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Version 1.0.1
Tweaked SKSE plugin code(Yaruki nashi de kakisugita SKSE plugin code wo fix).
Fixed "opposite gender" flag issue that was ignored
Female PC and NPC sitting animation is randomly changed. The PC is randomly selected from three custom (sitting) animations. The NPCs are randomly selected from three custom (sitting) animations and vanilla (sitting) animation. Change the priority in accordance with your OAR environment. This mod applies to female NPCs, even if you are using the male PC(Application to the male PC is skipped).
Known issue: Ignored "opposite gender" flag(I forgot it, haha).Fixed v1.0.1.
Cresit : SKSE by SKSE team Address Library for SKSE Plugins by meh321 CommonLibSSE by Ryan-rsm-McKenzi and powerofthree Behavior Data Injector by Maxsu and Dropkicker Open Animation Replacer by Ersh