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  1. Tasheni
    • supporter
    • 145 kudos
    Dear friends, I started to develop this mod at the beginning of 2015. It's a work of my heart. I have come a long way since then, advanced the story, created locations, fixed many, many bugs, implemented new bugs because I'm no professional and don't know a lot of things concerning the creation kit and the game engine.
    I work alone on this and I test alone. Testing is really difficult. Because I have my own playstyle and wouldn't do certain things ingame. This is reflected in the mod, of course. And I can't check much of incompatibilities, tried my best to avoid them, but this has real limitations on my end.
    Your feedback is very much appreciated. And of course your screenshots. And please report bugs or help others to fix their problems, also with the Pride of Teia for example. That would help me and the community a lot. I will try to find solutions, but due to RL this will not happen timely.

    I wrote on the Pride of Teia modsite that I quit modding for a while. This mod existed long time before in LE, I just had some freetime because of my illness, so I created a new island for Teia and I ported Tasheni Followers over to SE, this is why I can share it now with you. But mod creating is still delayed, so no new content will come this year.

    Happy new year to you all and have fun!

    Attention, I wrote in the article:
    They don't like if you become an assassin. They will tell you. But they won't leave you because of this.
    This may not be true for Sherda! I looked into the scripts and the dialogue tells me, she will leave you if you join the Dark Brotherhood. I'm sorry, I never played that part and I don't remember what I have implemented there.
  2. RedFishDude
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hello does the black trench coat work on male characters 
  3. MagickaAddict
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Do I have to get all 6 of them? I dont like large groups. 
    I like only having one follower at a time. Is that possible? 
    Thank you for your work. Mods like yours are hidden gems. 
    1. Tasheni
      • supporter
      • 145 kudos
      You can choose only one, but then you can't play the questline and of course a ton of dialogue will not trigger. Sherda has the most dialogue aside the questline, this would be a good choice. Please be aware, that if you dismiss a follower, you can't recruit them again. I created that for a reason. Let them wait instead, they will wait forever, if you want to go on alone. You can summon them everytime, even if they wait somewhere. So you could recruit them all, but go on only with one and switch anytime to another follower.

      Have fun!
    2. MagickaAddict
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Thank you Tasheni
      I understand that the main questline wont trigger. I will get all 6 of them in my next playthro.
      But for this one, I will speak to Sherda. Where do I find her?
      Got it. I will never ever dismiss them! 
  4. mrafadon
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    We players are still here, still playing, keep up the good work! (Also maybe give a LE port for those with potato computers at some point but take your time.)
  5. throwawaykek
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Mods / authors like this / you are why I still spend hours surfing the Nexus.
    So glad I came across this, I've been looking for a "band of multiple followers" follower mod for what feels like an eternity.
    1. Tasheni
      • supporter
      • 145 kudos
      Thanks muchly :)
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    this mod is really great, as long as people follow the instructions, the mod works really well 
    1. Tasheni
      • supporter
      • 145 kudos
      Thank you, glad you like it
      But I know that every build and load order has her own difficulties and unfortunately not everything will work for everyone. I'm sorry. I tried my best to create this mod, but I'm in no way a professional.
  7. AmnesyaLy
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Was almost 'ok' with the first follower then I met the rest of the troup. I dunno how people do but I get a headache hearing those voice. Also there's a s*** tons of bug with those follower, they do whatever they want when you want to be sneaky or go solo, 3 of them are most likely bugged where as you can't dismiss them until some point in the quest or what? Well. Thanksfully uninstall did not break my game.

    Edit: It was also making crazy weird bug on "wheel of time" mod which I never had on my first playtrough (npc flying, going trough floor) with it as my only follower mod.
    Second Edit: Apparently some of the bugs encountered seems to be hard coded as the choice of the modder, if I knew more about it I'd have passed earlier.
    1. Tasheni
      • supporter
      • 145 kudos
      I always try to be helpful, but I value politeness.
      but I get a headache hearing those voice

      What do you mean with this?

      I'm sorry that you have issues, but my followers don't have tons of bugs. Maybe there are mod conflicts, I don't play SE or AE and can't care for any other mods out there. Try to adjust load order, put them near the bottom in your load order. I tested with no other mods and 250 other mods installed on LE and the mod works as intended. Followers have the lightfoot perk, if you sneak, they will sneak too and not activate traps or participate in combat. The game will not always recognize that, so sometimes traps will be activated despite that, but this is not a fault on my end. It takes some time until the game notices the change of AI packages. This is pretty normal, so it may take some time until they participate in combat again after you were sneaking.
      If you experience flying npcs, you are mostly out of VRAM.

      I wrote in the description that you can't dismiss the follower because this would be the end of the story. But you can let them wait as a group or tell every single one to wait and guard or to wait and sandbox. They will wait forever and not be automatically dismissed after three days. Chiomara is an exception: She starts sandboxing in a distance around the player. I changed her package to the exact same one than the others have, but game doesn't recognize that, don't know why.
      They start sandboxing if you sit down somewhere or craft something or at playerhomes or if you unequip weapons and spells. They do their own stuff and this is by intention. I don't like marionettes around, so my followers do act on their own under these circumstances.

      If you don't like my followers, this is totally fine, just leave the mod alone then.
    2. AmnesyaLy
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Well don't take this the hardway. You did a good work on all the dev part of the mod, it's unique. Using it with other follower mods isn't a good idea tho. AFT will add them and you can't do anything about it other than not using AFT at all.
      When I'm going sneaking somewhere and tell them to stay where they are they get teleported at some point and get detected.
      3 of them are most likely bugged, all I could do for 2 of them was to stay close to me and the third was like I had a citizen following me around.
      On SE your mod seem incompatible with at least half of the follower mods I use.
      I did a full playtrough with the wheel of time mod and other follower mods without any issue, I start a new game with your mod and suddently the follower from the wheel of time start flying and going trough floors and no it's not my VRAM, 16GB is far more than needed and no more issue since I removed it.

      And why I get a headache is not your fault, but 2 of your actors most likely having the mic to their mouth or to close when recording, maybe it's better in later dialogue but the early one I can't.
  8. gg77
    • premium
    • 696 kudos
    In the future, could you put your "new island for Teia" as an addon only (like my mods "Companions of The Pride of Teia" or "Flying Mounts in The Isles Of Teia")? so you don't have to re-download everything. I have already used this mod from Baronf and it is a great addition !

    And thank you again, whatever your choice
    1. Tasheni
      • supporter
      • 145 kudos
      I will try that. But maybe it will never be released. In certain areas the fps drop goes down to 15 because of the immens flora I put there. And at the moment I have no time to work on it. But I'm happy that you have fun with the mod.
    2. gg77
      • premium
      • 696 kudos
      Thank you for your reply. It would be a shame if it were never published. If you publish it only as an add on, mentioning the FPS drop, this would allow a well "enlightened" download for the players and without risks for the rest of the main mod.
  9. gg77
    • premium
    • 696 kudos
    Thank you for this mod which took you a lot of work over several years! I made a not perfect Fr. translation (translating in "blind" is not obvious at all!) which certainly took me much less time than you !
    1. Tasheni
      • supporter
      • 145 kudos
      Endorsed and linked on mainpage Thank you!
    2. gg77
      • premium
      • 696 kudos
  10. vinne2001
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    "They don't! A true hero has no spouse. They are good friends and leave it at that." guess I'm a hero in real life. Joking. Does this mod add many new locations, I'm playing a heavily modded Skyrim and I'm afraid there will be incompatibilities if there are new locations
    1. Tasheni
      • supporter
      • 145 kudos
      No, this mod only adds a farm besides Stony Creek Cave and alters the field in front of Whiterun - moved some vegetables to the field, added some horses, it's compatible with TPOSC, so should be with most other mods, too.
  11. Apis4
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    This looks PHENOMENAL from the description. 

    I am Custom Follower TRAGIC... a die hard fan.... I feel they add the most to ANY Skyrim playthrough, if done right, over ANY other kinds of mods out there. 

    My interest is beyond piqued. 

    However, if there is not ability to put a pin their story, we say in English.... press pause... if you will, by dismissing them, then that scares me, to be  honest.

    The dialogue is adequate, 3300 lines, even spread across SIX followers, is still 550 lines of voiced dialogue each... which is about the minimum you can get away with. They are summonable, and trackable, you say, which is an essential feature good to see here. They have functionality, and skills, training, excellent. They sandbox, they have interactions and dialogues for such 'relaxing' time, if I read right, great. They come with their own quests, and all tie in to a bigger much longer quest.. and that is FANTASTIC. 

    But if you cannot hit the pause button, and send them home, until you are ready to begin again, it kind of undermines everything, a bit. 

    I will track this mod, since you say you wont be updating this, this year. If I come back at the start of next year-ish, and these followers can be dismissed and re-recruited as one wishes... and if they can also be assigned a home base of the player choosing, I will delete all my saves, no matter where I am at in my current playthrough, and grab this IMMEDIATELY to run from clean start new game. I really look forwards to being able to do so. 
    1. Tasheni
      • supporter
      • 145 kudos
      Hi Apis, I'm sorry if this is bothering you. I don't know what's the problem. A vanilla follower can be dismissed and goes home somewhere and can at any time get recruited again. They do nothing else but to wait in their original location, they are still there and can be recruited again.
      My followers will wait for you, if you let them wait. They will wait until you want to proceed with them. They don't leave after three days waiting. So you can go and do whatever you want and come back if you like. The only difference is, that they stay where you have left them, either sandboxing or standing guard - your choice.
      I always found it weird to dismiss a follower and then later recruit him again as if nothing would have happened. For roleplaying it's rather rude and the vanilla followers feel like marionettes who never argue with anything. My followers are real companions with attitude and feelings. This is why I implemented it that way.
    2. Apis4
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      Hmmm.... so it was a conscious 'Role Play' choice? Right. I see. 

      Well, to be honest, I never understood 'head canon' in games. I am a hardcore gamer of 40+ years gaming experience, I have owned  a couple of consoles of each generation, for every console generation since the first generation in the late 70s just about, and always felt that the story is, what the story is, the rules are, what the programmers made them to be, and glitches and exploits aren't cheat codes, and THAT is how you play the game, aiming for 100% completion. 

      So everyone in my Skyrim IS a marionette, they are tools. Tools for completion, tools for services, tools for immersion at least in so much as I have some sidekicks along throwing out some banter.

      I do not think dismissal is handled rudely in Skyrim, not at all, far from it, all the followers... except maybe Cosnach, have things to do, lives to lead... you either hire them, or they follow you because they owe you and made the offer when you aided them.... dismissing them once you are done, is polite, if you no longer truly need them, when your think about it :P

      Thus, it never crossed my mind that it was deliberate. The modding community has a lot of head canon RP'ers, but there is still thousands of us who play by the philosophy of the gamer, as outlined above, for whom head canon considerations seems foreign and pointless. 

      To be honest, that is kind of sad, and I guess changes my desire for this mod. Mods should never force the player to accept things a certain way. Mod followers included. Just as mod followers should be written well enough to be morally malleable, and serve ALL play styles, good, bad, and ugly, because they are there to serve the player, not vice versa, so too should all followers be able to fit in to the time frame, and desires, of the player. 

      Indefinite waiting? Hmm.. that is still waiting, still something I have in the back of my mind, and technically, still something which tethers one lot of followers to me. As a player, I like that NOT being the case. No, you, Mr follower, go to this place, and live there, not waiting... live, sandbox, talk to other residents, go off to the shops, whatever.. live.. without me, there, until I come back, and collect you. 

      I guess that is because I play with 15+ custom followers, and each one needs some time dedicated to them. No companion is SO complete, they are the only companion you need, not even Vilja, yo. So I roll with a LOT.. and having half a dozen 'waiting on me'.... feels like that clingy girlfriend who wont go to bed, and calls you ever ten minutes after midnight, if you go out with the boys for a party. 

      I really hope you change this aspect of them... but I guess since it is a considered choice, that you feel is an RP feature, that wont happen. Ah well. There are other followers to find I guess, might have to forget about these ones. 

      Thanks for the reply. 
    3. Tasheni
      • supporter
      • 145 kudos
      That's the way you play your game, mine is another one.