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  1. grvulture
    • premium
    • 553 kudos
    New Version 3.8

    • Added "Atmosphere" page in the MCM, where you can adjust the atmosphere of your game (vivid/bleak, cold/warm, sharp/dreamy, natural/bright). The settings come in pairs, each adjustment antagonizes its partner, so don't set both settings of a pair to 100%, they will nullify each other. Use sense to shape the atmosphere of your game nicely (if you need to).
  2. stephenlewis2012
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    I just had to drop into the Posts page to tell you all how impressed I am with this mod.

    I previously was using a combination of Obsidian Weathers, ELE for ENB and Relighting Skyrim, but when I saw a short video review of this mod on Youtube I just had to install and try it out, and Wow!, I am blown away. I am currently using Haze 2 alongside ELFX and ELFX Shadows for interiors now.

    The sunsets and sunrises are spectacular and varied. They are worth sticking around just to watch the changes in lighting as the sun moves into and out of the horizon. The clouds are realistic and sombre during cloudy or stormy days.

    I appreciate the MCM menu, and I use it to add a little bit of saturation to my days, and darkness to the nights. I have also darkened my interiors and together with a mod that extinguishes all dungeon lights it makes the atmosphere really creepy to play. I don't play with an ENB.

    Because of the way the lighting works in exteriors and interiors now, I notice things in the game that I have walked past a hundred times but never seen before. In Winterhold the light now showcases the textures in the cobblestones on the road and I can see the details and colours in them. Many times now I am wandering around and walk past a vista point, and I have to stop and take a screenshot.

    I am playing on a laptop with a fairly modest graphics chipset, and I have noticed how the game feels so much smoother than before, with hardly any lag, except during a few big battles with magic spells flying about.

    Thanks for this mod. Fantastic work. It feels like a whole different world now.
    1. Daevoids
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Very agree, ive just tried this mod since i want my skyrim look very perfect without any visual bug. THIS MOD IS FANTASTIC !
  3. Daevoids
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    You should change the title to "How to make your skyrim look graphically beautiful without ENB" because this is the best weather mod !!!
    Seriously, i tried many weather mod that add gloomy atmoshphere (cold and overcast just like dishonored game).
    I tried RAID weather but the night is too dark and too much saturation. Tried rustic but too much ambient occlusion. Tried Cathedra but too much sunlight. Tried NAT weather but too much bug and glitch. 
    But this....this is the best weather mod i ever had and will make a fine permanent addition to my load order.
    Also i have a few question :
    1. You said that this isnt compatible with volumetric lightning, do you mean Evlass mod ? 
    2. There is a conflict with realistic water TWO, may i ask why ?

    Anyway ! Thanks for the great mod, ive combined this also with vanilla HDR mod + Mist of Tamriel mod  and it looks much much better ! Endorsed !

    1. grvulture
      • premium
      • 553 kudos
      Hello. Thank you for your comment!!
      1. Haze Weathers 2 has its own EVlass so you don't need other mods that add volumetric lighting.
      2. Haze Weathers 2 adds its own water meshes and records. That may make other water mods incompatible. Try loading RW2 after Haze Weathers 2.
    2. Daevoids
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Ahh i see, since i used EVLAS for a long time thats why i need to ask haha, anyay thanks for the answer tho ! Best luck on your modding friend !!! 💯
  4. Nett00
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Great mod, however i've been getting no variety in weather. There is none, no rain, no snow, no fog, no nothing, only clear skies. I've tried waiting an hour after using the rain shout and i've tried waiting 5 min + in real time and it just does nothing. It seems like only clear skies work but none of the actual weathers work. I've also tried changing all the sliders to enable the worst possible weather conditions and only get some clouds for a little while
    1. grvulture
      • premium
      • 553 kudos
      When you start the game, do you get a notification "Haze Seasons started"? When you change something in the MCM, do you get "Haze Seasons re-initialized"?
  5. Admiral30
    • premium
    • 135 kudos
    It's really solid weather mod, but I need to complain a little.

    • Days are fine, can't say anything about it.
    • Nights are inconsistent. Sometimes they are bright as the day, sometimes they are dark, and there seems to be no relation to sky brightness. Night brightness slider didn't work for me but I think it was HDR Bloom overriding the settings.
    • Configuration options are overwhelming. On one hand customization is good, but on the other hand maybe it's too much power for the user. I personally believe in static regional weather distribution and settings that roughly make sense, and maybe 1-2 plugins that offer stuff like darker/brighter nights. Mod could benefit from "light version" that doesn't have MCM included and has settings already tweaked to "reasonable" levels.
    That's it. I really like how it looks like and I haven't expected as advanced weather mod from something with 8k downloads, but in my opinion nights are kind of weird.
  6. Klemc
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    The mod handles seasonal system, the po3's SOSeasons of Skyrim SKSE plugin would make things good or bad if active ?

    Modding this game leads to so much, mods !

    edit: i decided to use also your Real Humans and Beasts mod, great again.
    1. grvulture
      • premium
      • 553 kudos
      It can be loaded with Seasons of Skyrim, they can work together. The results are good in my opinion.
  7. henryslim
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    Hello gvulture.
    Thanks for the update but even with that Ihave found some issues in VR.
    I will try to get the weather names and screeshots to give you more information.
    And I have found some distance line of fog that are dissapear while you are walking or runing.
    I remember that with an ENB you can tweak that in Fog options but without enb I can't do anything.
    I will give you more information.
  8. Danna233
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Tell me what needs to be done to turn off the screen flickering during rain?
    1. grvulture
      • premium
      • 553 kudos
      There is no screen flickering during rain. What do you mean?
    2. Danna233
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      It's like turning a light off and on. Or how a faulty light bulb blinks. At first I thought it was some kind of lightning effect. I turned off the lightning. But it didn't help. At regular intervals the screen blinks, well, not the monitor, but the game) And it started precisely with the rain. I don't have ENB or any lighting mods. The only thing I did was increase the sharpness on the video card.
    3. grvulture
      • premium
      • 553 kudos
      This is not part of the mod. I'd need to see a video to understand what you mean.
    4. Danna233
      • member
      • 2 kudos

      Here's a gif.  This only happens when it rains and only outside.
    5. memlapse
      • premium
      • 45 kudos
    6. Danna233
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      I turned off the separate lightning. Perhaps this is built in to rainy weather. But lightning usually looks like a flash. There is a darkening of the screen here, which causes discomfort. I don’t have a very good video card, all my experiments with ENB ended in a crash to the desktop, usually the crash happens just like that, the screen goes blank). Therefore, a similar effect worries me. Sorry. Overall I really like the weather, it's varied and the world looks amazing even without ENB.
    7. grvulture
      • premium
      • 553 kudos
      Yes, I see the darkening, which must be a bugged lightning. I'll have to check that. Thank you for the gif
    8. Danna233
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Can I fix this myself? Perhaps I need to remove some entry?
    9. grvulture
      • premium
      • 553 kudos
      No, there is no setting for that. It's in the esp and I have to test the weathers out to find out what is it that's causing it. If it is a bug 
    10. Danna233
      • member
      • 2 kudos

      Is this it or not? Yes, I am a bore)
    11. grvulture
      • premium
      • 553 kudos
      No, it's definitely not this.
    12. grvulture
      • premium
      • 553 kudos
      I've tested all rainy weathers, I've found one that has this bugged lightnings. I'll try to fix it in the coming days.
    13. Danna233
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Thank you.
    14. grvulture
      • premium
      • 553 kudos
      Fixed in version: 3.15
    15. Danna233
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Thank you.
    16. TikiPrime
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      This has bothered me for a long time. Thank you for fixing!
  9. cfzlbj
    • member
    • 3 kudos
    Why can't we see the beautiful morning and evening rosy clouds?
    What about the red sun?!

    I hope to have a colorful and vibrant red glow and rosy clouds.
  10. MrYeet21
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    Some of the snowy weathers seem to have issues with the snow particles, making them spawn only in front of the camera and not behind (snow flakes in front in 1st person, turn around and they don't "follow the camera" as they usually would). Might be a fov thing, but do you have more clues about that ?
  11. Tenz81
    • member
    • 10 kudos
    " Dynamic Volumetric Lighting and Sun Shadows: not compatible. HWSA2 has its own DVLaSS"
    does this mean we can avoid generating underside mesh when running dyndolod? (i guess no...)
    1. grvulture
      • premium
      • 553 kudos
      (highly recommended) generate a load order specific terrain underside using DynDOLOD 3.0 or newer
    2. Tenz81
      • member
      • 10 kudos
      went back to your weather (and pandora enb) after a while and finally noticed the included lights mod, it's very cool. I love the long period and movements of lights, it gives them almost the same realism as the shadowcasting ones! i bet it's quite an underrated setting, even if there are other mods that gives long values (like more dynamic lights and even the new sil) but yours have the biggest values I ever saw. I literally become addicted to period min 0.06 to 0.1 of flickering lights, I can't stand anymore a candle that make light like an electric modern lamp or LED. I had to modified to lights to get it better, is there any ssedit script to modify that value? I only found one to modify colors (on luminosity mod page)
    3. grvulture
      • premium
      • 553 kudos
      Ah, no, there is no such script. I did it all by hand. Sorry for the late reply, btw! :[
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    I recently switched to this beautiful mod from Wander... This is certainly an incredibly beautiful thing. However, I wanted to check exactly what I should change, get really dark nights. I don't understand how to do it by myself in the MCM but if they told me which options to mark and some percentage would be of great help, I like to use the torches, with dark nights it would be really perfect.
    1. grvulture
      • premium
      • 553 kudos
      I will fix a preset for you.
    2. grvulture
      • premium
      • 553 kudos
      Download the new version. Go to the MCM, under "Presets" you will find "Cinematic Preset". Load it and you will get what you want.
  13. henryslim
    • premium
    • 2 kudos
    I tried a lot of weather mods and saw so many videos in youtube of weathers comparison but your weather is one of the best.
    I LOVE the sunsets. Are amazing!!
    Great job. I'm using your mod alongside with Real Clouds and works perfectly so you can add to the compatible mods if you want.
    I'm in VR and the only issue that I have found id with the fog weathers where the fog in the distance and mountains os very white.
    I don't use enb so I can't touch that.
    Maybe I can find some mod to fix that.

    It will be amazing that you will do a patch for Scenery VR enb.
    But I supose that you don't have a headset, so please.... BUY A HEADSET!!
    We need modders like you in VR.
    Thank you so much man.
    1. grvulture
      • premium
      • 553 kudos
      I have a headset and I play Skyrim only in VR now, but it's very hard to mod for VR, as I have to constantly take the headset off, adjust something in the mod, put it back on and test it, and so on. So I don't mod specifically for VR. I will check about your problem with the fog and try to fix it for VR though.

      Thank you for your feedback!
    2. henryslim
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Ohh. Great! Thank you so much.
      I understand what you said with the headset. If you find and solve the issue with the fog it will be amazing.
      Your mod of trees is beautiful too.
    3. henryslim
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      Hello grvulture.

      I was checking more you weather in VR. Looks AMAZING!!! My favourite weather.
      I love your sunsets and sunrise so long. :D

      But I was checking the weather with fog and I think that don't look well in VR like we were talking and I want to 
      give you more deatails and information.
      I have only a few mods and no ENB or Community shaders by now.

      I didn't check all the weathers but some of the weathers that have this issue are:
      0010a7a7  or 0010a232
      It will be great that ou will do a patch or an update for VR.
      I put some screenshots to show the issue where you can see the mountains very white or blue at night.
      Thank you so much for your work and art. :)

    4. grvulture
      • premium
      • 553 kudos
      Hey, yeah, I see the problem with the mountains, they shouldn't look like that. Thanks for sharing the weather codes, I'll fix them!
    5. grvulture
      • premium
      • 553 kudos
      I fixed the two problematic foggy weathers in VR.