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About this mod

A lightly magical, aesthetic overhaul for the College of Winterhold!

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A lightly magical, aesthetic overhaul for the College of Winterhold!

I love the College. It feels like another world, apart from Skyrim! ...sorta.
There's nordic clutter, cobwebs, barrels, hay. Is this a magical institute or a barn?
Are those animal heads on the wall? And what's with the fur rugs?
The place should be enchanted to be warm! Why have dirty old pelts all over the floor?
The whole place says NORDS! I want it to say 

This is an overhaul aimed at giving the College a professional, simple and enchanted look! 
Some rooms are lightly changed, some dramatically. Links:
PC  |  X1  |  PS4
║║ Unique room decorations for each NPC. (Students focused on study, teachers focused on living/practice.)
║║ Starter player room overhauled. Safe storage, player bed, Shrine of Julianos.
║║ Less overgrown courtyard + small garden for Herbology. (Would it kill them to hire a groundskeeper?)
║║ Arcanaeum houses new alchemy/enchanting area. More magical decorations.
║║ Activate the study lecterns for a temporary boost to that school of magic.
║║ Find unique books on the shelves to activate for spell learning experience boosts.
║║ Scrollcrafting station in the Arcanaeum. Take pages from a Spell Tome to craft scrolls of that spell.
║║ Heavily redone Archmage quarters. Focused on authority of the Archmage and living.
║║ All crafting stations (including Spider Scroll station!) and custom storage containers! Plenty of Hearthfire planters.
║║ Hall of the Elements boasts a nifty Enchanted Golem and Magicka-buffing fonts. Practice your spells!
║║ (Only base game spells will give XP without a patch.)

║║ All rooms: Much less random clutter, less "Nord" themed. Simple, professional, clean College!
║║ Idle markers placed intelligently around the college to bring a little more life to the NPCs.
║║ Lots of little decorations to see!
Things To Note
Recommended to be installed on a New Game. If installed on an existing save, the Archmage's bed may say
that it is "owned" at the end of the questline. It's only the text however, and the bed still works as intended.

║║ This will conflict with any mods that alter the College cells. Load MCoW as late as you can in your load order!
║║ If you have furniture in the ground, items in the Arcanaeum marked as "steal" or clipping items
║║ then you have something that touches the College cells. Move MCoW lower!
║║ Yes, there's quite a bit of "free loot". This mod is focused towards roleplaying.
║║ If you were really a student of the college, you wouldn't loot it like a bandit.
║║ If you have any LOD flickering, please use the ESM version in the download section. It's an engine issue with SSE. 
║║ ALL containers in the player starter room are safe storage.
║║ ALL containers in the Archmage's Quarters are safe storage. Even the spider pods.

║║ All quest items are still located in their respective cells. The Unusual Gem is located behind the
║║ Archmage's Desk (if installed on a new game), or in it's original location (if installed on an existing save).
║║ The Illusion spell tomes are still located in their original places, though the Arcanaeum book is now placed
║║ on a small bookshelf rather than the table. It can occasionally fall to the floor, or relocate itself a little bit away.
║║ This is a vanilla issue, and can be read up on here:


Remove items from player storage before installing!

:: Built from the ground up in the Special Edition Creation Kit. ::