Skyrim Special Edition

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  1. GroveJr
    • member
    • 8 kudos
    Hello, I have this problem where the bracers don't appear on my female character but works fine for my male character. Do you know what could be the issue?
    1. Tathrin
      • premium
      • 326 kudos
      I do not know. I haven't had a computer for a little while so I'm only just getting my modding set-up in place again so I can't go in and poke at the file at the moment. Do the bracers show-up okay when you only have the main mod enabled without this patch? And are you using the vanilla female body, or CBBE or something else?
    2. GroveJr
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      I use vanilla body and I do not test it without the patch. I'll report back when I finished.
    3. GroveJr
      • member
      • 8 kudos
      So I tested with the original mod bracers mesh and it appears on my character. Replacing them with the mesh from this mod makes them invisible again.
    4. Tathrin
      • premium
      • 326 kudos
      Are you having trouble with the Vanilla Tsun Armor patch or the Vanilla Tsun Basic patch? I see you've downloaded both. Which one is it that you're using that you're having trouble with the bracers? Because if you have the Basic installed, you'll want to get rid of the original CBBE esp as it won't have any effect on that one, other than to automatically correct the male weight issues by providing the second mesh that the game neglected to create (all you need from the original download for the Basic are the textures, because it's for people who don't want the craftable version of the armor installed so all it does it add the female and ground models to the existing armor that Tsun is wearing in the game; it doesn't enable the ability to craft the armor at all). If you're using the craftable version and replacing the CBBE meshes with these vanilla ones, then of course you'll need to have both the original mod and the Armor patch enabled.

      So basically your modlist should either have both "FemTsunArmor.esp" and "FemTsunArmorVanilla.esp" active, or only "TsunVanilla.esp" active. If you have FemTsunArmor.esp and TsunVanilla.esp but not FemTsunArmorVanilla, then you won't be getting the right vanilla-female meshes loading and that's probably what's making the bracers vanish. I just tested the vanilla armor version in my game and the bracers are definitely showing up for me.
    5. Tathrin
      • premium
      • 326 kudos
      Never mind, I figured it out. Somehow I had the wrong body part flags on it. Possibly something stemming from converting from CBBE/fancy skeleton to regular that I just didn't notice? idk. I'll upload a fix soon! Thanks for finding this problem, I have no idea how I never noticed it before!
  2. Foamimi
    • premium
    • 132 kudos
    Hi there !! Sorry for the image spam I just... really love this armor. ;_;
    Thank you so much for your conversion work - it's much appreciated !!
    1. Tathrin
      • premium
      • 326 kudos
      Don't apologize for that, they're EXQUISITE! I'm a terrible screen-archer so I looooove seeing other players' screenshots instead of my boring ones, thank you so much for sharing them! I'm so glad you're enjoying these.
  3. Lemzzest
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Is this mod safe to install mid-game/on an existing save file? Also, might be a stupid question, but what do you mean by male weight support? Just that the armor will fit male characters of any/all weight settings?
    1. Tathrin
      • premium
      • 326 kudos
      Oh yeah, go ahead and install mid-game. The only thing affected is a single set of armor, so at most the very worst that this mod could possibly do would be to perhaps bork said armor and make you get a fresh set of it if something goes really weird (and I honestly can't think of anything that would make that happen, but some people have very complicated modlists, so one never knows!). Completely safe to install (or even uninstall) mid-playthrough; the worst that could happen would be someone suddenly losing their armor and standing around looking naked and confused lol.

      re: male weight-support, the original armor was only designed to be worn by one specific character, so the developers never bothered to make the lower-size half of the mesh (all armors/outfits need two meshes: the max size and the minimum size, and then it adjusts to match whatever weight your character is in between those two extremes). So no matter how big your character was when he put on that armor, he got the extra-large version. Now he should have one that fits him no matter what his weight setting!
  4. deleted18986409
    • account closed
    • 2 kudos
    What if I want Madcat221's female version with the fixed male model provided here? Could both work together?
    1. Tathrin
      • premium
      • 326 kudos
      Madcat221 put the male meshes I made into their files now, so all you need to do is download the main mod!

      EDIT: Oh wait, I think I read this wrong. You want the fixed male model for the vanilla Tsun armor and Madcat221's 3BA/CBBE female set, correct? Yeah in that case, install whichever file you want from Madcat221 and the "Vanilla Tsun Basic" file from here. They should run alongside one another with no problems. I'll add a note about that to the description page, thanks!
  5. TheHoarder
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Many thanks, I was never a fan of body replacers. Do you think we can also have the normal bikini strap version? This one is a little too stripper-like for my taste...
    1. Tathrin
      • premium
      • 326 kudos
      I'm afraid the strap options seem to be a BodySlide thing, which is not a program I understand how to work with at all. When I downloaded the original mod's files, there was only one actual armor mesh, and it was this design. (Which was fortunate for me, because I liked the stability of this one better anyway, but unfortunate for those like you who prefer the more straightforward option--sorry!) I think obtaining the other strap design has something to do with "zaps" but tbh I have no idea what that means. If someone familiar with the BodySlide program wants to generate and then save a straightforward mesh that has the other strap instead, I'll be glad to do the minor reshaping necessary...but that's the only way it's going to happen, I'm afraid. Sorry!
    2. TheHoarder
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      Don't worry, I understand the problem, I never managed to work something out of BodySlide myself! Thanks for your kind answer and for showing some love to us vanilla body enthusiasts ;)
    3. Tathrin
      • premium
      • 326 kudos
      Absolutely! I'm glad I'm not the only one here still using it lol. Also if you want, go ahead and put this in your "tracked" mods, because if anyone does hand me a back-strap mesh at some point, I'll definitely update to include that as an option.
  6. sattyre
    • premium
    • 219 kudos
    Thanks for this.  I use the original version by Madcat, but because of this mod, he added the male support.  Kudos to you
    1. Tathrin
      • premium
      • 326 kudos
      You're so welcome! Thank you.
  7. siempre
    • premium
    • 82 kudos
    Thank you for this!! Madcat's top was a vast improvement, but I've never used CBBE or its many variants, and I was hoping someone would make a vanilla or UNP conversion 
    1. Tathrin
      • premium
      • 326 kudos
      You are very welcome! Madcat's top was absolutely stunning, so I just couldn't resist trying to make it work on vanilla. I'm so glad it does!