10/12/2020: Version 1a (Optional Files) You can now change each moon separately. For an example; you can have Masser small and Secunda very large, or vise versa (or any combination you want, or just change one moon size only, the sky's the limit). Screen shots of your combination welcome!
I feel lazy to type text, most of the time just browse and download. But this time I just feel really necessary to say thank you. I like your mods and have tracked you :) I enjoyed this moon size tweak mod and it works like charm.
There's a classic skyrim moon size tweak mod called 26 moon size tweaks: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/1037?tab=files
If at all possible and if we can have some more options like this, then this mod would become perfect. I especially enjoy a huge masser suppressing over the planet sky, it looks astonishingly beautiful!
Also enjoyed your retexture of the moons mod and retexture of the galaxy mod. Looks wonderful. Expecting to see more mods coming from you! Endorsed & Best regards!
Thank you for the feedback!! Comments like this really get me through the long grind of making these mods! I thank you.
I took a look at the link you provided regarding the 26 tweaked moons. I will try to release a new update this weekend that has something similar (a large file with 20 to 30 moon size changes). Thanks for the request.
Currently working on a stand alone star retexture with realistic, low fantasy, mid fantasy, to high fantasy versions.
Oh thank you so much!! I've been searching for the moon size tweaks for special edition for a very very long time and now my dream has come true. It's also nice to hear about the upcoming release of the star, sun and clouds retexture. I always feel that the beauty of the skies of Skyrim is unmatchable in the game history, one major reason is that it's highly customizable. Anyway I shall be waiting for your upcoming mods and I can tell they would look great. I specifically enjoy the sky and stars and moon textures and I've downloaded loads of them in my computer previously. Also I understand very much the countless effort (or even be tiresome) in making these mods, either using photoshop or other tools, because actually I've made moon and sky mods before and released on Nexus (But at that time after release nobody encouraged me nor endorsed so I felt frustrated and removed them....LOL). I shall share with you the mods made by me that's not existing on Nexus anymore, as a great thanks in return. Google drive:
Cartoon Fantasy Night Skies: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kHH_2T1woOh_haiS6stk57ZN5CadS-vO/view?usp=sharing Epic Gas Giants and Alien Planets: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1varrBXKU8CxkelIYKDkG3aDXghUGIXeP/view?usp=sharing
Thank you for sharing your files. They look awesome. These moon must of took you forever to complete (I wish I could I give you 100 endorsements right now for them)! Do you mind if I do a slight rework to them (up scale to 2k, etc) and re-release them as an option on my moon mod or as a stand alone mod (possible both). With you credited of course!! If not, I complete understand (just looking at them has given me tons of ideas). Thank you for this!
And same questions for your galaxy and other files?
Of course! Feel free to deal with or release both of my files at your absolute discretion! I would be happy anyway regardless of the credit, since it's not my concern :) and I am sure they would look even better after you process them! You definitely have more gift in this field than me LOL!
When I was making these images, I used an online application which could generate various phases of the solar planets, and another desktop application which can generate gas giant's surface textures randomly. But I forgot the software's names unfortunately, it has been a long time ago. Maybe you can search google for something similar like these, just an idea for your reference if you need them.
In the universe a lot of planets actually have 2 suns (double star system), though we only have 1 in ours. When I was making the sun mod, I actually tried to make a double sun texture but it was not that achievable at least as per what I felt. Having 2 suns in the sky would look definitely unbelievable. But the problem is that there seems to be only 1 illuminating point for the sun texture, meaning in a scenario when there's a sun rising above the horizon while the other sun staying beneath the horizon, the lighting in the game may not match well with the sun texture... Anyway I tried but did not manage to make a mod like this. Just wonder if you have any ideas...
Apologize for these many loads of ideas. :) Do not mean to push you to make this cause they would be a hell lot of work. Just sharing with you maybe you can be inspired at some point and then another mod will come out, then I can download and enjoy in the game! LOL great day!
Cool! Thanks for the link to your group (I just sent a request to join). I’ll try to have the updated mod with separate moon sizes tonight, if not, tomorrow for sure.
10/12/2020: Version 1a (Optional Files) You can now change each moon separately. For an example; you can have Masser small and Secunda very large, or vise versa (or any combination you want, or just change one moon size only, the sky's the limit). Screen shots of your combination welcome!
There's a classic skyrim moon size tweak mod called 26 moon size tweaks: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/1037?tab=files
If at all possible and if we can have some more options like this, then this mod would become perfect. I especially enjoy a huge masser suppressing over the planet sky, it looks astonishingly beautiful!
Also enjoyed your retexture of the moons mod and retexture of the galaxy mod. Looks wonderful. Expecting to see more mods coming from you! Endorsed & Best regards!
I took a look at the link you provided regarding the 26 tweaked moons. I will try to release a new update this weekend that has something similar (a large file with 20 to 30 moon size changes). Thanks for the request.
Currently working on a stand alone star retexture with realistic, low fantasy, mid fantasy, to high fantasy versions.
Clouds and then sun to follow.
Thanks again.
Cartoon Fantasy Night Skies: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kHH_2T1woOh_haiS6stk57ZN5CadS-vO/view?usp=sharing
Epic Gas Giants and Alien Planets: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1varrBXKU8CxkelIYKDkG3aDXghUGIXeP/view?usp=sharing
And same questions for your galaxy and other files?
When I was making these images, I used an online application which could generate various phases of the solar planets, and another desktop application which can generate gas giant's surface textures randomly. But I forgot the software's names unfortunately, it has been a long time ago. Maybe you can search google for something similar like these, just an idea for your reference if you need them.
In the universe a lot of planets actually have 2 suns (double star system), though we only have 1 in ours. When I was making the sun mod, I actually tried to make a double sun texture but it was not that achievable at least as per what I felt. Having 2 suns in the sky would look definitely unbelievable. But the problem is that there seems to be only 1 illuminating point for the sun texture, meaning in a scenario when there's a sun rising above the horizon while the other sun staying beneath the horizon, the lighting in the game may not match well with the sun texture... Anyway I tried but did not manage to make a mod like this. Just wonder if you have any ideas...
Apologize for these many loads of ideas. :) Do not mean to push you to make this cause they would be a hell lot of work. Just sharing with you maybe you can be inspired at some point and then another mod will come out, then I can download and enjoy in the game! LOL great day!