About this mod
Fix Diverse Dragons Collection SE mod soul Absorb animations.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Donations
Diverse Dragons Collection SE amazing dragons have a small problem, when killing some of them the skin does not dissolve when we absorb their soul. This mod fixes that.
* Added the Dragon Skin behavior.
* Created Nif Controller
* Created Nif sequence
* Added alpha channel to diffuse textures.
* Upscaled some diffuse maps.
* Redone some normal maps.
Dragons Modified:
- Akaviri
- Crysta
- Eldergraml
- Glacial
- Hallowed
- Lava
- Necromantic
- Nether
- Needle Hide
- Silverfang
- Swamp
- Vile
- Woodscale
- Zephyr
* I don't like your choice of textures, can I change them?
- Yes, each type of dragon has its unique path.
* I changed the textures but now it doesn't work anymore
- The textures you are using do not have the proper alpha channel for the effect to work
* How do I create a "proper" alpha channel?
- Create an alpha channel with photoshop render clouds
* Can You ......?
- Maybe, but after the requirements of my patrons.
If you like the mod, and you want to buy me a burger or help me to pay the rent, I will be very happy!!
- Thanks to opusGlass for the amazing original mod
- Thanks to yousukeve and Zerofrost for the original dragon meshes.