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KrebKrebou or FatalityGrogen

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About this mod

SKSE plugin that allows killing Essential and Invulnerable NPCs for SE/AE utilizing CommonLibNG.

Permissions and credits
-  Kill Essential NPCs.
-  Kill Invulnerable NPCs (optional, in the ini file).
-  Kill NPCs with Essential status imposed by a Quest Alias.
-  Optionally make them Protected (enabled by default in the ini file)
-  Exclude any NPC you want (doesn't work for Quest Aliases) in the ini file.
Very performant since it's an SKSE plugin, no load on the script engine.

How it works:
-  Every time you run Skyrim, the plugin dynamically finds all NPCs and Quest Aliases with Essential flags and removes them.
If you open the console after Skyrim is launched, you can see the number of NPCs and Aliases processed.

Address Library For SKSE Plugins

To do:
- Re-implement Morrowind style death messages (already done but has some problems so removed for the time being)

*Only tested on SE 1.5.97 but should work for AE.