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  1. DarkFox127
    • premium
    • 1,287 kudos
    No Further Updates

    Thank you to everyone who has downloaded and enjoyed my mods over the years. It's amazing to see so many people enjoying the content I create.

    I no longer intend to provide updates to any of my existing mods and focus some time on new projects. I will be keeping the bug reports tab available for reporting issues and offering solutions to anyone else that may encounter similar issues.

    Here and there, you may find me replying to some comments but certainly not all.

    You are free to create alternative versions of my mods, patches or translations so long as I and others included in the original mod's development are clearly credited for their work.
  2. Fitharia
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Can this be turned to ESP-FE for ESL flag?
    1. WinterHaretic
      • premium
      • 1 kudos
      Im wondering the same thing, can I flag this as an ESL in SSEdit?
    2. tyg3rtyg3r
      • premium
      • 15 kudos
      Yes, can be made an ESL-flagged ESP.
  3. mattski123
    • supporter
    • 109 kudos
    Where are winter giant camps? And do we have to download a mod to see them?
  4. nonolepetitrobot
    • member
    • 21 kudos

    If I only take the mammoths, would that be compatible with this mod ?

    Frost Giant Camps
    1. DarkFox127
      • premium
      • 1,287 kudos
      Should be fine with it yes.
    2. nonolepetitrobot
      • member
      • 21 kudos
      Thank you.
  5. Cool
  6. DarthTyranus66
    • supporter
    • 16 kudos
    Nice mod good to see an update to old mods
  7. JaeDL
    • premium
    • 251 kudos
    Ugh some other mod is overwriting this and =( because they looked so beautiful when I had them.
  8. Mmirs01Martinezmel
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Can make all mammoth a frost texture I really want one it looks way better then the original color look and plus I’m riding a mammoth but I really want retexture frost mammoth for all mammoths pleaseee  
  9. Rafnagud
    • premium
    • 6 kudos
    Very nice thanx a lot. The Mammoths are working great but the Ice Giants are not working for me. The file only contains an ESP.
    1. DarkFox127
      • premium
      • 1,287 kudos
      The Ice Giants will need to go after Frost Mammoths in the load order. FM is a requirement for the Ice Giants esp.
  10. only1dragonr
    • premium
    • 59 kudos
    Hello :) once again thx for permission :) i encountered few problems, that i solved my self on my end, but still is better if u check just to be sure:

    1- missing, i used bsa browser and it wasnt there, because 1st time when i installed the game there was only mesh

    for the tusk, but no texture:

    i was using better mammoth tusk before installing ur mod so TO FIX i removed alternative texture option inside esp

    and is fixed (but is not frosty, is normal one (just temporary fix) (inside texture folder, no clutter\incredients...)

    2- the summoned mammoth is invisible.. idk why... probably on my end user issue...?

    FIX: in tes 5 i added the meshes\... word before other things and used unpacked lose files, that solved the issue

    Hope this may help u to easy fix problems (if any) and again ty for permission :) i love the mod is really beautifoull wow... :)

    All this is just to let u know, maybe all problems are on my end? :v xd unlucky yet all works perfectly now, still searching
    ice giants... today i will look new game and search all locations :)

    As for combat mod is almost done, today last few tweacks, alsow consider check the bsa or release them as lose files, for me solved any problem :)
    I wanted to send this as a message but nexus say's u cant use private message sistem... idk.

    Update: small tweack at leveled list and npc placement (it apears u placed a sort of template in sort of npc) and now they show up greatly in my game, started new game.
    I spoke of complete edition always, usualy if u merge esp some problems may appear, but is merging problem...
    I will upload mod today and u might check the esp, then let me know :)
    Alsow i added giant boss.. he was too rare just 1 place... (personal prefference for the combat)

    And i hope i dont annoy you with this comment, u know just want to lend a hand and make things work perfectly, because i love so much this mod :)
    I came into all this when i was making combat mod :)

    Final update: mod is done :)
  11. only1dragonr
    • premium
    • 59 kudos
    Wow Cool! 1 question

    1 -I made a giant combat overhaul mod and i would like to implement your frost mammoths with the combat skills, for this
    i need your permission, will be like a patch, same for the giants.

    here is the mod i spoke of:

    So all ur new mammoths and giants will have the skill's and tweacks, shouts abbilities and so on, will require ur mod
    to function.

    This ovviously if u agree with it and if you want, i think will fit perfectly, with some frost abilityes and skills as well:)

    1. DarkFox127
      • premium
      • 1,287 kudos
      As long as the textures from Exray Catt are not included in anything you upload, I'm fine with it. :)
    2. only1dragonr
      • premium
      • 59 kudos
      Nope definitley not, all i need is esp, people will need to download ur mod from here to make with work with that esp, i dont touch nothing about grafics :P
      Alright cool thx :)