Skyrim Special Edition

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ARSE - The Association of Radical Skyrim Engineers

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  1. skinnytecboy
    • premium
    • 252 kudos
    Hello my friends.

    This is an official port of our infamous mod!

    permission was gathered from all involved to port this mammoth collaboration to Skyrim Special Edition by yours truly.

    However, these permissions were gathered some time ago, and therefore any of the authors involved can PM me to remove their consent if they choose to do so. I will respect their wishes and remove this instantly.

    regarding bugs and whatnots, please refer to the file description page for important information and useful links.

    For all intents and purposes, Rafaelkai is your first point of contact and will curate this page.

    Absolutely do not contact any of the original authors with questions about issues!

    enjoy and happy Halloween ? 
  2. skinnytecboy
    • premium
    • 252 kudos
    Thanks everyone for helping us reach Hot Files once again. I hope that I speak for all involved by saying that after all these years we are proud that you are enjoying our crazy - one of a kind - endeavour.

    thanks all
  3. Wizpow
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    A cool mod, but I ultimately dropped it around 60% through.

    The dungeons/circles tend to drag on way too long, spamming the same spongy, generic enemies which are fun to fight the first few times, until you're constantly being spammed while trying to solve puzzles.
    The circles feel like they were all made by completely different people, one is literally just whiterun but copy-pasted with edgy stuff. The worst by far is greed, which is just designed to waste your time rather than being challenging.
    Best circle (in my own opinion) was probably lust, although it felt like it was sort of a meme dungeon with the LED 90's lights.
    Visually, its really cool to explore molag bal's realm, and I like how the circles are non-linear. the only visuals i dont like are that some circles seem to overuse bloom effects (Greed).
    The companion dark elf talks waaaaaaaaaaaay too much and her sappy spiel about revenge gets old fast especially with the voice acting which isn't too great. her backstory should be more of an optional mystery to uncover, a lot like how you can find Dante's memoirs across the circles.

    best allegory I could describe this mod with is a big juicy steak, with way too much fat on it. Cut off the fat and keep the meat.
    1. LordLambda
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I'm pretty much in agreement with this. Spongy enemies, tedious dungeons.
      My only response is that the circles feel like they were all made by completely different people because they were lol. This was a huge collab project a quite a few years ago.
  4. Richtab
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I realy like the design of the levels, but am kind of annoyed by the Virilya companion forced upon me. If she two shots every enemy, whats the point of having a "Champion" (as she refers to the player) in the first place?
  5. jportugal
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Great quest mod but not for me iam affraid.
    Multiple bugs for my AE Steam version... fall from ground to below terrain, entering inside walls, in some fights my char got permanently hiper-super speed that i really dont understand why , ohh well!
    Anyway tks for sharing,
  6. theversus001
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    Is there any way to make every creature in this mod friendly?, I prefer experiential travel over killing.
    1. EvilParagon7
      • member
      • 0 kudos
  7. spunkington
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Do not play this mod, my expectations going into this mod were high considering ive played other quest mods in the past, even the most boring, rudimentary mods such as falskaar are more entertaining to play than this, looking past all the bugs and general lack of polish, the level design is boring and uninspired, theres no balance amongst the circles, some are extremely short and relatively boring, and others have the polar opposite problem, the best example of this being greed, 50 percent of my problems with this entire mod stem from this level alone, if you are not playing an extremely strong high leveled character the bosses will screw you over and over, the final boss has a ridiculous health pool, with varying stages during the fight, once you get them down to a certain amount of health they will despawn, afterwards theyll respawn with max hp again and you have to repeat this process 5 times give or take, the time between each stage is eternal as well. The shitty excuse for a platforming level was terrible as well, thankfully i have some movement mods installed which made it easier to navigate, but someone without these mods would have an extremely difficult time getting through that portion of the level. The saturation in the greed circle was terrible, it was so bright i didnt know what was happening half the time. 

    More personal issues i have with the game is the lack of adherence to elder scrolls lore, its clear that this mod takes inspiration from the dantes divine comedy, but ultimately it doesnt fit within the narrative of the elder scrolls universe, this is more of a personal gripe, but if you are someone who likes their quest mods to be a little more lore friendly than that is another thing to consider before downloading this mod.

    My final gripe with the mod is the overall reuse of vanilla models, it just makes the mod seem bland and kind of cheap in a sense, they were clearly ambitious enough to make a dlc sized mod with a plethora of diverse (although generally unpleasant) levels, i believe some of this time and energy could have been allocated to obtaining better models, instead of just resizing or slightly changing the textures on vanilla enemies, although maybe im expecting too much after playing great quest mods such as vigilant and beyond reach.

    Overall I would give this mod a 4/10, the only redeeming aspect so far is the unique weapons with interesting effects, but aside from that the mod is ultimately disappointing.
    1. skinnytecboy
      • premium
      • 252 kudos
      Even after so many years, greed still infuriates players. That’s an amazing achievement. 😂 I guess that, hope that rather, we can all expect to differ in our opinions. For one; this mod was made as part of a competition. Secondly, it was made by a group of modders.. not one, but by many. That’s an amazing achievement methinks. This mod is rather like a punchball cocktail. Some of us put a tad more alcohol in than perhaps needed 😂
  8. ogniandemocritus
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Overall I liked the mod. but I still don’t understand - is there content after killing Dante? can Virillia be saved or not?Fnd of course yes, it’s a little disappointing that there’s no clear way to tell Molag Bal to go to hell.

    It’s like I became his champion - this doesn’t suit me since I’m playing the role of Vigilant of Stendarr.
  9. Igdaet
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Maybe it's my fault, but almost every circle is impossible to complete because of keys that are required, yet do not exist. (circle of fraud and circle of violence are completely unplayable, and probably more that I'm not going to waste my time on.) This would be one of the best quest mods I've played, if it worked.
  10. Ohgun864
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    I played through this mod alongside Inigo and I'm starting to feel sorry for putting him through the Inferno. (I think he enjoyed the golden spider fight though...) I just wish that there was an alternate ending after the player used the full Bend Will shout on Dante and Virilya which will cause them to fight Molag Bal himself in Dante's Arena. Other than that, it's a great dlc-sized mod. Too bad the original devs moved on from it.
  11. Tenz81
    • member
    • 9 kudos
    I love this kind of mods that really feels like a change to the skyrim routine, even if they re-use texture and models of vanilla game, important is that they use it wisely so they still surprise the player. I'm not a fan of the arcade platforming parts (that horrible and un-immersive mario bros part...i never imagined hell like that, quite ridiculous), but I digested them and enjoyed the rest, that is more, loved the atmosphere, the places, the enemies, this is the kind of enemies that can still thrill, if not even scare me, like in Vigilant. The boss combats are very good, I think I can say there are some of the best combats I ever experienced in skyrim mods, not easy, but not so overpowered to require cheating (only some patience).
    Some few parts of mod are underwhelming but there are much more extremely well done parts, some even surprisingly great.
    And I loved those blue mountains and rocks of Limbo!
  12. CafeSua
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    • 3 kudos
    different greed circle version ? it so annoying