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  1. ReeceyBar
    • member
    • 7 kudos
    1. Diego2891
      • premium
      • 63 kudos
      This mod? I find no conflicts with clams and oysters. Maybe you mean FaECF? My other mod? And in that case I find only a small conflict to the sad mini campfire that Bethesda placed in the floor-level fireplace during the Burning of King Olaf festival quest.
    2. ReeceyBar
      • member
      • 7 kudos
    3. Diego2891
      • premium
      • 63 kudos
      So, would you like a version of Clams and Oysters Clipping Fix that is dependent on the "Unofficial Skyrim SE Fixes.esp" file instead of the "Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp"? You are the second user asking me about this and if you really have a problem with USSEP I can build a version without dependencies. However, here is a version that does not require USSEP.
    4. ReeceyBar
      • member
      • 7 kudos
    5. Diego2891
      • premium
      • 63 kudos
      I would avoid as all my mods are made to use USSEP. Not using USSEP creates a number of problems which then spill over into mods optimized for using USSEP. For example, if the USSEP changes the landscape in an area and a clam has been placed to take advantage of this change, without the USSEP the clam will fly or be below ground level making it invisible or barely visible. And at that point this will be seen as a problem with the mod and may be reported as a bug. I try to do this thing, load it momentarily and immediately delete it. Even if I delete it, the version will still be in the archive and you can download (theoretically) it but it won't have any media. I don't want to make versions of my mods without USSEP support. Those who don't use USSEP shouldn't use my mods because I believe that its presence is a fundamental requirement. Or they get an older version of SSEEdit (3.2.1) and remove that requirement. P.S. It is not possible to do this. Archived versions are not downloaded, I thought they could be downloaded but it seems not. But then what's the point of archiving?
    6. ReeceyBar
      • member
      • 7 kudos
      Alright thanks. Feel free to delete this whole big comment with many replies, I'd hate to clutter things and this is getting pretty big
    7. Diego2891
      • premium
      • 63 kudos
      No problem dear ReeceBar. The important thing is that you managed to download and solve the problem.
    8. calazy
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Archived versions can be downloaded if they're included in a nexus collection or wabbajack modlist, while downloading said collection or modlist. They just can't be downloaded via regular means.
      Anyways, thank you for your work.
    9. Diego2891
      • premium
      • 63 kudos
      Thanks for the information dear. I had probably read it in the past but forgot about it. While instead I was convinced that by clicking on the blue rectangle "File Archive" I could download an old archived version. Yet I remembered doing this thing but it's only age that plays tricks on me. I don't even remember my parents' faces "when they were old", yet two years ago they were still alive. And the most recent photos I own are decades old. Damn me.
  2. carpenihil
    • premium
    • 122 kudos
    Vital mod. Thanks.
    1. Diego2891
      • premium
      • 63 kudos
      Thank you dear. You are very kind.
  3. D1Z4STR
    • premium
    • 12 kudos
    Here from Gamerpoets new video... Thanks, Michael and thanks Diego2891! Download this mod today... 2023 style!
    1. Diego2891
      • premium
      • 63 kudos
      I have seen GamerPoets video and thank Michael for including my mod. It's very well done and I wouldn't be able to make one like this. If I were ever to include a video, it would be similar in quality to Me at the Zoo.
  4. XilaMonstrr
    • premium
    • 1,778 kudos
    Why does this require USSEP? There's no dependent records
    1. Diego2891
      • premium
      • 63 kudos
      A comment after a long time! I thought I touched something and of having closed them involuntarily. As for your request, if I remember correctly, some clams I repositioned had already been modified by the USSEP (for example ID 000FFCFD and 000FFCF6) and my mod improves the repositioning of this one. To support that small percentage of users who don't use USSEP I would have to create another version and don't want to. I always take it for granted that a user who wants to modify Skyrim, the first thing he does on Nexus, is to download the unofficial patch. I would be afraid to play Skyrim without it.
    2. XilaMonstrr
      • premium
      • 1,778 kudos
      Thanks so much for the quick reply! Good to know.
      Lots more folks are not using USSEP these days :)
  5. lancegeis
    • premium
    • 103 kudos
    hello, i it triggered repeatable CTD near fort snowhawk, with the esl flagged file.
    The .net scripts crash log DIDNT lead to this specific esp/data, however it always had random FFxxxx data which comes from all ESL files (and script generated things).

    When i removed it , it didnt crash anymore. I suspect some corruption if you compacted the esl.

    I do not open a bug report because it can also be a conflict in load order, but it's unlikely considering the items targeted by the mod, i do not use flora / harvest fix etc . Or something else which i havent figured.
    1. Diego2891
      • premium
      • 63 kudos
      Do you crash if you use the normal ESP version? I can't repeat it. Unless you have increased ugridstoload to high values the area closest to the fort that contains modifications to objects is the fish hatchery of Windstad Manor. Send me your savegame, perhaps with a private message, which I want to test. Also let me know the list of all other ESMs and ESPs. Better still if you send me the plugins.txt file.
    2. lancegeis
      • premium
      • 103 kudos
      it will be far too complicated for you to try to reproduce it, dont even bother, just wait to see if someone else gives you a crash report, if i'm alone it's on my side ;)

      however because you asked, here is the list.
    3. lancegeis
      • premium
      • 103 kudos
      ok i found the real culprit: batched patch which imported cell data from mods, while being flagged esl (because it flags itself esl automatically... and cell data is buggy with ESL)

      So i guess removing your mod simply changed something in the database of the game and prevented the bug to happen at this specific spot.

      I re enabled it with a new bashed patch without esl flag and it doesnt crash anymore

      sorry for the false alarm and waste of time.
    4. Diego2891
      • premium
      • 63 kudos
      No problem dear. Wasting my time is the main reason that led me to reinstall Skyrim to keep myself busy during the lockdown. I had abandoned it in 2015 to play GTA and The Witcher 3. This mod was also born six years ago but I only converted and finalized it now.
    5. lancegeis
      • premium
      • 103 kudos
      it is  true there is more meaningful ways to spend time than fixing oysters & clams... But atleast you will be able to brag about it to yours grandchildren. " once upon a time i fixed oysters & clams in a clunky creation kit, rotation after rotation, cells after cells.... ... ..."

      i made my no trees/less trees mods for the same reason (to brag about it to my grandchildren in few years! )
    6. KainThePheonix
      • premium
      • 52 kudos
      @lancegeis - It is highly suggested to NOT change an ESP into an ESL with ANY cell data included. It doesn't work using a mod with Cell data and turning it into an ESL or ESP-FE. It isn't "buggy" it's just not supposed to be used in this particular way.
  6. deleted39590675
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    While I was in xEdit, I noticed that this has some conflicts with the Unofficial Patch. It doesn't seem like anything serious, rather slightly different placements for a handful of objects. This leads me to my question; Does USSEP already fix this issue, or does it only cover a small amount of them? Either way, thanks for this. Anything that adds to immersion helps!
    1. Diego2891
      • premium
      • 63 kudos
      The mod repositions many clams previously repositioned from the unofficial patch which, however, did not completely eliminate the problem of interpenetration with in the terrain. Or they flew.
  7. lilebonymace
    • premium
    • 640 kudos
    they're just buried in the sand

    upd: well, except the ones on rocks tho
    1. IcyyBlade
      • member
      • 3 kudos
      You just made this mod and the mod author's amount of work on this obsolete, congratulations!
    2. wizkid34
      • premium
      • 2,058 kudos
      since i realized that the sand can partially bury shells, i can't no longer go to the beach, someone should fix this worldwide bug

    3. DarkDominion
      • premium
      • 495 kudos
      Send me the .nifs and I'll see what i can do 
      It might require a nuclear missile or two ...
  8. deleted98224923
    • account closed
    • 2 kudos
    Oysters clams and cockles...
  9. Punch3r
    • supporter
    • 11 kudos
    Thanks alot Diego, I will eternally hate Bethesda for their sense of "quality" and now there is one more thing on the list.

    Mod is working great, is there any chance for a small addon to give them better textures? I can't seem to find any replacers for clams, oysters and the meat.. Well at least not for *actual* oysters and the meat.

    1. Diego2891
      • premium
      • 63 kudos
      I don't use alternative textures for clams but I found this. I've seen it contains new meshes, but if they're any size other than vanilla they could invalidate my mod. If so just use textures. Instead there appears to be nothing for oysters.
    2. Punch3r
      • supporter
      • 11 kudos
      Oh yeah thanks I was actually using that in 2017 it appears from my download history.
      The mod worked great and the meat looks so much better with it, clams too. You can simply use the texture without anything and its a big improvment already.

      I will try the full mod with meshes and see if it works with your mod, it should though.
    3. Diego2891
      • premium
      • 63 kudos
      I have seen and it looks very beautiful and it is a pity that it is no longer supported. It would have been nice to have the clam that when opened display the meat inside for a few moment and then disappear. Or the pearl in the case of oysters.

      As for my mod, I've double-checked all of Skyrim and Solstheim territory three times and can't find anything else to fix. If anyone finds a clam or an oyster that is still not correct, give me his ID.
  10. blehmeh
    • member
    • 12 kudos
    I thought this was going to be about vaginas and was ready to post a moderately witty comment.
    1. Punch3r
      • supporter
      • 11 kudos
      I inquire you to share with us your witty comment anyway.