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Tate Taylor

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About this mod

Reworks several horse-based mechanics introduced by Anniversary Edition.

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""Horses. All day long. Do you have any idea how dull horses are?"
— Arivanya

Press H to Horse requires a new game in order to function properly.

Anniversary Edition expanded on horse mechanics in a few ways, such as allowing the Player to rename their horse or change its saddle. I really liked these new features, but felt they could've been implemented a bit better. Most of the features are done through dialogue with hostlers, even stuff like changing the horse's current saddle.

Press H to Horse hopes to take these existing mechanics and build and expand them to really make them shine!

Horse Calling

  • Tapping H will call your horse and order it to begin following you.
  • Tapping H a second time will instruct the horse to wait at its current location.
  • Holding H will allow you to select which of your owned horses to call. (Requires UIExtensions)

Horse Customization

  • Pressing H while looking at your horse will open its inventory. You can place special types of gear here to equip to your horse.
  • Saddles provide your horse's inventory with 100 carry weight which you can use as storage. Horses equipped with saddles will flee from combat.
  • Armor makes your horse more resilient and increases the damage it can deal. Horses equipped with armor will aid you in combat.
  • Holding H while looking at your horse will allow you to feed it a treat. Doing so will give you a temporary experience boost.
  • Wild Horses must be registered at a stable for 1500 septims before they can be equipped.

Horse Naming

  • When buying a new horse, you will be given the option to name it.
  • A text box will appear prefilled with a suggested name (taken from the pool of names from Wild Horses). You can either accept this name or change it to whatever else you like.
  • This naming mechanic covers both vanilla stable horses and horses that your Hearthfire stewards purchase for you.
  • A mount can be renamed at a stable after purchase for 500 septims.

Follower Riding

  • When you mount your horse, your follower will do the same if a suitable horse is nearby.
  • Followers will pick the closest horse that you own to ride.
  • Followers can be easily called a horse to ride by using the Call Selected Horse feature mentioned above. (Requires UIExtensions)


  • Hostlers are now merchants who sell horse-related items.
  • Vanilla hostler dialogue concerning horse customization has been removed.

Other Features

  • The Wild Horses quest has been tweaked to be running from the start of the game. So now you can encounter the new horses in the wild organically without needing to first buy a horse map. The Map of Wild Horses can still be acquired from hostlers.
  • All of the mod's mechanics are explained in-game with the use of help messages.
  • Incudes patchless support for Forgotten SeasonsSaturalia Holiday Pack, Beyond Skyrim: Bruma, and Animated Whistling.

Press H to Horse was designed with compatibility in mind and edits very few vanilla records. However, it should probably not be used alongside any other large horse overhauls. If you are interested in just the horse renaming system, then you can check out my other mod, Horse Naming Plus.

If you are already using H for other hotkeys, you can rebind it in the MCM.

Follower horse riding only works with vanilla followers since most modded followers have their own horse riding feature. You can also disable this feature in the MCM menu in case you use another mod that adds that feature.