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TommInfinite and friends

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  1. TommInfinite
    • premium
    • 517 kudos
    To report a bug please follow this simple procedure:

    1)Launch the game with BB at least once. Make sure that you've got all requirements.
    2)in supSKSE.ini set bDebugMode to 1 (bDebugMode = 1). Ini file is located in "Data\skse\plugins" or MO2 overwrite folder.
    3)Launch the game, reproduce the issue.
    4)Look for SUP_SKSE.log(for AE version) or SUP_SKSE_PREAE.log(for SSE version) in "Documents\My Games\Skyrim Special Edition\SKSE" folder. Upload contents of this log to .
    5)Send me the link to pastebin. You may want to send me the report in DM as it might contain your personal API key.

    Bug reports in another way will be ignored(unless there's a problem extracting log file)

    AFTER WE FINISHED DEBUGGING set  bDebugMode = 1 back to 0 so game doesn't write debug to the file.
  2. TommInfinite
    • premium
    • 517 kudos
    Feel free to join our Discord server
  3. TommInfinite
    • premium
    • 517 kudos
    If when typing a message pressing "space" sends it immediately - PLEASE LOOK AT "INI Configuration" section in mod description and set "MessageBoxControlForceAltSpaceKey" to 1 after which you will be able to press "Left Alt" instead of space to make space betwen words.
  4. Neverstops577
    • member
    • 45 kudos
    You're in the know, right?
  5. Pal2alax
    • supporter
    • 11 kudos
    i hope you get to update this one day... As i'm in the process of finally updating all mods to 1.6.1170, this one seems like it has to go.
    1. MrMcToasterMan
      • member
      • 0 kudos
  6. pocho12
    • premium
    • 28 kudos
    Hey I am going to be a week without internet. Sould I disable the mod, or is there anyway to make it "sleep"? Cause every time i load the game it says server problem. 

    Is there anyway to disable unitil i have internet back without harming my save game?

    1. TommInfinite
      • premium
      • 517 kudos
      hello. I'm afraid I didn't aniticipate the need of "sleep" mode. Looking at existing code - I see no other way than disabling the plugin.
    2. pocho12
      • premium
      • 28 kudos
      No problem. Thanks for answering
    3. pocho12
      • premium
      • 28 kudos
      Sorry for bothering you just a year later haha, I'm just going on vacation again to the place where I don't have internet. is a "deactivation" of the mod still not available?
      Thank you and I'm really sorry for bothering you again
    4. TommInfinite
      • premium
      • 517 kudos
      Hey. Same thing, no deactivation.
  7. Oyhuria
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    i wonder, if these show up in mods like vigilant
  8. Walamo15
    • premium
    • 12 kudos
    very cool mod!  I wonder would it be possible to turn it to a letter to read instead of a messagebox?  
  9. ashenglory
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    When I try to like a message, the mod tells me I'm using an outdated plugin, but I'm on 1.6.353 and using the only version of SUP available to me. I can't update this mod because the new version requires a SUP version that I can't use.

    Is there any workaround for this or do I just have to stop using BB? I've been using this mod since the day it released, would be a huge bummer tbh.
    1. TommInfinite
      • premium
      • 517 kudos
      1.6.353 is outdated and SUP is only available for 1.6.640 for now, no workarounds.
    2. ashenglory
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      That's unfortunate haha. I've been staying at 1.6.353 for mod compatibility reasons, my modlist is hovering around 1k and I've been dreading rebuilding it. Thanks for the response, I appreciate it! Even if I can't use it anymore, still really love this mod :')
  10. ProfessorFakas
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Hi. This is a really interesting idea - I'm a fan.

    Apologies if someone has already asked this - is there any possibility of self-hosting the server for this? Like a "private" instance for a friend-group. No worries if not, just thought it might be worth asking!

  11. ObsidianBlade76
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I can't seem to interact with the messages. I can SEE the, but I can't READ them.
    1. Tealken
      • premium
      • 0 kudos

      Same here
    2. TommInfinite
      • premium
      • 517 kudos
      V2 should fix the issue.
    3. Fractalbase
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      The activators on messages seems to only appear in 3rd person.
  12. F1RE66
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey quick question, my internet has a weird thing where it completely cuts out for a few minutes every couple of hours, so im a little worried about any possible problems with this mod, since it says it requires an internet connection. so like, if i dont have internet, what happens with the mod? does it just not show messages, or could it potentially cause issues or damage to the save? Hesistating to install mod because of this
    1. TommInfinite
      • premium
      • 517 kudos
      Hi. You need internet only on game launch and when posting messages so it's safe to use.
    2. F1RE66
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Wasn't expecting a reply that fast, but ive gone ahead and installed the mod. Thanks for clearing that up!
  13. ServalKhajiit217
    • member
    • 29 kudos
    Where I can see list of incompability mods with this?
    1. Mekinbah
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      Should be 100% compatible with every mod, it simply places things in cells, including any mods with new locations.
    2. ServalKhajiit217
      • member
      • 29 kudos
      Ok, sounds good. Will trying send some msgs into unpopularity mods, when tested them with coc in game. And also look how many players/modders known about they. :)