Skyrim Special Edition


  1. RogueReverie
    • supporter
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    News as of 6.12.23: After learning some new things about npc creation I will be revisiting my castle for some updates. Plans will involve optimizing npc packages, looking at issues related to shield/weaponrack glitches, reviewing exterior and interior cells, and potentially beautifying npcs a bit further. I will also be looking into scripting again to see if we can get a purchase system for the castle, as well as the quartermaster giving you a cut of her weekly earnings, and potentially making it so you can send enemies into your various dungeons.

    For those of you struggling with Dyndolod, check with EternalVoyager! They were able to figure out how to fix it in their playthrough with their patches and load order.

    When updating to a new version, be sure to remove any dragonclaws, masks, or weapons/armor from the unique holders or they will be broken in newer versions! I'm currently looking into how to fix this, but so far the safest bet is to remove them before updating and replacing them after updating, or storing them in a generic container until I can figure out what the issue is if you don't want to do this each time there is an update. A fix if you have already updated and need to reset the glitched holders is to use console commands or an additem mod to add the item into your inventory, activate the holder to place your duplicated item, and it will overwrite the old info and the holder will work again.

    I started a Patreon! I realize that while I like to share about my thought process on the mod page itself, it can cause a bit of clutter in the description, so finding a separate space to "blog" about where my head is at and progress etc. will be more efficient and less invasive for modders who just want the neat details. Most of my posts will be free for the public. Feel free to stop by and check it out if you want to share your support or see updates on any new projects I'm working on! (
  2. EternalVoyager
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    This is the best large scale Player Home Mod I've come across... very tastefully done. It feels like somewhere that could actually exist, from both a design and utility perspective. I'm super excited to have discovered it and will be using it as my main base! 

    Side-Notes on a few things I've discovered while using:

    I had to patch a few from my LO to make this location functional, I had the landscape about 50 feet higher than the actual castle floor after running dyndolod. Happy to upload these patches when I have time or provide the files to you (prioritized all Castlerevelhosthost changes over the other Mods).
    - Corners of Skyrim (Landscape and Navmesh files). Not sure what this mod has in this location... 
    - Daedric Shrines - All in One (Landscape file only). Patched this at the same time... although I don't think my last problem was caused by it... seemed like a good thing to do.

    Other Conflicts I noticed.. but didn't patch. People may bring up.
    - USSEP (Placed Object - thicket)
    - Landscape and Water Fixes for Grass Mods (2 Placed Objects (thicket and mountain slope)

    Issues I've had so far, may or may not be worth mentioning:
    - Shield/Sword displays in the Display Room don't allow me to attach swords after I've removed the Iron great swords
    - Underhold is extremely dark... I'm sure this is caused by my lightning Mod / huge LO but haven't figured out why yet.
    - Cave Bear spawning in Private Quarters area
    - Deer, Rabbits, and Fox's spawning all over castle grounds.
    1. RogueReverie
      • supporter
      • 50 kudos
      Hi EternalVoyager, thank you for your comment! I'm glad you enjoy the castle and appreciate your notes about some of those conflicts. I got a few comments complaining about Dyndolod, but I don't use that mod and haven't had time to figure it out to make a patch. If you are willing to share it with me, I will post it here and credit you for your helpful support. If you would rather share the patch yourself in your own mods, I am fine with that too!

      For the bear spawning in the private quarters, that sounds like a mod conflict I am unaware of. Deer are supposed to spawn in a particular secret cavern, same with rabbits and foxes, but no creatures are supposed to spawn in the castle proper. A rabbit is supposed to spawn in the upper garden area outside though. The lighting has been an issue and I have experimented with all sorts of templates and tweaks, and the current version is the best that I could do with my knowledge. If you can create a better lighting template for those problem areas let me know and I can try out your variant and potentially incorporate it into the main mod!
    2. EternalVoyager
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      I was able to sort out my DyndoLOD issues after patching the following in my Load Order, and re-running everything for my LOD.
      1. Corners of Skyrim (https://www.nexusmod...ion/mods/29190)
      2. Daedric Shrines - All in One (https://www.nexusmod...ion/mods/78772)
      I've sent you those patches to share if they might be helpful for others. Thanks again!
  3. SkankSqunt
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    isthis mod esl? looks great 
    1. RogueReverie
      • supporter
      • 50 kudos
      Unfortunately no, it is esp.
    • member
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    Does anyone know how to buy the castle? I don't know how I need help, if anyone can help me please
    1. RogueReverie
      • supporter
      • 50 kudos
      You should be able to select the sign at the entrance near the gate.

      Edit: I found this issue, I forgot to package the sign! Update coming soon to fix this.
  5. Momochiii
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    Will there ever be compatibility with lux? 
    1. RogueReverie
      • supporter
      • 50 kudos
      link me the mod and I can take a look.
    2. Mant101
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
  6. avarath
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    Can i Install the mod mid game? It is perfect for my breton knight

    thank you!
    1. RogueReverie
      • supporter
      • 50 kudos
      Yes you should be able to no problem! I installed it in my end-game character and it has been fine.
    2. avarath
      • supporter
      • 3 kudos
      Thank you for the info.
      Download it now!
  7. CN020202
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    So, can I update this safely from 1.4c to 1.5 in the middle game?
    1. RogueReverie
      • supporter
      • 50 kudos
      You should be able to. As stated in the description, I would remove all items from the unique holders just to be safe. You can place them back up once you update.
  8. vogrog
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    Any ETA of when you plan to implement the purchase and/or quest system for this Castle?  Looks just stunning.  I am thinking it has to be like a 1M septims kind of purchase, but any particular figure you have in mind yet?
    1. RogueReverie
      • supporter
      • 50 kudos
      Scripting is the most challenging thing for me to learn, I haven't had much time lately to poke around and try to figure stuff out. I'll try again in the next couple of weeks to see what can be accomplished.
    2. vogrog
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Thanks much!  Appreciate you considering the request.  I vote 1M septims as the price. :)
  9. diamonddigs
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    I was highly dismayed to see my favorite and go to player home from Skyrim Castle Gray, had not been ported to special edition. This looks like a very good successor, cant wait to get into it. 
  10. Thalidis
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    I don't think i have ever found a mod that is just so perfect for what I wanted before. I spent 2 days of digging around for a player home that would cover all the things i wanted and they all came up lacking. Until I found this that is. This is one of the best mods I have seen. The attention to detail and layout and the fact that this one home can cover any players theme is just amazing. I just wanted a nice place to call home for a vampire and this does it, but the wonderful thing is when from now on. no matter the player theme i can use just this one home.

    I look forward to any update you throw this mod but there are a couple things i would personally like. First it needs either an endgame quest to claim it or a heavy price tag attached to it for RP reasons. Secondly I love the idea of being able to send enemies to the dungeon! Definetly try and get that to work. The final thing I would like is perhaps the chance to clean out the vampires and free the vampire cattle if you were playing a non vampire / vampire hunter character. None of these things are necassary to enjoy this mod though.

    Please continue to mod, you have a fan for life.
    1. RogueReverie
      • supporter
      • 50 kudos
      Hey thanks for your compliments, I'm glad you enjoy this castle too! I do agree that having some kind of quest would be really neat. I might look into commissioning another modder to add the script features since it's a bit beyond my abilities to implement these features. I don't have the time I used to have a year or two ago, and learning scripting takes a lot of work and time. 
  11. shokgun
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    • 0 kudos
    hi love your mod! but id like to use my companions to populate the castle, so... will i have any problems if i remove all the NPCs through XEdit? or can you please make a version without NPCs?
    1. RogueReverie
      • supporter
      • 50 kudos
      Removing them with XEdit won't cause any problems to my knowledge! I need to review some things before I start making optional versions again, but I will definitely include a no-NPC version at some point.
    2. shokgun
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      • 0 kudos
  12. Leanee
    • supporter
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    I have been looking for a nice, cozy family place for my 6 kids and 6 close followers for some time! This mod is perfect and has everything I needed and more. Great job on the kids' place and the living quarters.

    Would be perfect to have in a future version:
    - Direct recall to master bedroom
    - Alchemy and enchanting tables near the master bedroom. 

    Thank you for that great player home!
    1. RogueReverie
      • supporter
      • 50 kudos
      Hi Leanee, thank you for the feedback! I'm glad you found the castle to your liking :) I can understand the interest in having crafting benches closer to the master bedroom, but at the moment I don't think I'll be adding new items to the layout, especially since there are some in the training area of the personal chambers. If I do a patch in the future though I can see about finding a more convenient spot for new ones. The recall to the master bedroom is something I'm thinking about, I'm just not sure how to do it in an immersive way. The closest version I have is the teleport from the hidden deep cavern into the vampire space. I might be able to find a variation of that from the castle courtyard...