Skyrim Special Edition
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  1. Hullox
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Can someone explain to me why I'm opening a windows command prompt to direct me to a google doc that I need to request permission for just do download this mod? Like what is this horse s#*!? Do you dumb fucks not know how to just allow mod download from nexus????
  2. lobotomyxyz
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    usage notes for anyone trying to use this in 2024+

    I've found I can use this with remote files but calling from the animation directory to a remote hkanno or virtually joining the paths always produces a blank file. Using it from the hkanno directory to a remote file with remote output also produces a blank output. Using it from the hkanno directory to a remote file with no output specified produces anno.txt in the hkanno directory with all the correct annotations

    some guides suggest hct 2014 version. this didnt seem to work for me so uninstall every havok version and only install 2010.2 x64 version

    using this on an LE/32bit animation will give a message "unable to load scene file" but may still work. At least it did with some cases while others produce a blank file. You can use the hctplatformwin32.cmd to convert to 64 bit but if used on an existing 64 bit hkx it will delete the file. "hkxcmd convert -v:amd64" is therefore a better option

    following suggested command text and inputting "hkanno64 dump -o a.hxk  a.txt" will also give the message "unable to load scene file" and actually does nothing

    "hkanno64 dump a.hkx" does work and uses the default output anno.txt. This got me thinking so I tried "hkanno64 dump a.hkx -o a.txt" and that works. update can be done either as "hkanno64 update a.hkx -i a.txt" or as "hkanno64 update -i a.txt a.hkx". I don't really know how this discrepancy went unnoticed for so many years but I think this should explain many issues people have had

    With all that said I am working on a bulk animation handling toolkit and need batch file handling. I could probably set it up to have hkanno in the same folder as my toolkit and handle the ouput anno.txt files before moving on. I'm not currently using multithread processing but its something I'm considering and doing this would make that totally impossible so not the way I want to go. I could likely fix the pathing issue and recompile hkanno since the author was kind enough to include source and put it under MIT license but I'm concerned that users would still need HCT which could become harder to find and leads to issues due to wrong versioning. I'd like to eventually have my program contain entirely its own code and not require a CMD call to a different exe but I think for now I'll likely just use hkxcmd/hkxconv to get animations into XML and use a quick regex search to update annotations before converting back to hkx. For now my priority is to include MCO->BFCO conversion as I'm not satisfied with the other conversion tool for several reasons, one of which being that it relies on hkanno and is subject to some of the same issues with setting it up. If the end result is too slow then I will probably think about recompiling hkanno as a dll. For anyone seeing this in the future, I hope to have those solutions available soon so you can check my profile. For anyone else hopefully the above info cleared up some issues with using this tool 
  3. 1098398649
    • member
    • 6 kudos
    is anyone getting the warning about "couldnt load hctFilterTexture.dll" when trying to dump or update anno.txt?

    ive installed havokcontenttool, and when checking with hctPlatformWin32.cmd., it does return :
    Usage: hct.exe -o out.hkx x 64 .hkx
    -- HCT Start
    -- HCT Finished

    indicating that it is indeed installed. 

    yet im still getting a warning...

    it seem to still be working tho, i can dump out a anno.txt and update it, not sure if this warning might would cause trouble down the road
    1. opparco
      • premium
      • 276 kudos
      It can be ignored.
      hkanno64.exe does not use the Graphics Filters.

      hctFilterTexture.dll depends on external dlls.
      If you afraid of the dependencies...
      launch DependenciesGUI.exe.
      drop hctFilterTexture.dll into the app.
      The output as follows:
      freeimage.dll and nvtt.dll module could not be found.

      in the Havok 2010 Content Tools manual:
      5.3. Gather And Convert Texture
      This filter uses FreeImage ( ), a popular open source image conversion library, to convert any textures (inplace or file based) from one supported format to another, ...
      5.4. Compress Texture
      This filter uses the open source Nvidia Texture Tools (nvtt, which itself is based on libSqiush (
    2. MurameS
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      i downloaded freeimgae and nvidia texture tool. what should i do with it?
      FreeImage is just a libary i guess i have ti copy it somewere in the havok folder?
    3. lobotomyxyz
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      You don't need those things just ignore the message
  4. GoblinSlayeru15
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Could you be more specific about the usage method? Once I "update" the file what I must do?
  5. UsernameZach
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    this is what worked for me, putting it here in case anyone else need it or i forgot
    1. download hkanno64 (this file)
    2. download havok x64 variant this python
    5. put everything in the same file
    should contain 2 files + 1 folder: hkanno folder, Dump and update.json, SkyrimGuild annotation tool v1.1.pyw
    6. follow this instruction
    hkanno does not like special chars ('_', '/', etc), remove from animation file name OR YOU WILL GET BLANK ANNOTATION FILES
    1. WRCUno
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      the skyrim guild download ( has been
    2. PineappleForScale
      • member
      • 3 kudos
  6. Broken009
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    good tools for Unprofessional player(me), i want to change the speed of animation(stagger and death animation), is there any easy way ?
  7. cmspence83
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Maybe not the most popular request, but... would anyone be able to detail how to convert a SkySA SE animation to a regular SE animation with this?
    1. IcemanSR
      • premium
      • 26 kudos
    2. MurameS
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      there is a tool from distar for this
  8. CrearX
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    [0xabba9733] Warning : Couldn't load DLL (C:\Program Files\Havok\HavokContentTools\filters\hctFilterTexture.dll
    [ Processing All Configurations... ]
        [ --- Configuration: Default --- ]
            *** There are no filters in this configuration. ***
            Finished in 08:00:00

    It can't work
    1. MurameS
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      i have the same issue. for me he installed it in the wrong directory. maybe u can check it...
  9. MurameS
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    i cant activate it.. when i drop an hkx file on dump nothing happen. i installed the havok engine with the link postet here. i Installed Visuall Studio express c
     and havok  content tool  x64_2010-2-0_20101115
  10. Blackread
    • premium
    • 397 kudos
    The anno.txt the dump generates is completely empty... not even the comment lines are present. At first I thought this was because of the hctFilterTexture.dll failing to load, but apparently it's something else. Taking the same anim files from the 32-bit version of the mod I can dump the annotations just fine using the 32-bit hkanno, but for some reason this 64-bit version just doesn't work. I suspect it might be the hct.exe failing to make the conversion, because if I try to convert the files manually using it, I get no output at all.
    1. MasterPixxel
      • premium
      • 8 kudos
      same here. did it with several sneak animations, but sadly it wont work :/
    2. GoblinSlayeru15
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      Same problem here, any solutions??
    3. Blackread
      • premium
      • 397 kudos
      Yes, I found a workaround. Make a .bat file with these contents and drag and drop the animation file on top of it.
      hkanno64.exe dump "%~1"
      Then you can update the annotations similarly with a different .bat file with these contents:
      hkanno64.exe update -i anno.txt "%~1"
    4. EggDropSoap
      • premium
      • 16 kudos
      For me the .bat didn't help, it was still generating blank annotation files. What fixed it was uninstalling HCT 2014 and installing HCT 2010. Oops. 🙃