About this mod
Additional far object LOD resources for use with DynDOLOD. Features the ability to add roads to the map via object LOD.
- Requirements
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Far Object LOD Improvement Project (FOLIP) for Skyrim Special Edition adds additional object LOD resources for use with DynDOLOD 3. The main feature is its ability to dynamically add roads to the map via object LOD. Models currently included:
- Roads (including Dwemer roads)
- Blackreach glowing mushrooms (featuring glow LOD)
- Tundra Homestead buildings

Install via mod manager like any normal mod. Please note that while the plugin is a dummy plugin, do not disable it, as it is required to load the TexGen and DynDOLOD rules designed for it to work properly.
It is required to generate object LOD via DynDOLOD 3 to see the models in game. For more details on LOD generation, please see the official DynDOLOD website.
It is required to use Level32 object LOD if you want to see the roads on the map. For more details and instructions on using Level32 object LOD on the map, please see the instructions on my ACMOS mod page.
Compatible with everything. Textures will automatically use your mod's textures. Of course, if you use a mod that, for example, removes the Blackreach mushrooms, then the corresponding LOD will also not be there.
This mod's models should overwrite the DynDOLOD Resources.
If using ACMOS Road Generator, it is recommended to use the Paths Only option.

-bethini-doubleyou-etc in the Mod Author Hub