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About this mod

Completely changes the grass in The Rift to be a summer-y and fantasy like green grass.

Permissions and credits
-= Description =-

This mod completely overhauls the grass in The Rift.
The grass is completly green and has a summer-y/fantasy style.
Because it only changes the Rift area, it's recommended that you have another grass mod and let this one overwrite it.
Recommended: Green and Lush Aspen Trees SE.
Legendary Edition version available here (by vsmods97)

-= Technical Details =-
Mod textures are in 1k
Textures and models are unique (using unique file names so this mod doesn't overwrite your main grass mod's grasses).
Textures were modified so they have the same base color
All assets have the prefix "RIFT_", with exception of the Plugin File.
The original names are still in the files.

-= Credits =-
Elinen and SparrowPrince for Hoddminir Flowers
joshezzell for the Aspen Leaf Pile from Unique Grasses and Groundcovers