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About this mod

Adds an option to skip the introduction.

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Optionally start a new game at the cave end of Helgen Keep (skipping it), done in such a way that Helgen and the main quest proceeds as if the entirety of the game's introduction is played as intended. The vanilla introduction is still available on a new game.

Gear is provided at the cave's exit, as replacement for not being able to loot in the vanilla introduction.


Editor ID Prefix
is QS_.

Modified Vanilla Script
The fragment script (Script file's name: QF_MQ101_0003372B) of the quest "Unbound" (Editor ID: MQ101) is modified. This makes the mod incompatible with ones such as Alternate Start - Live Another Life - SSE without a patch.

Identical to Master records
are cleaned with TES5Edit, and the mod is then ported to Special Edition with the Creation Kit.

How the Mod Came To Be
The "Quick Start" functionality has already been implemented in the game by the developers, for playtesting purposes. They're just not Optional, and does not ensure continuity with the proper introduction (since this Quick Start is made only for playtesting). Most of the work involved in making this mod is exposing this Quick Start to an interface and making sure world continuity is maintained. Even the story blurb in selecting either Ralof or Hadvar is not mine! I would've struggled to write something as succinct.

On Turning the Plugin into an ESL

Is it possible to turn this into and esl without problems?

I'd guess so. The mod has a new cell (QS_Cell) but I've read that new cells in ESLs become a problem if they are referenced by, say, another plugin.

There's also this comment by Tetrol88:
This mod can be flagged esl - but not simply. It contains a new cell - but as that cell is not a cell that any other mod will ever access (that is the issue with changing a cell's ID) it is not an issue to allocate it an ID within esl space. I have tried it and no issues. You will get a warning about it if using SSEEdit an "compact IDs for flagging as esl" - ignore the warning an keep going. Make sure to try a new game just to see it works (fine in my setup) - you can always just reinstall the mod.

By those, if you can ensure that the cell is not referenced by another mod then it'll be fine. (For example, I'd start checking for said reference if a mod is listed as requiring Optional Quick Start)

Items Given in The Skip Can Be Changed
Items given in the skip are done through the following records, and each can be changed by modifying the plugin or another on top of.
  • QS_PrisonersGear (FormList) to set already-equipped items during character creation. In the mod this is the set of Prisoner's Rags and the sword with a flame enchantment.
  • *QS_PrisonersInventory (Container) to set items in the player's inventory, but not equipped. Items in this Container are silently given to the player before equipping the items from QS_PrisonersGear.
  • QS_StarterChest (Container) is the gear chest outside of the cave.

*Please see the bug report "Failure of RemoveAllItems from Container Reference"


Thanks to
ladyonthemoon, for their pointers on quests related to Helgen.

Tools Used
Creation Kit and