Skyrim Special Edition
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hydrogensaysHDT - aers - ousnius - Karonar1 - alandtse - geniusty - HSanMartin - skullgirls - DaydreamingDay - idaan300 - romanicles - igloomod - SesamePaste - jg1 - antpillager - Acro - webspam

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Code and dev discussions (132 comments)

  1. DaydreamingDay
    • premium
    • 340 kudos
    Created a discord server ;)
  2. Frosferes
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This might be a bit of a stretch, but what are the possibilities and challenges of applying node SMP physics relative to the animation binding position rather than the reference position? I believe CBPC does this, and I think it would be preferable to allow animations and SMP physics to work together rather than outright replacing the animation bindings. I have some dev experience so depending on the technicalities I may be able to help with it.
  3. GiraPomba
    • premium
    • 534 kudos
    Is it possible to create a Papyrus API to toggle this option on and off during gameplay via scripts?
    1. DaydreamingDay
      • premium
      • 340 kudos
      We have already some papyrus api, I'm not sure right now that this part is implemented. If you're interested on developing this or testing it, please contact me on discord.
    2. GiraPomba
      • premium
      • 534 kudos
      My bad, didn't notice that there was an MCM version.
      It seems that it saves settings to the XML file and call the resetSMP function to reload it in-game?

      I supposed I could just call this function from my mod:
      toggleTag("disableSMPHairWhenWigEquipped", "ToggleSMPHairWhenWigEquipped")
      Or do you have a different scripts API?
  4. rcdcce
    • supporter
    • 55 kudos
    Great work on FSMP.  I have one question.  Is there any path to implementing SMP support for anim objects and/or other non character objects?  It seems like there would be a world of interesting things that could be done if so.  I know there are some hacks people have done in these areas to get things kind of working, but are there real barriers to making it more generalized?
    1. DaydreamingDay
      • premium
      • 340 kudos
      The discussion is right now currently ongoing about this on the discord.
      Join :)
  5. BlaikeQC
    • premium
    • 5 kudos
    Did you guys get your CI/CD process figured out?  Just saw that you needed devops on the description
    1. DaydreamingDay
      • premium
      • 340 kudos
      Everything is noted in a howto.
      Each version needs a different skse version, which makes it more complex.
      Currently, builds are done through the VS2022 gui, not through console.
      So, yes, if you're interested in putting in place the CI/CD, I would be more than grateful!
      I'm not a win c++ dev originally...
  6. ArchGuardianAngel
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    Hi newer update of faster HDT will not let me pick my game  version
    its greyed out..

    ahh don't know whats going on but now even older version will not let me pick 1.6.640
    1. ShinsFortress
      • premium
      • 8 kudos
      I had that problem a few versions ago.  Using Vortex.  I needed to uninstall, deploy then install the new version.  Installing over or updating didn't work for FSMP for some reason.
    2. ArchGuardianAngel
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      I use MO2
  7. BurtFreeman
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    the fomod installer has some kind of problem.
    must be ignored some warning to install the mod.
  8. noahluiz18
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    hi, the cloaks/capes on mine are not working, any help on what could i do?

  9. AngDakilangPanda97
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    May I ask for help, my SKSE is saying my hdtSMP64.dll is incompatible with the new version, but I've already updated FSMP :( 
    1. FriarMcSwag
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      It's happening to me too. I hope this gets fixed soon! 
    2. DenizMC5
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      The update was not for the current game version, they are still working on it.
  10. DenizMC5
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    The link to their discord server expired, does anybody have a working one?
  11. JonathanOstrus
    • premium
    • 159 kudos
    Not sure if it's been asked before, and since it's code/dev related I think it fits here. But is there any particular reason PDB's for each variant is included in the general download archive? You could shave about 90% off the general download size by excluding them.