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  1. kamikazes
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    barely functional . Some dialogue won't show the speech skill requirement number
  2. vedan77
    • member
    • 30 kudos
    This one blocked the "Death consumes all" quest to start when creating a character for me.
  3. zeknapain
    • premium
    • 162 kudos
    There is already a mod that does exactly that, and also fixes some speech checks...
    Is your mod different in some way?
    1. Maruzarix
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Yea, I think having the actual number is better, more accurate description.
    2. H3xx
      • premium
      • 32 kudos
      This mod gives exact numbers, and adds speech checks to lies. "How Hard Is This Persuasion Check" doesn't fix lies, it just adds a vague hint, and makes auto success checks fail-able.
    3. HadToRegister
      • premium
      • 195 kudos
      There is already a mod that does exactly that, and also fixes some speech checks...
      Is your mod different in some way?

      So what?
      Now we have a choice between the two, and I like seeing the numbers better.
      I don't understand why people always do this.
    4. zeknapain
      • premium
      • 162 kudos
      Dude I literally just asked IF there is a difference.. and informed of a possible duplicate mod the author might not have known existed...
      Nothing more nothing less...
    5. HadToRegister
      • premium
      • 195 kudos
      For the first time in my Skyrim career I actually failed to Persuade the guard at Whiterun to let me in to warn them about the dragon and got a response I had never heard before, then I had to use an entirely different option to be let in.
    6. Gardemarin
      • member
      • 79 kudos
      Ask the author of your mod to remove it because a more empressive version has been released, and yes I did not know about the existence of such a mod, thanks for push my face into it, him mod unlike mine adds a selfs brainstorms, I do not intend to repair Bethesda's errors no one pays me for it. I am just want able to embellish my game in Skyrim. Happy Red Dead Redemption
    7. zeknapain
      • premium
      • 162 kudos
      I'm sorry but that made absolutely zero sense..
    8. kijikun
      • supporter
      • 13 kudos
      I don't think english is their first language so the translation program they used might have screwed up.
    9. MPFernando
      • member
      • 16 kudos
      bruh XD
  4. valshares24
    • member
    • 5 kudos
    Так сложно выложить русскую версию? Чертило.
    1. Alex56115
      • member
      • 2 kudos
      Ух, откуда столько злости? Неужели с английской версией невозможно играть? Там всего-то одно слово добавлено в диалоги.
  5. melvinius
    • member
    • 27 kudos
    This looks really interesting.

    A question: Does this change the font and color of the dialogue? I don't really want that yellow/green modern font in my Skyrim.
  6. Gardemarin
    • member
    • 79 kudos

    In response to post #74657228.


    Gardemarin wrote:
    Строго говоря русская версия ещё не до конца готова.

    Так сложно выложить русскую версию? Чертило.

    А, ну тогда мы точно задонатим тебе на патреон чтобы получить НЕ готовый мод, логично-логично. Выпились с нексуса и иди в крийшен Клаб, плиз

    У вас денег не хватит, вы, сударыня, нищеброд.
    1. killivefeed
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Да как раз таки - есть, просто чел, сам посуди... Твой мод, он очень не значителен, а тем более как ты и сам говоришь - не готов. Просто представь если бы каждый на нексусе требовал деньги за свои моды/переводы. Ну камон, вон разрабы Маидс/Ригморы/Копющона Ноктюрнал/Дозорного и т.д. ведь не требуют денег за свое детище...
  7. Gardemarin
    • member
    • 79 kudos

    Так сложно выложить русскую версию? Чертило.

    Строго говоря русская версия ещё не до конца готова.
    1. killivefeed
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      А, ну тогда мы точно задонатим тебе на патреон чтобы получить НЕ готовый мод, логично-логично. Выпились с нексуса и иди в крийшен Клаб, плиз
  8. AnonymousPlum
    • member
    • 39 kudos
    Nice! :) I just have one question. Is a plugin like this possible to have as an .esl?
    1. HadToRegister
      • premium
      • 195 kudos
      Yes, I converted mine with Vortex.
      The reason I use Vortex to convert, is because Vortex Converts to ESPfe, which is better than ESP and ESL.

      With ESPfe, you have the "No esp slot used" of an ESL, but with the sortability of an ESP.
    2. AnonymousPlum
      • member
      • 39 kudos
      Good to know. Thanks ;)
  9. mingtow
    • member
    • 4 kudos
    Does this work with mod added text?
  10. shazdeh2
    • premium
    • 80 kudos
    This is fantastic!

    Just wondering, is this compatible with Immersive Speechcraft? Or similar mods that add new dialogues?
    1. Gardemarin
      • member
      • 79 kudos
      Fully. My mod is generally compatible with everything since it does not make changes to the structure of the dialogue, but simply changes its appearance.