About this mod
Makes possible to choose dialogue options by 1-9 on keyboard.
- Permissions and credits
Of course, some dialogues has too many options, and all choices will have number, but you can choose only first 9 of them by pressing 1-9 on keyboard.
- v1.1: Added numpad support
- v1.1.2 TAB hotfix
- Added 32:9 and 21:9 versions (thanks to AbbieDoobie)
- It is NOT compatible with any mod providing Data/Interface/dialoguemenu.swf file.
Pick only one - this mod or other. If other mod overrides this one, features of this mod just disappear. If this mod overwrites some mod’s file, features present, but may cause problems to the other mod. - You may remove it at any spot in your playthrough.
- Install/uninstall it like any other mod.
- shaper8 for introducing me to the UI modding.
- AbbieDoobie for 32:9 and 21:9 versions.
My other mods
- New game sound on continue- plays New Game sound when you load last saved game.
- Just take books - allows you to take books while sneaking.
- NPC stamina matters (SKSE) - disallow NPC attacking until he has enough stamina.
- Where s the key - lists all key owner.
- Print F (modders recource) - adds printf functionality in Papyrus.
- FenixDisenchanter (modders recource) - adds reliable disenchanter (both player created and found in game disenchants).