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About this mod

Texture replacer for the small flags on battle maps. FOMOD with 2 different versions, available in 2K, 1K and 512

Permissions and credits

Special thanks to all my Patrons and supporters, you are awesome!
   Texture replacer for the small flags on battle maps. These flags are using the Battlemap texture
in the vanilla game (paper), so this mod comes with uv tweaked vanilla meshes and
 new textures with carved wood and embroidered fabric.

FOMOD installer with two different versions available, each in 2K, 1K and 512

- Fancy: Silver (Stormcloaks) and Gold (Imperials) Embroidery 
- Colored Embroidery (same for all flags)

To complement this mod, check out Rally's Civilwar Document Tubes which offers a
lore friendly option in the FOMOD.

Download with your prefered mod manager, install and overwrite if promted

Disable/uninstall the mod with your manager or remove the files from your Skyrim directory

This replacer should be compatible with everything. In case of a conflict, just overwrite if prompted

StoneSpiralGaming for the mental support, the screenshots and the initial idea to take a look at those flags
and brandiuntz for your help and the nice screenshots you provided for this mod page



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