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XML configuration (74 comments)

  1. TreshMek
    • supporter
    • 3 kudos
    The mod works as intended with KS Hairdos HDT SMP. My current character is using one of the long ponytail hair styles but it sways side-to-side a little too much, especially while moving. What configurations should I use to make it so that its physics make it trail more behind my character? 
  2. Corn11
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Hello! Great mod, everything works consistently for my own character but if I give a follower an SMP wig the physics will turn off every 10 seconds or so and the wig will lock up like a vanilla hair and then after being still for 1-2 seconds the physics will turn back on. Does anyone know if this is a bug of some kind or something I can try to edit? Thanks!
  3. Papitas
    • premium
    • 122 kudos
    I have an "stretchness" problem.

    Physics are working alright, so it's not the typical "stretch to the ground" problem, but the best way I can describe it is that capes and hairdos act like if they were made of hot bubblegum while I'm moving; there's always some kind of spring quality to them and the faster I move (and the longer they are) the more they stretch.
    But things get back to their correct length once I stop moving.

    With longer hairdos and capes, things can get pretty ridiculous since they usually stretch up to 3x their length while I'm sprinting.
    If I walk they also stretch, but not that much.

    I suppose this is a case of me needing to configure some parameter or something, since I've never seen that in videos of people using SMP.
    1. Auveryn626
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Did you ever resolve this issue?
  4. The1andonly2
    • supporter
    • 9 kudos
    SMP stops physics when camera looks up. Is there a setting that can make view angle unlimited?

    Old version I had used this:
          maximumAngle: maximum angle to apply physics to an actor. 0 degrees is straight ahead. Values over 180 would disable this check
          Set lower values for more performance - default is 45 degrees.
    But new version does not have it and I tried pasting this into the new config but it didn't do anything
    1. gez
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Using version 1.50.4 rc-1 I still have this issue.  Other than using older versions is there a way to adjust or bypass this 'feature'?
    2. SlickSilk
      • premium
      • 42 kudos
      If anybody has figured this out then I'd love to know as well. This is even worse on an ultrawide monitor so I'd love to be able to have the physics constantly running even if the camera is pointing slightly away. 
    3. Dahveed
      • premium
      • 159 kudos
      I'm having a similar issue where the physics will randomly stop working when the camera is at certain angles, even if the NPC I'm looking at is in plain view in front of me.  It's really annoying...
    4. gez
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Figured this out finally I believe, in configs.xml
      set <autoAdjustMaxSkeletons>false</autoAdjustMaxSkeletons>

      using version 2.1.2 currently.
  5. melkor2734
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    hello my smp clothes acting weirds mostly in the outside. like clipping etc. I turned off wind option in xml nothing has been changed since then.
  6. Katarsi
    • premium
    • 116 kudos
    How do I configure XML to make the hair move less?
    1. anjenthedog
      • premium
      • 7 kudos
      How do I configure XML to make the hair move less?
      I haven't done so myself, but I believe you need to alter the hair's XML directly, since it configures its hdt/smp behavior 

      First and foremost, you would need a hairstyle covered by something that produces a collisions file for its hairstyles, I'd presume.

      For instance, if my presumption is correct, if you use KS, you'd need to edit the XML for KS hairdos that fits (and has been fitted) to your body type

      It appears that they're stored in the Bodyslide folders, (at least as source content), so perhaps a direct edit of the XML might work after the basic collisions data is fitted to your body mesh in Bodyslide by building the KS Hairdo collisions that suits your chosen body and physics style (on my system, there are 12: four each for TBD, CBBE, and BHUNP, to cover various hair lengths) 

      TBH I'm not sure where the output of hairdo Bodyslide mesh output goes for XML. Player folder seems likely. Never paid it much attention m'self, but I've been focused on other rabbit holes.

      edit: could be wrong on this, I'm getting the idea from searching around in my folders that any such SMP configuration may be stuffed inside the KS Hairdos esm, so CK or SSEDit might have to be employed. unless its located somewhere I haven't checked yet

      good luck!
  7. anjenthedog
    • premium
    • 7 kudos
    Great threads here. Within the framework of Skyrim and these XMLs files. Can anyone please define these terms? 

    • angularDamping
    • rollingFriction
    • restitution
    • margin-multiplier

    My background is in physics and electronics control, so I have a basic grounding in the mechanical and control processes (ie I'm not a newb to the subjects by a long shot)  but the terms used for configuring the XML in skyrim (re: FSMP, HTD-SMP, etc) aren't clear to me, since at least some of them come at the physics from a different linguistic angle of what I might term "coder lingo". (no offense intended. I've been programming since the early 1980s, I get it... anyway.. ex: margin-multiplier)

    I can't visualize how the above named terms interact, so adjustments can't really be measured, since I'm not sure what I'm looking for in terms of how it'd change the smp/hdt behavior visually/mechanically

    Are there any graphics (ie, pictures with arrows and captions) available that someone could link, that might help me overcome the "language" barrier?


    (PS> Could be wrong, but I believe that such a set of variable definitions ... and a graphic or two if possible) would go a very long way to answering many of the questions the "general audience" has wrt to XML configuration to properly configure (or tailor) FSMP for their systems) 

    PPS> This message ain't just for the author, so please speka up whoever you are if you have answers. 
  8. shoringu
    • BANNED
    • 0 kudos
    Great mod thank you for the work put into it..One question..Could someone explain to me how i can make adjustments to hair movement? most of the hair mods with physics move way too much sort of like spinning a mop around and they seem to hover too far from the head in certain areas. If i could just tone down the dramatic movements a bit i would be happy.

    p.s not looking for a handout ..if someone could just point me to a tutorial id be greatful.. ive read many of the FAQs and tutorials out there but couldnt quickly find anything about hair movement... and it seems Google searchs are getting worse by the day.

    thanks in advance
    1. DaydreamingDay
      • premium
      • 340 kudos
      I think you would have more luck asking on the discord servers of great hdt-smp hairs and outfits modders.
    2. RazorMaw777
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I've been having this problem too shoringu, and i relate to your issue. However I've found out that by tinkering the .xml file of the Hair physics mod I could somewhat modify how the hair physics work. The mass, inertia, friction etc. I tried testing and configuring everything but I still couldn't manage to get the hair to be less wavy or weightless like a feather. Maybe you could try tinkering with it and try adjusting a few things, but from my experience you either get veeeeery slow hair that stretches a lot or you barely make the physics change at all. Maybe this helps you, maybe it doesn't. I just wanna let you know you're not alone in this situation. 
  9. beomble
    • premium
    • 12 kudos
    Just cranked the wind strength up to 10 with some of Dint99's hairs and I'm really loving how it looks in a blizzard. Is there any possibility of adding a noise modifier of some sort for a more "rustley" result? or is that just a CTD waiting to happen?
    1. DaydreamingDay
      • premium
      • 340 kudos
      Somebody has made this suggestion.
      Cool idea

      I'm waiting for a code proposal
  10. MysteriousClay
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Does anyone know if it is possible to have the animations play out faster? It feels like breasts jiggle around for a second longer than they should be.

    For example, CBPC has the timeStep variable which determines how fast physics play out. Does FSMP have something like this?

    Edit: Nvm, I seem to have found my answer. For anyone else wondering, raising min-fps in the main config xml increases physics playout speed.
    1. DaydreamingDay
      • premium
      • 340 kudos
      About min-fps: no, see the article on min-fps.

      About speed: well no, it depends on the physics xml files.
      Although maxSubsteps plays a role if you play below 60 fps.