Hi! Would you be willing to give permission for someone to port these patches to Bethesda.net for us Xbox players? I’d love to be able to use these mods together!
from author: "RDO adds "Persistent" to "xx01AA79" and "xx01AA7A", and CVR adds "ARTHCVRCattleRoomNoVamps" to both. Don't think it's very important, but when I was going through the records I thought I might as well patch it anyway." and The SDE patch is very minor, only affecting the Serana "we should part ways" options, so doubt it would cause you any issues.
and the other patch is for SDE(Serana Dialogue Edit), not SDAO(Serana Dialogue AddOn), for SDAO i uploaded a patch here.
The patch should eliminate superfluous dialogue while listening to a main story dialogue so it is not like children that don't know to not talk over the adults in the room. I don't think the RDO patch does anything worthwhile but it is suggested by LOOT for castle volkihar rebuilt. How does LOOT get these suggestions for mods in their data base, do you send them in?
For anyone wondering, the SFCO patch looks to still work out of the box with the newest SFCO v2+. I didn't have any issues walking around the castle, all of the chairs were applied and even the new Enchanter and Alchemy table seems to apply the new textures as well.
The SDE patch is very minor, only affecting the Serana "we should part ways" options, so doubt it would cause you any issues.
and the other patch is for SDE(Serana Dialogue Edit), not SDAO(Serana Dialogue AddOn), for SDAO i uploaded a patch here.
OH... version zero is deleted, that'll work too.