Skyrim Special Edition
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  1. bIackjack95
    • supporter
    • 4 kudos
  2. batmanthegoat
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Thank you for this mod. Now i dont have to pull my hair out <3
  3. OblivionJunkie1337
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    doesnt a blank mesh constitute a draw-call? fact of the matter being these are blank draw calls, but they are called, and... idk if drawn considering the lack of visual data, but this factual existence of the reference constitutes some level of performance loss, perhaps beth have included batch rendering? idk. i remember those vineyards west of skingrad in oblivion, 64 or more counts of vineyard object results in... tldr, fps drops but no vertex transformations, assuming these assets had normals, doesnt matter.

    negligible perf increase, if you gained fps from this mod you probably should be looking at dropping your res to 1024x768 and completely removing distant LOD lmao.
    1. Corsafire1
      • premium
      • 225 kudos
      Removing a TriShape branch is enough to remove the performance cost of a mesh. I did a test where i created an empty map and added 1000 trees, I edited the mesh to see which branch has an impact on performance. Setting a mesh to hidden or removing the TriShape was enough to get the initial performance, but the first frame will still allocate enough memory if you only set an hidden flag and don't remove the triangles. The memory usage metric is from Rivatuner. It was a couple of years ago, so I don't remember all the details. I do know using removers is useful to reduce the frequency of crashes if you are using a very high view distance (ugrids 29 for example). I have not done deep research into how it affects the rest of the game, it would be hard to measure, so my mods are mostly advertised as visual modifications.
    2. OblivionJunkie1337
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      • 0 kudos
      thats a great answer im on a quest to discover foreign language text-dumps noting SE engines rendering pipeline :P
    3. Corsafire1
      • premium
      • 225 kudos
      Where do those dumps come from? This is the first time i am hearing about this topic.

      I think studying skyrim is not the optimal thing to do. It's better to make an open source game than can support more cores and better viewing distances, and has no bugs. I am speaking generally, I don't intend to be the one making a skyrim replacement, maybe it will never happen because there's not enough incentives. I could be wrong by thinking modding a closed source game is not worth it, you can easily give a  argument for why it is the more utilitarian thing to do than to make a game that fewer people will care about. Volunteer programmers don't have enough resources to make a game that can compete in realism and features vs AAA modern games. You can make open source engines like OpenMW, but you will be 5-10 years late, and most people will have moved on when the project is done. There's still value in those projects in the end, and even old games like Arena, which is almost 30 years old, is still very enjoyable today once you remap the keys and use the sound patch.
  4. salviaazurea
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Endorsed, thanks. Any plan remove plants for Solstheim too?
  5. Legendss
    • member
    • 1 kudos
    I was looking for a plant retexture for those particular plants in the pic and was excited to find this at first glance but my excitement soon died. Is there a mod that retextures these instead of removing them?
    1. Corsafire1
      • premium
      • 225 kudos
      Use the search terms dead shrub, tundra grass, thicket, clover, fern.
    2. Legendss
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Thanks a lot mate! I had no idea how these plants were called.
  6. beyborod
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    can you remove roots and plants in cave too ?
  7. dragsville
    • supporter
    • 6 kudos
    Well it works, and you can easily just hide the .nif files for the plants you'd like to keep in your game. nice
  8. RobertOfFlanders
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    This was very useful for Northern roads, as the clover/yellow archangel plant often floats over the new road meshes. I simply deleted all the files in your mod except the one that removes clovers, and it did the trick. Excellent.
  9. TackyBunny
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    I love this. Honestly I hate how some of the plants look and they take away from the European fantasy feeling that I like to go with. 
  10. Avluel
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    This mod gave me 20+ FPS. WTF!   I have a 970 GTX and a i5. I had 32 FPS before, now i stay at 55+. And game look way better by removing those plants. Now I can use any texture mod and as many i want, the game looks fantastic. I dont know what you did but you fixed Skyrim. 
    1. leoportugajaexiste
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Yes, i totally agree! Those plants where making me sick but i didnt know it was their fault! I felt TREMENDOUS RELIEF when first loading with this mod! I wonder, will logical grass mod work with this or they would also be erased? 
  11. deleted52819861
    • account closed
    • 0 kudos
    I have some weired effect from this. The SkyrimVR reddit didnt know an answere to this and no one else seems to have that issue?

    When I use this mod, the useless plants arent removed for me, but replaced by their billboards. Does anyone know, wzat, most likely other mod, can cause that effect?

    I already deactivated the billboards, that I used for DyndoLOD but that doesnt do the trick.

    EDIT: I installed it by Vortex.
    1. Tom1382
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Same here, the fault is in the thickets, they appeare as Cross shaped (+) spaghetti plants.
      Mod deleted!

      Same problem whith MOD "No More Dead Shrubs and Dead Snow Shrubs" from NorthTexan95! Same person?
      You can use option 1 or 2. Option 3 has the same problem.
      I wrote him, but no answer, except that he confirmed that the problem is in the thickets.......
    2. MichaelReineke
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      I had a problem similar to this, but I found out it was because the mod HD LOD Textures was re-adding these meshes and DynDOLOD was making them so they'd show up everywhere again.

      I wound up deleting the whole terrain folders from HD LOD Textures and that fixed it.
      Maybe at some point I'll figure out which plants exactly I want and don't want. I think VR looks better with less rubbish on the ground, personally.
    3. Hamblepants
      • premium
      • 12 kudos
      holy s#*! thanks for this