Skyrim Special Edition

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  1. MongoMonk
    • premium
    • 58 kudos
    Version 3.45 brings a fine set of bug fixes. Virtually all black face bugs found in the SSE version were fixed. You have to run the lastest SKSE though to get all the bug fixes. All users of older versions ABSOLUTELY NEED to install the optional script file.

    A cool new feature in 3.45 is the option to overwrite custom bodies/textures bundled with follower mods and NPC overhauls. It is now possible to use EBD provided textures/bodies instead.

    If you want to post a bug I need, in most cases, the contents of the files "EBD Summary.txt" and "=--Debug Overview--=.txt" found in "SkyProc Patchers/EBD/SkyProcDebug". Please paste them on some site like and then post the link here.
  2. MongoMonk
    • premium
    • 58 kudos
    Piranha91 has created zEBD! This patcher aims to recreate EBD's features via zEdit. While not all of EBD's features are ported yet, the texture feature is there and much more flexible than what EBD offers. Also patching times in zEdit are much faster.

    Check it out
  3. ATech0x
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    4 or 5 images step by step and u would have saved yourself a million lines explaining. Btw, i dont understand how to make this work
  4. WendalNannernack
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    This mod is not having any effect on my game.  I believe that I installed everything correctly. But when I load up the game there is no change. I took a look at the EBD summary.txt and there are lines saying something like,

    [EBDTexturePack_FemaleHuman]  No valid races found for UNP. Pack will be ignored.

    Does anyone know why no valid races are being found and if it can be changed?
    1. WendalNannernack
      • supporter
      • 0 kudos
      Had to scroll down a ways, but found the solution.

      Needed to install the mod into the right folder.
    2. ATech0x
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      How? Instructions could be clearer really.
      At least with one example.
  5. daphne3359
    • premium
    • 1 kudos
    cant use because i dont fish lol
  6. citronblood
    • premium
    • 133 kudos
    Hi there
    I've been using EBD for a while and for the most part it has been fantastic.
    What I am having a some trouble with is the face textures. At the moment I have a number of packs installed, and I'm using EBD with a whole of bunch of NPC mods, Populated Skyrim, Dawnguard Patrols etc.
    For a lot of the NPCs, especially the ones added by the mods, I seem to have a neck seam problem. The body texture and face texture seem mismatched. I cannot quite grasp why this happens as the texture packs seems to have their appropriate facial textures installed in the 'main' folder.
    Please let me know what the potential issue could be.
    Thank you very much!
    1. Spawnblade
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      I've been working on this same problem for the last 48 hours, and believe I have discovered the solution. I was curious why some of my NPC replacers (the various Bijin mods, PANs, and some other random follower visuals) didn't seem to have any issues, but certain other replacers (Ordinary Women of Skyrim, GMans, and misc followers,) did have issues. Worth noting, is that I had no blocks in place to stop unique npcs, or already altered npcs from being affected (plus, my issue was that the Body textures WERE changing, but the head was not being affected by the script, and instead pointed to default skin texture.) Also worth noting is that the EBD.esp had definitely changed the records and the added skin textures were pointing to the correct directories for each NPC.

      After making a bundle of changes, tinkering with it and seeing which difference between how the mods/npc records/headparts were setup was preventing this, it finally started working for me after I changed the Head headpart entries. Let me elaborate:

      Ordinary Women uses a handful of custom HeadParts with their NPCs. As far as texture seams go, only one matters: The actual head. Most of them point to 0_Ordinary_HeadNord, but there is one for each possible race. Now I did a number of things with this Head Part. I deleted the custom texture path it pointed to, deleted those textures, reran the patcher, etc... But it wasn't actually fixed until I changed the Name entry for the headpart (in this case, 0_Ordinary_HeadNord is the EditorID, and its name was FemaleHeadNord.) When I changed the name FemaleHeadNord to match the EditorID 0_Ordinary_HeadNord (this is how the Bijin mods are, with editorid matching name... same with PANs,) it fixed the issue and they're now being applied. I almost wonder if somewhere in the EBD script it's using Name/EditorID interchangeably, so it's getting confused when they don't match.

      Maybe this is something that can be patched out by the author. Let me know if changing it works for you! Good luck.

    2. sjabr3
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      Spawnblade, thanks very much for your explanation. I'm seeing the same mismatch and would like to try what you describe. I can't seem to find any file named "FemaleHeadNord" in my Skyrim Data directory, though.

      I imagine I'm looking in the wrong place or need to look for it with a tool, but I'm not sure what to try (slowly learning to mod). Can you clarify what I need to do to change the Name entry? Many thanks!
    3. MongoMonk
      • premium
      • 58 kudos
      That's some research you've been doing @Spawnblade. What mods would I need exactly to reproduce this?
    4. Corbaine
      • premium
      • 43 kudos
      I've had a similar experience with Cuyima's brilliant Interesting NPCs overhaul (

      In my case the issue was simple - EBD didn't overwrite the custom FTST head texture records assigned to these NPCs. Once I removed those FTST records, EBD worked perfectly.
    5. MongoMonk
      • premium
      • 58 kudos
      In this case it's a feature not a bug though ;)

      When an NPCs has a custom face texture set EBD should leave the NPC completely alone. The assumption is that the NPC in question was already purposefully modified by another mod.
    6. glittertind
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      Spawnblade, Could this be somewhat related to the issue that happens when modded npcs/ followers that "loose" their EBD given facetextures if you drag them through a load door /cell door? The only way to revert their EBD assets is to reload a save or restart Skyrim.

      Forexample it happens with every NPC modified by botox for Skyrim. It also happens with most followers mods. I cannot say all since I've not tested them all.
  7. 1Roel2Rule
    • supporter
    • 0 kudos
    Would not advice this mod. When Skyproc patcher sees that a plugin is missing a master it just stops working. When you put the name of the plugins master in the adviced block list, then the patch will run, but my game crashed because somehow all the plugins that i excluded in that block list showed up in my mod manager. I know there is a logical explanation for this, but it just is not intuitive. 

    i know that "put it in the blocklist" advice was not from the mod author, but the good man states that he doesn't have time and although i respect his effort for making this mod, skyproc just doesn't load because it says plugins that miss master, but my game just runs fine without these, why does this skyproc patcher cannot do the same.

    Spent an hour to put the names of the plugins in the block list and then 2 hours to figure out why skyrim is crashing. Yup, missing masters. Why did skyproc add plugins when i put it in a block list..
  8. dulcinea14
    • supporter
    • 31 kudos
    I just want to distribute hairs and it looks like the string of successors to this do not. Is this still useful for that purpose or is there something better out there (not SPID wigs!)
  9. Rastasta12
    • supporter
    • 1 kudos
    just come back tried it on vr it just seems to give people permanent black face?
    FIXED: gave admin privileges
  10. HalfbeakWalrus
    • premium
    • 0 kudos
    I remember using this before AE, the synthesis patcher just doesn't live up to it IMO. Granted, I don't know anything about modding, but could the AE problems not be resolved by having it reference a whitelist rather than a blacklist?
    1. aragonit
      • premium
      • 53 kudos
      The synthesis patcher isn't working so well, the standalone patcher is much better.
    2. HalfbeakWalrus
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      It still doesn't have the customizer spell, probably the most useful feature from this mod
  11. UIwolfe
    • member
    • 0 kudos
    is java a must? i dont even know what it is or trust it
    1. doomkittens
      • member
      • 0 kudos
      i agree it asks for your job tittle, the company name that you work for,  and your job's phone number. All of that unnecessary data to make an account is too much if you ask me
    2. Fikthenig
      • member
      • 65 kudos
      You guys are crazy :)
      It doesn't need any of that and java is a requirement for pretty much most programs that you have on your computer currently.
    3. uxnoel
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      lmao kids these days don't even know what Java is.
    4. uxnoel
      • premium
      • 2 kudos
      lmao kids these days don't even know what Java is.
    5. bozebaffer
      • supporter
      • 1 kudos
      Everybody has to start their journey somewhere, old sport. Not everyone spoke fluent 'computer' since birth
    6. RufiohMagnusSeptim
      • member
      • 2 kudos This website is the site where you can download Java, and it doesn't ask for all that unnecessary information either. The website linked to the java in the mod requirements tab sends you to a different java account that asks you where you work, your phone number, your home address etc in order to create an account and download their version of Java. Idk if this was a mistake on the authors part, but this alone will make me not want to mess around with this mod...
    7. fuse2010
      • supporter
      • 6 kudos
      I did have a small  chuckle when ready the op! Seriously though, Java (owned by Oracle - one of the largest and oldest tech companies you've never heard of) is the first real Object-Oriented language and, I would be surprised if it was not already on your PC - if you use your PC for more than just games anyhow. If you're using Windows, go to your Control Panel and look for the Java Icon. You can download it here:

      You won't need a version past 10 unless you actually code. You want to download the Runtime versions, not the SDK or Development versions. 

      Your Java installer file you downloaded is an .EXE file type, it will install Java on your PC.

      A program "executable" written in Java is a .JAR file, i.e., how this mod works. 

      Also, if you want to learn programming Java is a very accessible way to learn programming (along with ANSI C). Java is used extensively in STEM fields, i.e., real STEM fields like engineering and research in the physical sciences. Other than C/C++, Java probably has the most libraries written for it, from Genetics research to comptuer graphics. 
    8. Ardaksoy
      • member
      • 12 kudos
      God I feel old.
    9. SvanlaugVang
      • premium
      • 0 kudos
      I'm pretty sure if you get jdk you'll get jre automatically.
    • member
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    Could some nice gent tell me what java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException:434 means?