About this mod
Adds 15 new beard styles in a Dwemeric fashion. An SE conversion of a Dwemer Beards mod made by Anuiel.
- Requirements
- Permissions and credits
- Changelogs
I did not get any form of permission from him since he hasn't been active since 2015. If you're still alive, mate, hit me any time and I'll take it down if you want. The original permission says the following:
You are free to use these beards in your own mods or alter them in whatever way you prefer but you must credit me, let me know what you're doing with them and link me to your mod, I'm very interested to see what you do, especially If you're using them as part of a Dwemer race mod! I'll be happy to post a link to your mod here :) Please PM me as I may not check the comments page often.
File credits
This author has not credited anyone else in this file
Donation Points system
This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points
So, this mod. I've tested it on a few races (looks best on high elves obviously), some beard styles clip, some look weird and color mismatched, but with careful adjustment it can look super cool. I didn't filter or sort any of them.
While I still have your attention, check this mod out as well (free ad): Dwarven Sorcery Armor. Looks savage af in combination with some of these beards.
Description from original mod:
Sadly nobody took a hint and actually made new beards (that I know of) so I’m teaching myself how to make them instead and, with the help and advice of a few other kind modders along the way, started creating some new meshes in preparation for 1.0. Sincere thanks and homage shall go to all the people (that I remember off hand) mentioned in the "special thanks" section below, and to all others who have been an inspiration along the way. Particularly to all you loyal subscribers and followers and worshippers. To quote a certain Red King, “I do this for you, Red Legions, for I love you”. But I’d have loved you more if you were blue.
What's currently included:
15 New Beard Styles - See screenshots
I've tried to find a balance between preventing the beards clipping with armour - specifically Dwarven Armor - and not having them look immensely stupid when only wearing light armour or clothing. They will clip very slightly with the armour when the character turns or talks but it's barely noticeable. Besides, even the default beards in game clip in places. I haven't checked the beards on NPCs, only the basic version so I can't be sure how they work. I await reports of any mischief.
Greetings and salutations.
It’s been a while. Life has a way of crushing the soul, if you let it. I’m assuming since you’re here that you’re all interested in new beard meshes and updates for SSE so I’ll get right to what my plans are for the next update. There is no ETA. I’ve learned my lesson.
To begin, I've received a LOT of requests for an update for Skyrim Special Edition. This will not be happening any time soon. I do plan to do it, but I've got so much other stuff on my plate that I can't find the time or the inclination to do so. When Vortex is released and SKSE64 is relatively stable, I'll likely find my interest in playing SSE will get a major boost. A whole load of other modders have asked permission to port it over and I've had mixed reports. More accurately, I've had reports of failure and no reports of success. If someone did manage it, good on them. I'll still attempt my own update though.
If I do update, expect a major overhaul. I’m leaning towards uploading the next version in increments, one or more beards at a time, rather than all at once in a finished package. The reason for this is that a lot of work goes into making just one new facial hair when the creator is someone with limited experience in using Blender and the various other programs involved. The absolute worst issue is dealing with the tri-files as some of you may know. These need to be made for every race so that the beards fit the face. A new mesh might work well with a Nord but then mangle itself terribly with an Altmer. Since I tend to play as a High Elf, this is not acceptable.
Please note, I will be scrapping the beards we have so far. These are basically just things I threw together for personal use and were always just placeholders until someone better came along and made proper beards. This means that if you download the update, it will affect your current character's facial hair if you have one of the old beards and you are not starting a new game.
That’s all for now, acolytes. Keep focusing on the Fixed Center and that tasty seed of stasis.
- Anuiel
The beards should be compatible with pretty much everything. Yes, this does include beards by Hvergelmir, so please stop asking. I use that mod too. They will work with custom race mods but I cannot vouch for how they'll look since it depends on the race mod you use. I've only tried them on the Dwarven race from The True Dwemer (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/52491) mod. They will appear for use in the race menu for all races except Argonians or races they wouldn’t naturally belong to or fit on.
Please use a mod manager of your choice to install and uninstall this mod. I use and highly recommend Mod Organizer but I'm sure NMM and Wrye Bash will be fine.
~Instructions for manual installation~
1. If you have an older version, remove the old meshes by deleting the 'Dwarven' folder found in Data/Meshes/Actor/Character/CharacterAssets/Beards.
2. Copy everything from my mod into the Data folder as usual and overwrite Dwemer Beards.esp.
Either uninstall via your mod manager or delete both 'Dwemer Beards.esp' and the 'Dwarven' folder found in Data/Meshes/Actor/Character/CharacterAssets/Beards.
What races do these beards work with?
Currently Breton, Nord, Imperial, Redguard, Orc, Bosmer, Altmer, Dunmer, Custom Races; in future, Khajiit.
Can you make "X-style" of beard?
Let me know and I’ll see if it’s possible but I promise NOTHING.
Can you make these beards playable for women?
I think this would require new tri-files to fit the female head mesh and it goes beyond my remit so unfortunately no. The fewer tri-files I deal with, the better.
These beards make my characters look too effeminate!
Yes, this was a complaint from one strange person. If you don’t like effeminate men I hear there aren’t any on Mars. You might try it out sometime. Without an oxygen tank.
Why do you not respond to my messages?
Unfortunately, I don't get to check here very often. Rest assured, I am merely busy living life as a monk of Phynaster in the far, far hills of Aldmeris Found.
Skyrim Immersive Creatures by lifestorock
Dwarf Race - WARHAMMER by GPM26
CotH Drizzt Wulfgar Catti-brie Bruenor Regis by Gamebryo and AverageJustin
Dwarven Pride by Adolon
Deep Elf Race - The True Dwemer
Dwemer Spectres
Special Thanks
*to be added soon*