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Version 3
Removed the dependency on Windows 10 update 1903 and later
Many other miscellaneous changes
Version 2
Added support for game versions 1.6.629.0 and later on Steam and game versions 1.6.659.0 and later on GOG
Removed support for game versions 1.6.318.0 to 1.6.353.0 on Steam
Local time is now logged instead of UTC time
Various other miscellaneous changes
Version 1
Initial release.
Description The default rotation of inventory items is set by adding a BSInvMarker to the relevant NIF file. Unfortunately, this cannot be previewed using tools such as NifSkope, making it time consuming to find your desired rotation.
This tool both logs and notifies you of the rotation of an inventory item each time you rotate it. The units are the same as those used by the BSInvMarker, radians multiplied by 1000. Please refer to the log file because the notification will only be displayed for a short time as it is only intended to serve as visual feedback.
I recommend that you view the log file in real-time using a tailing program such as Tailviewer.
Logs The following format is used to log the rotation of an inventory item about the X, Y, and Z axes: Item name: (X, Y, Z).
The log file can be found in the following directory:
Skyrim Special Edition/Data/SKSE/Plugins/LogInventoryItemRotation.log
Compatibility The following game versions are supported: