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  1. SoftPaw6234
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Pretty sure it's supposed to be some kind of fantasy ultra-bioluminescent lichen or moss, but you're right about it not looking great.
  2. Skinjack
    • premium
    • 22 kudos
    Out of curiosity (since I don't see it in the mod's previews) what exactly do you mean by New Texture (Moss Covered) in the images? Is that just the effect in moss covered areas or were you intending to add a version like that? Either way... I like the effect.
  3. Fawxer
    • member
    • 24 kudos
    there is still ugly black gunk that shows behind the texture, where the old glow used to be. I have tried everything but cant find a texture that is connected to this black part.. the texture and glow texture both don't change it. Im at a loss.
  4. GammaCavy
    • premium
    • 8 kudos
    Now it find out if i feel like the ceiling is looking at me in Blackreach. Whether or not it works out fo rmy setup, thank you.  A lot. The vanilla  blue glow is yeurgh.
  5. urbon
    • premium
    • 879 kudos
    Jesus thanks a lot for this. My performance is restored now
  6. Vladimirvl0111
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Thank you!
  7. drevviken
    • premium
    • 37 kudos
    I'll try this one. Vanilla is literally the worst texture in the whole game imo. Luckily other modders have finally done something about it but the quest for perfection continues =D 
  8. BlazeStryker
    • premium
    • 47 kudos
    I like this idea. I also hope it can lead to more usage of the Aetherium Forge. It really does deserve more love.
    1. cunny1975
      • premium
      • 979 kudos
      This has needed doing since the game was released as far as i'm concerned, looks better than vanilla, been trying to locate that texture for ages, now i know where it is...never noticed it i clutter folder, i hate that low res blue glow in falmer caves/ blackreach, gonna get rid of it once and for all, or do something with it, use a decent 4K texture which blends well maybe
    2. Merscil
      • member
      • 42 kudos
      Well, I figured since the texture is repeated a lot where it's used and you're pretty much never going to be very close to it, 2K is enough. Also, since it's often masked off with low quality edges in the game, there's only so much you can do to increase its appearance with the texture alone. I actually tried out three different compositions before I was happy with how it looked from afar.

      @BlazeStryker I'd also like to see the aetherium forge get more love. But I'm afraid we can't mine the ceiling just yet. You never know what some modders may come up with though :p
    3. BlazeStryker
      • premium
      • 47 kudos
      Given gem geodes in Soltsheim and the Blackreach soulgem geodes, a differently glowing geode that (using an Ancient Nordic, Powerful or Notched pickaxe) provides Aetherium Ore in the Forge Cavern and very magical sites like the Throat of the World should provide. The ore should look like a denser amount of your ceiling texture and smelt down with two ore (and possibly a charged soul gem) into an Aetherium disc once you've completed the Forge quest as you may have to use the Forge itself to break down the ore!

      Just an idea.
  9. GoldenS
    • supporter
    • 8 kudos
    Could be aetherium, but lore-wise there's not much info. The only thing the lore officialy mentions on its origin is in Katria's journal - that most aetherium is extracted from Raldbthar.
  10. Sable17
    • premium
    • 297 kudos
    Thank you for this! I don't know what all this aetherium talk is about but it's a lovely texture replacer for an often forgotten texture. :)
    1. Merscil
      • member
      • 42 kudos
      Thanks :)