpenMW team is incredibly proud to announce the release of version 0.22.0! Release packages for Ubuntu are now available via our Launchpad PPA and for Debian in our Debian PPA. Release packages for other platforms are available on our Download page. This release introduces the long awaited animation feature, many thanks to everyone on the team who has worked to bring this to fruition. Another major feature implemented in this release is support for loading multiple ESM and ESP files. Pre...

  • Check your e-mail! First wave of ESO beta invitations has been sent out!

    Today, Zenimax Online Studios sent out the first wave of Beta invitations, so check your e-mail, and pray that you are luckier than me!

    Haven't gotten any e-mail? Do not be discouraged. This wave was a small one, and they have plenty more to send as the tests goes on.

    Oh, and be sure to check your spam folders!...

  • Skyrim Mod Sanctuary 61 : Pure Waters

    I often get asked which water mod I am using, and what other graphical mods/settings I use. In this video I attempt to answer those questions.

    Thumbnail image for this video is 'A castle in the sky' courtesy of Freddynho.

    Download links for reviewed mods:
    Pure Waters...

  • Skyrim 1.9 Beta Update now on Steam

    Update 1.9 Beta is now available on Steam, and it features a ton of bug fixes, along with a "Legendary" difficulty setting!

    How to opt-in:

    Within your Steam Library, right click on The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.
    Select Properties
    Select the Beta tab and opt in using the drop box


    Legendary difficulty setting
    Legendary Skills – Skills of 100 can be made Legendary. This will reset the skill to 15, retu...

  • The Elder Scrolls Online Beta Update

    Are you checking your e-mail every day, hoping to spot a "Invitation to The Elder Scrolls Beta"? Are you watching everything ESO, and dying a bit inside of waiting for the beta?

    Well, you still have to wait a bit... But, the good news is that beta invites will be sent out nearing the end of this month!

    The first beta events are smaller ones that primarily takes place during the weekends - and to those who haven't participated in a beta before, and thought it wou...

  • OpenMW v0.21.0 released!

    The OpenMW team is proud to announce the release of version 0.21.0! Release packages for Ubuntu are now available via our Launchpad PPA. Release packages for other platforms are available on our Download page. This release introduces video playback, improvements to cell load time, and parsing for escape sequences in dialogue and message boxes.

    Check out WeirdSexy's release video.

    Known Issues:
    No sound when playing videos on OS X

  • Forum upgrade complete, still some work to do

    It’s been a long day but 8 hours after taking the forums offline we’ve now put them back online with the necessary updates in place. There’s still quite a bit of work to do, tweaks and performance enhancements to make, but the majority of the functionality should now be in place and we’ve re-enabled mod publishing and commenting on the sites.

    We’ve all got to get used to the changes that have been made by this latest version and we’re still trying to find our way around ...

  • That Google malware thing

    Oh the irony of it. I wake up this morning ready to write out my plans for ads on the site and instead find Google have slapped a Malware warning on many of the pages of Skyrim Nexus, due to the ads. How tittingly annoying.

    First of all, sorry about the mess. Second of all, it should be “fixed” soon (not that anything is broken). So what’s happened?

    When Google sends its bots throughout the web to maximise their search content the bots also run all sorts of tests....

  • Pre-purchase Dragonborn now!

    Dragonborn just became available for pre-purchase on Steam, and will be available for playing February 5th. Grab it now for 20 $/€!

    In case you don't know what Dragonborn is all about yet, here's a small description for you:
    "With this official add-on for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, journey off the coast of Morrowind, to the island of Solstheim. Encounter new towns, dungeons, and quests, as you traverse the ash wastes and glacial valleys of this new land. B...

  • The Elder Scrolls Online Beta Signup!

    Update: Not getting any confirmation after applying for the beta? Be sure to check your spam folder! It has been reported to end up there quite a lot.

    Great news! The beta sign-up for The Elder Scrolls Online started today!

    Be among the first to set foot in the massive world of Elder Scrolls Online! The Beta will begin soon, so be quick about signing up!

    Now, remember everyone; this is not meant to be for you to just play the game before...

  • The Dragonborn Comes in February

    Happy news for both PC players and Playstation 3 players!

    PC: You will be exploring Solstheim on February 5th!

    Playstation: Sometime in February, you will get to explore Solstheim, followed by building yourself a home, and after that you will get to either kill or team up with some vampires! All this in February! And that is not all; update 1.8 will arrive just before Dragonborn. You think Bethesda is ending it with just giving you (in order of release) ...

  • ESO: Alliances at War

    Why are the alliances fighting, what are their motivations, and why have they banded together as they have? Well, the loremaster at ZeniMax Online Studios, Lawrence Schick answers some of these questions, and more in this developer video.

    It is only five (5:31) minutes long, so do not expect a detailed explanation to each alliance. The video is primarily to get sort of a perspective of what each alliance stand for, and why they think they need to enter Cyrodiil and take the throne. ...

  • Message From Peter Molyneux - Creator of Dungeon Keeper

    Hey folks,

    We've got a special message from Peter Molyneux today... I'll let him do the talking:


    Thank you Peter!

    We've got a special reveal for tomorrow, so keep your eyes peeled.

    Click here to discuss this update with us in the WFTO IRC

    Until next time Underlord,

    -WFTO Team

    Have any other ideas or suggestions? Leave a comment on our Kickstart...

  • STEAM Greenlight is GO!

    Show your support by visiting our STEAM Greenlight page and clicking the YES! button!
    It only takes a moment and we appreciate your help in ensuring our title gets on Steam.

    We've begun the War For The Overworld Greenlight campaign! While we currently are running our Kickstarter campaign at to get the...

  • OpenMW v0.20.0 released!

    The OpenMW team is proud to announce the release of version 0.20.0! Release packages for Ubuntu are now available via our Launchpad PPA. Release packages for other platforms are available on our Download page. This release brings a near-complete implementation of the dialoque system, visual player race changes in character creation, and many other fixes and improvements.

    Check out WeirdSexy's release video.

    Known Issues:
    Extreme shaking may occur during ce...