Skyrim Special Edition


  1. HaemProjects
    • premium
    • 866 kudos
    Update 2.0:
    — No more annoying message box prompting every 12 hours!
    Start the mod by visiting Mixwater Mill, an orc should find you there;
    — Evos Mils fixed during auction scene;
    — NPC's now have a level cap of 100;
    — Perk “Light Foot” now works for the traps, number of traps decreased;
    — Telvanni Hybrid Boots can now be found in the AHO ship;
    — Shower effect in the AHO ship has been nerfed;
    — Minor translation fixes;
    — Added a message box on completion of the main questline.

    — A new version added: ESP file with an ESM flag, for those who need it
  2. Danna233
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    Nice mod. Great fits into the game. I really like it. With bugs so far have not encountered, reached the 3rd chapter. I found the Dwemer ruins quite difficult, at level 20 I would not have passed them if I did not have some character enhancing items.  Crybabies who didn't like being knocked on the head and dragged off to the auction, well what can you do, the mod is not for you. It's actually a normal start for games in this series. In TESO, the character in almost all locations in the cage had time to sit. 
  3. foozey
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    Hey there, just letting you know that your dialogue subtitles have multiple instances of double spaces "  " and spaces before periods " ." This is incorrect, you can batch fix all of these issues with an xedit replace script.

    Just replace any double space with single space (you might have to run multiple times depending on how many spaces are repeated) and replace a space before a period with just a period. Happy to provide the fixed esp if necessary. Keep up the good work!
  4. BourenaneChahine
    • member
    • 2 kudos
    The only things that i like about this mods are the mudcrab...
  5. Ballsofdoom
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    • 5 kudos
    Honestly, I have never seen such fragile gamers. People who have not yet downloaded the mod, I sincerely advise you not to pay attention to these whining children. They are used to the feeling that their skyrim character is a juvenile anime girl at the center of the world, they are offended that something was done to their dear characters without their consent. It's honestly pathetic. The mod itself is great, I always enjoy playing it.
    1. Mangaani
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      who's fragile? To me, that comment was completely facetious and in no way came off as an actual complaint...
    2. Apis4
      • member
      • 9 kudos
      I'd agree with you, OP, having read through these comments a bit, but ultimately, the complaints are right.... IF you are DB at least. If you are DB by the time you begin this quest, then game over. 

      If you are Dragonborn, even if an Orc jumps you and knocks you out, and you have everything taken from you, and your normal magic bare a sliver of the soul of Akatosh, manifest in human guise,..... and you can spea the Words of a SHOUT....a THUMM. 

      There is NO known way to suppress that....well a gag apparently according to the opening scene... but you arent wearing one when you are sold. 

      So how WOULD that scene actually play out? You would just unleash the Thumm, on all those little bitches, and f*#@ them up, maybe burn a few, mark a few for death, if you're a bit higher than level 15 when you start the mission.... and that would be the end... you just smack those bitches up like a Prodigy song... and walk away laughing. 

      That is immersion breaking... it is GAME breaking.. there is a reason it is ALL automated from the time you meet the Orc.... because if you are like at say level 25+, and using a normal start, so you're DB... then you would fucking CRUSH that s#*!, it just COULD NOT HAPPEN. 

      That is a real bad start and poor writing.. a more creative way to get the ball rolling, would have been to TRCIK the PC in to getting in to a scenario where they are at that locale, and the story can begin. 

      It is not being precious about it, it is just so wholly unbelievable that I for one, having gone and watched a walkthrough of the start of this mod, will now be avoiding it like the plague. 

      Also... it is not being fragile to expect to be the centre of the world.... not in this scenario... because that is the whole damn point of the game... you DO NOT play a BACKGROUND character... your ARE THE HERO, it IS all about YOU. Any mod which usurps that, is a failure, save for the masochists among us... which I am not. 
    3. zzzrailzzz
      • premium
      • 5 kudos
      LOL you spent all that time writing that on a mod you aint gonna use? Im so sick of hearing all you crying children that infect this site. These people put their hearts and souls into these mods that you obviously cant make yourselves and you come here and crap on their work?  And the whole 'immersion breaking' ITS A FRICKIN VIDEO GAME! Go out and touch some grass or something. I got an idea. If you dont like a mod thats ok move on to the next one but please keep your degrading comments to yourselves.
    4. Doomion55555
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      zzzrailzzz, good counter points, I absolutely agree, totally no irony
  6. batfox123
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    I got this mod due to it being a part of a collection and never knew what it was.....until it found me. I was finishing one of my missives(Great mod to earn gold) when i ran into this extremely annoying orc that after a bunch of "chosen one' bs, some rando knocked me out, force away my followers(Except Sofia. She is ok with slavery i guess), and take away all my items while putting me into slavery. Since i never knew about this mod, i was pissed. Very pissed. Tried loading a old save and kill the orc but he is unkillable. After awhile, i got prepared(no items/followers) and ventured into the mod after discovering what it was and seeing how much content it have. Here is what i like:
    1. The locations. Very well designed. 
    2. That bow. You know which one im talking about.
    3. The visuals. I know my enb helped but i can tell even without it, it would look very nice. 
    4. a reason i'll reserved for later

    What i dislike:
    1. The intro. Everything about it sucks. Prehaps if there is another way into the mod i wouldn't be too negative(Actually giving a bit of praise for having more than one way in) but considering there is only one way and that way is to be forced into slavery, it is a negative
    2. The Story. It is mid at best. I never played Morrowind so alot of stuff flew over my head and i never see anything in this mod of any importance except for the fact that I'm a slave, i cant kill anyone(yet), and my ENB settings fighting with the mod. Even then i cant really judge the story too much due to me not truly finishing it in the first place.
    3. The NPCs. I hate them all. They put me into slavery and expect me to understand them when they find out I'm of some importance? Yeah no eat my fireball as i bring the Wrath of the Red Mountain on the whole place and collect some souls for my lonely soul gems.

    I can see this mod as something cool for those into lore and those who played Morrowind but this is not my cup of tea. Considering the fact that moving a single mod can implode my load order(1850+ mods), i'll keep it but overall it is a soild 9/10(4 of the points is from the fun i had in giving everyone free VIP trip to the Soul Cairn Cloud District)
    1. conchetumare321
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      the mod is good, I like the intro except for the damn bug where you walk into a wall for 4 minutes straight but yeah the conversations literally make no sense. I'm supposedly a slave and somehow people treat me well, I was expecting to be treated like trash tbh not very immersive. Maybe they are liberal slave owners. 
    2. Dreadsword
      • supporter
      • 4 kudos
      The "walking into a wall" isn't a bug with AHO. It's caused by True Directional Movement which will break any sequence that forces your character to walk without player input.

      Unfortunately, I don't think it's going to ever be fixed. Author of TDM seems to have abandoned it and there's no fan-made fix. You have to work around it by uninstalling TDM, going through the scripted walking sequence, and then reinstalling afterwards. Also saw some claims that you can avoid the bug by not moving your camera at all before the walking starts but it hasn't worked when I tested it myself.
  7. wingicorn
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    • 0 kudos
    Visuals are beautiful, great acting, excellent new items and new places to explore. But I hate this mod because you marked each of the slave owners as essential, with no way to free the slaves. It was tedious but I manage to kill all the trash npc's slave owners you created, so maybe the ex-slaves will enjoy their undergroud utopia now. I added it to my personal theory of the lore, now we know why someone killed all the dwemer, they deserved it.  I loaded a previous save just so I could go back and kill all the slave owners again.  Wouldn't let me a second time... which made me so angry that I uninstalled this mod. 
    1. hemmingwayorca
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      You have issues ,see a therapist
    2. conchetumare321
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      bro talking about how we free the slaves here I'm wondering how do I enslave everyone
    3. Teaman04
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Get a grip
  8. Jdidoprdelemarku
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    • 0 kudos
    hey guys, my game crashes right after I get smacked by the mill. I have patches and fixes recommended in this thread. Anyone knows what to do please?
  9. JaiGanesha
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    • 1 kudos
    What I don't like about this mod is that Seran's or Inigo's followers follow the player when he is captured.
    1. babayaga515515
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      the description says that you should dismiss your followers before starting the quest
  10. blesch
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Fucking hate this stupid mod. Locking me into a ridiculous, shitty, multi-hour ordeal. At least Dragonborn gave me the OPTION of exiting Solstheim and going back to Skyrim. Nope! Not an option here. You're locked in with no escape, against the grain of the rest of the game and almost every other mod and DLC made for Skyrim.

    Terrible. Awful. Do not recommend. And I am actively steering people I know away from this mod.
    1. thoghart
      • member
      • 1 kudos
      Well, I like this mod and include it in every playthrough,
  11. EliteHurrikane
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    Honestly not for me. Looks nice tho, but just aint for me.