About this mod
Files and a guide for using an Analog keyboard for movement in Skyrim.
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As of v3, this mod uses an adjusted config file for Auto Input Switch. Please be sure you have that mod installed (now a requirement).
What this mod includes:
- New ControlMap.txt which allows for analog movement, without breaking other elements of the game. Optional version included which unbinds Numpad Keys from Hotkeys/Quickkeys.
- Config file for Auto Input Switch to enforce KBM inputs for analog keyboard use.
What the Control Map does:
- Rebind digital movement to (typically) unused keys.
- Create new bindings for use in specific menus; AltUp, AltDown, AltLeft, AltRight. These can be rebound in Controls menu.
- Allow panning the map with the alt keys above, and retain cursor control with mouse.
- Allow lockpick rotation to be analog (minor quality of life improvement).
- Ensure you have Auto Input Switch, SKSE, and the correct Address Library for your version (SE or AE) installed.
- Overwrite Auto Input Switch with this mod (this will only overwrite the config file).
- Install the FOMOD; carefully read each option before making a selection.
- Reset all keybinds to default, either in-game, or by deleting "ControlMap_Custom.txt" in Skyrims default directory.
- This should be 100% safe to uninstall at any time. No plugins, scripts, or anything like that are running.
- You will need to reset all keybinds to default again, either in-game, or by deleting "ControlMap_Custom.txt" in Skyrims default directory.
Compatibility and other important notes:
- Ensure you have Gamepad enabled in Skyrim, and a Wooting profile applied with xinput left stick movement. Leave digital key input ENABLED so you can still type, as well as pan the map.
- You are free to rebind controls! You just need to reset them first for everything to work.
- If you are not a WSAD user, you can rebind AltUp, AltDown, AltLeft, and AltRight in the Controls menu. This will affect specific UI elements (Map and Lockpick), and allow seamless compatibility.
- MCM hotkeys, such as SkyUI controls, may need to be rebound. You can simply reapply the same keys you already used.
Parapets, who modified his original mod (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/54309) to allow analog keyboards to be used.