About this mod
The patch fixes the crash on game loading when you install too many animations with FNIS. May also give you increased fps and loading speed.
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The patch fixes the crash on game loading when you install too many animations with FNIS. The one mentioned in the article by Fore. May also give you increased fps and loading speed by skipping a redundant part of code. More technical information you can find in the Developers section below.
Legendary Edition -> Animation Limit Crash Fix for Skyrim LE
Special Edition -> You are here.
Anniversary Edition -> Thanks to vagonumero12 the patch got updated to AE! All kudos are going to him.
VR -> Probably, won't be released. If you're a developer with VR you have my bless to make the version.
- Supported runtime versions*: Since version 0.3 Beta should work with any runtime version. However, startup time for 1.5.73, 1.5.80 and 1.5.97 will be a bit faster, compared to others.
- SKSE64
* Runtime version means a version of an official game patch by Bethesda. Version history can be checked here.
SSE Engine Fixes - the option AnimationLoadSignedCrash must be disabled in the EngineFixes.toml (EngineFixes.ini in old versions) file to make it work together with the patch.
Just copy the dll to Data/SKSE/Plugins
- There're several limits related to animations, this article will help you to understand them.
- If you want to know more about performance impact by the patch, you can find more info in the article.
Q: I'm getting "No valid segment found" error on game startup, what should I do?
A: It means to the place, that should be patched by the plugin, changes was already made, or you have an incompatible runtime version. Please, check the compatbility and requirements section.
Q: I'm getting CTD on loading / My game doesn't load after installation, what should I do?
A: Highly likely it's caused by incompatibility. Please, check the compatbility section and be sure you're using the latest version of the patch.
Q: Will the patch really give me a performance boost?
A: The question was very detailed explained here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/articles/52477
Q: How to understand do I need the patch or not?
A: If you have installed several thousands of animations another bunch of new anims may break your game in a state where you'll always get CTD on loading or starting a new game. In that case the patch will help you to cure the CTD. If you have no installed animations by FNIS you can try the patch just for performance purpose.
Q: What's the difference between the patch and SSE Engine Fixes?
A: SSE Engine Fixes changes movsx -> movzx instruction, what doubles the existen limit of numStaticNodes. A crash or unpredicted behavior still may happen when you will have more than 65535 numStaticNodes (instead of 32767) using the Engine Fixes solution.
This patch always put 0 instead of incorrect value to the numStaticNodes register, what always helps to cure the CTD and frees CPU from additional work.
Q: I'm getting "does not appear to be an SKSE plugin" message in skse64.log, is it okay?
A: Yes, it's okay, just ignore it. The message notifies that the plugin was loaded not through SKSE64 API, but classical way with dllmain. I didn't find yet a proper solution to attach the plugin through the classical SKSE API for 64-bit version.
Q: Will the patch work with 1.5.XX runtime version?
A: I have personally tested its work on 1.5.73, 1.5.80 and 1.5.97 versions, everything works good. If you have a different runtime version you can just try it, it's safe. In case of incompatibility you'll get an appropriate message.
Q: But the limit still exists in FNIS?
A: Please, check the article for better understanding of animation limits: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/articles/52476
Q: I'm getting "Multiple segments found" error on game startup, what should I do?
A: It means several equal places was found by pattern matching and there's not enough info which one should be patched. Please, inform me about the error with your runtime version included.
For Developers
If you're interesting in the technical part of the fix here you can find useful information on a different forum:
Reverse info for LE version
Render impact finding
Animation affection tests
SSE Reverse info
Original topic on LoversLab
LE version
- 0.4: Thanks to vagonumero12 the patch got updated to AE! Expected runtime version is 1.6.353, but may work with future versions by pattern matching. Source code is in sticky post.
- 0.3-Beta update: Pattern matching added. Now it should be compatible with any SKSE and runtime version, including future official patches (unless Bethesda will do their own changes to the patching segment).
- 0.2 Beta update: Added segment checking. Now it's safe to use with any SKSE and runtime version. If something incompatible you'll get an appropriate message.
- 0.1 Beta release