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  1. iRetrospect
    • premium
    • 813 kudos
    Post feedback and suggestions below, enjoy the mod!
  2. iRetrospect
    • premium
    • 813 kudos
    Please read before commenting about compatibility issues

    For users of mods which add new perks or those who simply wish to have the perk based variations be tied to other ones instead, you can do so by following the steps below:


    • Open TESVEdit/SSEEdit with your mods loaded up and determine which plugin has the perk you desire
    • Navigate to: \meshes\actors\character\animations\DynamicAnimationReplacer\_CustomConditions\
    • Go into the folder "8001" and open the "_conditions.txt" inside
    • On the line "HasPerk("Skyrim.esm"|0x105f23) AND", change "Skyrim.esm" to the name of the plugin with the perk (ONLY change if it's a new mod added perk) and "0x105f23" with the Form ID of the specific perk you decided on for roll landings
    • Save and close the text file
    • Repeat the steps outlined above for folders "8002" and "8003" to change the hero landing and float landing respectively

    The perk based variations jump landings are also disabled by default for users with CGO installed due to some animation issues I have noticed with it. If you would like to reenable them for testing purposes or don't mind my concerns, follow the instructions below:


    • Navigate to: \meshes\actors\character\animations\DynamicAnimationReplacer\_CustomConditions\
    • Go into the folder "8001" and open the "_conditions.txt" inside
    • Delete the line "NOT HasMagicEffect("DSerCombatGameplayOverhaul.esp"|0x0DE3E6)"
    • Save and close the text file
    • Repeat steps 2-4 above for folders "8002" and "8003"

    If you have any CTD issues when using along with 360 Movement Behavior and/or Combat Gameplay Overhaul, please check to make sure you have done what is listed below to self-diagnose common user errors:


    • Is your Skyrim on version 1.5.97? There technically shouldn't be any issues using this mod with older versions but I also can't guarantee there isn't myself.
    • Do you have the latest version of Nemesis Engine installed and made sure to update before launching it? Update it if you have not.
    • Are you using the latest version of CGO (v1.1.0)? My patch was created to work for that specific version.
    • Did you make sure to check the 360/CGO patches during installation of this mod? The patches are necessary if you want my behavior changes in conjunction with 360/CGO features.
    • Are the patch files from this mod placed below/overwriting CGO's files? This is CRITICAL or otherwise you might encounter errors!
    • If you have done all of above properly but you still have CTDs or other glaring issues, I suggest you try to test things out on a new save with ONLY 360, CGO, and this mod, JBO w/ patches, installed. If this resolves the CTDs/issues, then there must be some other mods that could cause conflict which I am unaware of and it would be helpful for users to narrow down the conflicting mod and report it here. Otherwise, if CTDs/issues still persists, then I honestly am not sure what's wrong with your game.

  3. AntaBaka777
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I'm pretty sure I knew the answer to this before but as it's been a long time since I've revisited this game I'll ask:
    Is this compatible with normal jumping animation mods? For example; mods that add jumping animations with DAR/OAR. Will I be able to see those along with this mod's animations?
  4. Easychips
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    awesome mod ! i wonder if its possible to negate damage on the falls when one of the conditional falls is played.  im going to see if i can figure it out but if you have any insight please let me know ! 
  5. Tearoth
    • premium
    • 9 kudos
    Am i the only one having issues with Crossbow unequip making me T-Pose with this mod installed?
    1. sinshock555
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I have that too, did you ever found a fix ?
    2. esecharly
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      This fixed it for me, hope it helps. (I'm using "Animations Only" btw.)

      1. Delete your "cache" and "temp_behaviors" folders in the Nemesis output overwrite\Nemesis_Engine\cache and overwrite\Nemesis_Engine\temp_behaviors (This route might change for Vortex users, i don't know since i use MO2).

      2.Run Nemesis and check the patches for the mods you have, BUT be sure to left unchecked "Weighted Jump".

      3.Update Nemesis engine and generate your animations as usual.
  6. ShrimpGuy314
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
  7. kero2ene
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Running the mod with TDM, BJ & Vanargand weapon animations. The actual jump animation works perfectly fine, standing & sprint jumping with BJ.

    But for some reason none of the landing animations work, not having any issues or errors, they just don't trigger (as well as the directional jumping & backward jumping but I assume thats due to TDM not really allowing backwards movement), weighted jumps also aren't working either.

    I've tried most things within my little knowledge of animation modding but had no success :( I just want to be able to roll out of my paraglider 
  8. bigassdude
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I have an issue that when character falls his arms go in TPose. Looks weird
    1. bigassdude
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I think it's because I use open animation replacer. If that's the cause, will there be a patch for it?
    2. khajiitksyrim
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      DAR mods should be compatible with OAR so i don't think that's your problem
  9. PussyScavenger
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    will this work with open animation replacer
    1. VRLucifer
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Any mod that uses DAR, and be used by OAR.
  10. Hyperies
    • premium
    • 4 kudos
    having an issue that my character always comes to a complete stop after a jump, like there is no momentum  to keep running after a leap.

    anyone have this issue? know what to do or what the problem is?
    1. bigassdude
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      try reinstalling mod checking not "animation only", but "behavior module" in main installation page
  11. namechooser
    • member
    • 11 kudos
    i just installed this.

    there are positive and negative aspects.

    jumping looks better, the flapping arms stopped, there are plenty of positives to this,


    the falling mechanic, where you end up in a complete stop,
    is triggering even if i fall 1 skyrim foot down a flight of stairs.

    it looks real bad when im running down the stairs, then the character is forced to stop.

    is there a way to make this trigger , but only if you fall from 5 feet or higher ? 
    this random forced stop, caused by terrain decline.. is not really what i want. 
    1. emperorbeefcheese
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      I was actually wondering about that too, it sounds like a really simple fix. I would make a patch for it myself if I knew the first thing about modding lol
    2. Hyperies
      • premium
      • 4 kudos
      havingthe same issue without the stairs. every jump comes to a dead stop on land no  matter where i jump.
    3. HoXewD
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      just uncheck Weighted jump in Nemesis and you won't stop in the end of falling animation 
  12. Agilar96
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    I can’t get the animation of the hero’s jumps, I tried changing the armor by lifting the hero using tcl, the animation of normal landings with jumps goes through, everything is fine, but the hero’s prism doesn’t help, please it costs nemesis OAR and once everything worked on Le but now for some reason it doesn’t want to Worth Better Jumping I don’t know, maybe he’s to blame?(