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  1. ExtendedCut
    • premium
    • 460 kudos
    Frequently Asked Questions

    You must start a new game to safely use this mod.

    Can I return to the Shivering Isles after completing the questline?

    Yes. The gateway between the Isles and the mortal world will remain open, and you can travel back and forth to continue exploring, trading and battling in the Isles even after completing the questline.

    How much content is in this mod?
    We estimate that you will experience roughly one to three hours of content, depending on how much you explore, how many quests you choose to complete, and other factors such as your Skyrim difficulty setting. We encourage you to explore at your own pace and have fun while playing.

    After finishing the mod and going back to Skyrim, every NPC hates me. Is this a bug?
    This behavior is caused by a 'prank' item. Check your inventory for cursed cutlery.

    Is this mod compatible with 'Legacy of the Dragonborn'?
    A third-party compatibility patch can be found here, but we cannot provide support.

    Can I update ECSS mid-game?
    This depends on the update's version number. This is what the version numbers mean:

    • X.0.0 = A massive update that is NOT safe to download mid-game.
    • 1.X.0 = A major update that is NOT safe to download mid-game.
    • 1.1.X = A minor update that IS safe to download mid-game.
    • 1.1.1.X = A hotfix that IS safe to download mid-game.
  2. TateTaylorOH
    • premium
    • 772 kudos
    Bug Reports

    When submitting a bug report please use the following template:
    Mod version
    Put the version of the list you are on here.

    Describe the bug
    A clear and concise description of what the bug is.

    To reproduce
    Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    Expected behavior
    A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.

    A copy of the mods you are using.

    If you getting a CTD, post a copy of your crashlog here.

    If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. Additionally, if your report applies to a specific object, make sure it is selected with the console open. Reports without this will be closed.

    Additional context
    Add any other context about the problem here.
    Failure to use this template will result in your report being immediately deleted. Reports that are inactive for more than seven days will be closed.
  3. Grafikkrake
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I just installed this mod. Unfortunately I already finished Saints and Seducers long before.
    When sleeping for 6h and entering Solitude, the earthquake don't occur (because it happened then before I guess).
    When I enter the sewers, I can not go any further since the hole in the wall to enter the dungeon won't appear.
    I can open another door (the actual exit or short cut) by using the unlock in the console. So I can enter the dungeon.
    I can see the entrance to Shivering Isle but I can not use it! No person appears to proceed this quest and triggers the entrance to Shivering Isle won't occur.

    Does somebody know a console command to restart the (whole) quest?
    I really do not want to restart an entire new game. There must be a possibility to get things started.
    1. DarkKingCirix
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      You can use 'setstage EC_SS_MQ101 10' to start 'The Isle of Madness' which is the quest you would get at the end of the Solitude dungeon, then you can use 'coc ECSSTheodorsStoreInterior01' which will put you in a small store (that's strangely lacking cheese) that's near the entrance
  4. copticprincess
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I'm interested in playing this mod, but the bugs tab / comments is bit concerning. How playable is this currently? Which mods are most likely to break S&S: Extended Cut's quests?

    I'm on the latest version of AE. Any help is appreciated.
    1. DarkKingCirix
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I'm playing through it without issues right now on latest AE version with a fairly heavily modded game. You should only really have to worry about other mods that interact with the CC stuff and maybe Solitude sewers, but even then I'm using Skyrim Sewers 4 with the S&S patch and it's fine.
  5. Jrealmz
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    im able to get the note from the khajit caravan leader, its that supposed to happen?
  6. Lithiliad
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Incredible mod, so incredile that I entirely thought Bethesda added it recently as a proper mini DLC. Wonderful work
  7. Tobias44142
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    Started a new game with this installed as instructed but almost got screwed around lvl 40 into current playthrough.  Rebalancing Anniversary Edition undoes the quest changes in SSEDIT.  Was able to load to a save from BEFORE Balancing Power started at one of the bandit camps by simpley removing the entries under QUEST in the SSEDIT and so far everything is functioning as normal.

    Best to just not use RAE.  Maybe mod author would consider a version that doesn’t touch S&S?
  8. KevinSmith7
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Will you add a readme or something that will reveal the locations of the various items, as well as the locations of quest-givers that aren't Staada?
  9. semaji
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Why I can't obtain sword of Jyggalag :(
  10. eLucifer
    • member
    • 40 kudos
    So if I use console commands to force-start the quest because I don't want to start a new game(which I belive is a HORRENDOUS requirement for a quest mod), will it break for sure?

    I mean I have to use console commands to advance most quest mods anyway so it wouldn't be a huge deal for me if there are some bugs which I can fix with the console.
    1. Nephatrine
      • supporter
      • 30 kudos
      For most quest mods, you should not add them midway through a save. That's not something unique to this mod. Maybe that's why you have to use console commands to advance most of your quest mods.
    2. DitzyDez666
      • member
      • 18 kudos
      NO! That does not work. Sometimes quests use scripts to set aliases for quests and they don't fire on an old save. Sometimes...all sorts of wild things happen: Conflicting questlines or storyline, incompatible character builds or skill, problems with NPC interactions or AI, unintended changes to the game’s world or environment. Like there's maybe one or two mods I've seen out of thousands where using an old save with a big quest mod would even barely work with.
    3. AC9K
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      1 month old necro, but bro. You can't just use an old save and add a whole new worldspace and NOT expect bugs to happen, vanilla skyrim already breaks when you reload and enter a load door shortly afterwards a mod isn't going to be much more stable.
  11. KevinSmith7
    • member
    • 0 kudos
  12. DitzyDez666
    • member
    • 18 kudos
    Hey Im super excited to try this, but there's something the documentation iz not telling me. Level requirements? Like I hate this CC content in particular for one thing, it breaks the game balance with OP gear (that should actually be even more OP lore-wise 😬) , and it starts way too early. You can fall down a flight of stairs with a sword in your hand and BOOM! You're level 20. I would REALLY love, a Wyrmstooth-esque MCM where I can set a level for this to even be startable. 

    Is that something yall at the ECSS Dev Group might consider doing? Not that I won't use it anyways and butcher it trying to find a way to do it myself, but Im juz sayin, pretty pretty plz 🥺🥺🥺