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About this mod

Multiply the distance at which map markers are discovered.

Permissions and credits
Multiply the distance at which map markers are discovered:

video showcase on github

Multiplier is configurable in the additional config file, defaults to 2 times the vanilla distance.
Keep the multiplier in sane values (personally i wouldn't go lower than 0.5 or higher than 4.0),
as even vanilla map markers are often placed somewhere in the air.
    -> If you set it too low you won't be able to discover certain map markers.
Requires Address Lib.
Tested with Special Edition v1.5.97 and Anniversary Edition v1.6.640
(but "should" be compatibly with anything inbetween aswell *fingers crossed* *no guarantees* *use at your own risk* )
source code on Github:
Special thanks to:
mrowrpurr: for creating the SKSE plugin template
the CommonlibSSE-NG creators/coders (including, but not limited to Ryan, powerof3, CharmedBaryon)
the SKSE team
(standing on the shoulders of giants)